1、 教 学 设 计教学设计个人信息 姓名 单位 联系方式设计者 刘秀芬 北京九中初中部 13522390355教学基本信息课题 Unit7 Journeys Lesson 20 Life Is a Journey 学科 英语 学段 初中 年级 九年级相关领域 初中英语教材 书名:义务教育教科书英语 出版社:北京师范大学出版社 出版日期:2015.7. 1.指导思想与理论依据英语课程标准在课程目标总体描述和内容标准上都对中小学诗歌教学提出了具体要求,如:能理解和欣赏一些经典的英语诗歌,在语言的学习过程中,加强语音语调的训练,培养良好的语感,提高学生赏析英文诗歌的能力、启发学生的思维,进一步提高语言
2、综合应用能力。本节课以课标的这些理念为理论依据,设计思想主要体现在以下几个方面: 1. 对诗歌 Life Is a Journey 进行有感情的朗读,培养英语语感,并对学生进行美的熏陶。让学生在反复朗读中,读出诗的节奏韵律,感受韵律美,体味诗中的情感。2. 在对诗歌的赏析中,对学生进行文化意识和德育渗透。英语诗歌是英语知识和英语语言国家思想文化的载体之一,诗歌中蕴涵跨文化交际等方面的知识。本课在整个教学设计中注重让学生从外在形式(诗歌的标题、作者、诗的小节等)和意义内涵(如何理解生命是一次旅行,在旅行中如何去做)两方面欣赏英文诗歌,感受诗歌的美,在诗歌中感受生命的深刻意义。 引导学生欣赏英文诗
3、歌由浅入深,从外在形式到意义内涵循序渐进,从而提高跨文化交际的能力。 3. 鼓励学生大胆写诗,让学生体验合作做诗的快乐。启发学生的思维,模仿 Life Is a Journey,小组进行合作,共同编写一首小诗:Life Is a/an进一步提高学生语言综合应用能力。2.教学背景分析教材分析:1. 本节课 Lesson 20 Life Is a Journey 是北师大版教材义务教育教科书英语初三年级(全一册)Unit7 Journeys 的第二课时,是一节诗歌欣赏课。本课以生活是一段旅程行为主题, 主要讲的是如何面对人生旅行。通过对诗歌内容的学习,使学生在了解诗歌的同时,学会如何欣赏诗歌,如何
4、面对生命的旅行。 2. 本课对教材做了以下的处理和拓展:先从学生熟悉的话题“Journey”导入,之后了解诗歌的外在形式(诗歌的标题、作者、诗的小节等)然后再进行赏析,对诗歌深层意义内涵进行挖掘,最后合作编写一首小诗,达到语言综合应用的目的。学情分析:学生在初中阶段很少接触英语诗歌,会让他们觉得很新鲜,对这首诗会很感兴趣,所以会有很高的学习热情。但同时也会存在不知道怎样去学习这首小诗,对诗歌的外在形式和意义内涵都会存在很大疑问,如何去仿写一首小诗也会有很大的挑战。 3.教学目标(含重、难点)教学目标:1、 能够在朗读中感受英语诗歌及语言的优美,体会英语诗歌中渗透的情感 。2、 能够正确分析诗歌
5、的外在形式,体会生命是一次旅行的深刻含义。3、 能够谈论生活,并小组合作仿写一首小诗。4、 能用积极乐观的心态看待生活中的起伏。重点:能够正确分析诗歌的外在形式,体会生命是一次旅行的深刻含义。难点:能够谈论生活,并小组合作仿写一首小诗。突破途径:从诗歌的外在形式,如标题、作者、诗的小节等到诗歌深层意义内涵进行挖掘来逐一分析。为学生提供一篇范文 “life is an adventure” ,让学生小组合作进行仿写。3.教学过程环节设计 教师教学活动 学生学习活动 设计意图Step1 Warming-up(2)Show some pictures about journey. Help the
6、students consider:Look at the pictures, and talk about the journeys that they have taken.通过图片,把学生带进本课的话题,目的是激起了学生的学习兴趣。Have you ever taken a journey?What kind of feeling do you have about a journey ?Step2Pre-Reading(4)Help the Ss talk about the following question:Life is often compared to a journey.
7、 In which ways is life like a journey? Then encourage the Ss to discuss with their partners. What is life?Do you enjoy your life now?What attitude do you have for your life?Discuss with a partner and exchange their ideas. 帮助学生架起人生与旅行之间的桥梁。The 1st ReadingAsk the students to read the poem and help the
8、m consider the following questions: What could another title for the poem be? And why? Read the poem and choose another title for the poem .Talk about the reason.初步理解诗歌,思考诗歌的中心大意。找出与诗歌题目相近的标题,并说明理由。Step3 While-Reading(14)The 2nd ReadingAsk the student to read the poem again and complete the table ab
9、out the poem.Help them to learn about the five parts of the poem. (Activity 3)Read the poem again and complete the table about the poem.Learn about the five parts of the poem.通过填写表格,帮助学生分析诗歌的构成,从诗歌的外在形式上(标题、作者、诗的小节等)进行赏析。The 3rd ReadingAsk the student to read each verse and talk about its main idea,
10、 and then choose the summary for each verse.(Activity 4)Read each verse and talk about its main idea.Choose the summary for each verse.通过对诗歌的每个小节大意的总结,体会诗歌中四个小节之间的关系。The 4th ReadingAsk the students to read again and get them to answer the questions about the poem.(Activity 5)Help them discuss their
11、ideas about the theme of the poem. . Read and answer the questions about the poem.Discuss their ideas about the theme of the poem. . 通过对诗的每个小节问题的回答,深入挖掘诗歌的意义内涵。The 5th ReadingGet the students to read the poem aloud after listening to the recording.Read the poem aloud after listening to the recording
12、.跟读并模仿录音,纠正学生的发音,同时训练语音语调,并感知英文诗歌的韵律美。1. Have the students discuss the following questions in pairs:What do you think of the metaphor in the poem ? Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not?Pair work :Present their opinions about the metaphor in the poem. 在本诗中,作者把 Life 比喻成 a journey,学生就这个比喻用法来谈谈是
13、否同意作者的观点,并说出理由。Step4 Post-Reading(24)2. Get the students to use other metaphors to Use other metaphors to describe life.用其他比喻手法来描述一下生命是什么。describe life.Life is a/an _ (race, song, adventure, book )Life is a/an _3. Get the students to work in groups . Use their ideas to write a short poem about life.
14、Give them a sample poem before they write. (Life is an adventure.)Work in groups of four to write a short poem about life. Follow the sample poem if necessary. 让学生在自我创作中能够体味到成就感,陶冶情操,锻炼语言能力,增强对英语学习的兴趣和自信心,达到综合运用语言的目的。 4. Get the students to act out their poems in front of the class. Act out their po
15、ems in front of the class. 与大家分享小组共同创作的诗歌。5. Have them to enjoy a poem-Life is a journey - Written by Jack London make and Enjoy a poem-Life is a journey运用本课所学欣赏诗歌的知识,再赏析一首由杰克伦敦写的诗“Life is a journey ”,1. Polish the poems in groups .Polish the poems in groups . 课外延伸,在听说的语言训练基础上,强化写作的练习。Step 5homework (1)2. Try to search more poems about life and enjoy them. 拓展学生视野。
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