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北师大版英语五下 教学设计.doc

1、一,根据汉语意思,写全单词h-l-day 节日,假日 cla- 一节课 v-st 拜访,看望 tu-day 星期二 tmrrw 明天 快,迅速- 迟,-晚-日记,日志- 读书-开始- 钱- 足够- 科学 - 关闭- 去看电影 - 博物馆- 去购物-乘公共汽车- 看电视- 请原谅- 早饭- 午饭- 晚饭- 总是- 从不- 通常- 有时- 常常- 上床睡觉- 起床- 游乐园 ams-mnt park 遥远- 骑,乘- 晴朗的- 阳光充足的-多云的- 阴雨的- 下雪的- 刮风的-二,选择1,We go to school( )Monday. A. at B on C. in 2.( )worry,w

2、e can heip you. A.Not B.NO C Dont3I often go to the park( )my uncle on Sunday. A.from B.on C.with4.Ken ( )to the supermarket on Saturday. A.go B ,does C.goes5.( )time is it? Its eight oclock. A.Who B.What C. Where6.Its eight oclock. Its time ( )go to school .A for B to C of7.Its nine oclock ,Ann is

3、late ( )school. A for B to C of8 On Monday ,Ken goes to school ( )7:00. A on B in C at 9.( ),Ann,what time is it? A Im sorry B Dont worry C Excuse me10( ) do you go to school ? I usually go to school at 8:00. A What B Where C When11 Ann and Ken often go to the park -the afternoon. A on B in C at12He

4、 is a good boy .He-sleeps in class.A never B often C usually13 You are very late ,Lucy.( )A Im sorry ,my watch is broken.B Dont worry ,were fine C You cant be late.14 Today is Sunday ,( )we go to a movie ? A Do B Let C Shall15 My father usually goes home -bus. A on B by C in 16( )is the ticket ?Tts

5、30yuan.A What B How many C How much 17. The doctor ( )to work at 9oclock in the morning. A go B is going C going 18Its going to ( )sunny tomorrow. A For B is C be19 Lets ( )to the park and play there. A go B going C goes20What are they doing ?( )A They are play football .B Theyre playing football C

6、They re play football三连词成句 ,to football, are, going , they2.this, be ,going, is ,it ,to ,afternoon3.has, enough, she to, park, time, go, the .to4 have, Enghlish, to, its ,class, time5 goes, store, the, afternoon, he, the, in, often, to6 do, go, they, what, to, every, time, day, school7eat, Wan

7、gling ,does, when, breakfast8and, Ann, go, to, the ,park, on ,Ken, , Sunday9 horses, arent ,tomorrow, we, ride, going to10 is, going to, it, sunny, tomorrow ,be四完成句子,每空一词。1,这个周末我要去看我的爷爷奶奶。Im - - - mygrandparents thie weekend.2 看那些黑云,快要下雨了。Look at the - -!It is - - -.3 明天你打算留在家里吗?-you - - - -athome tomorrow?4 今天下午天气将会晴朗。Its going to - - this -.5. 周末我起得很晚。I usually - -late on the weekend.五根据实际情况用英语表达,注意词序和标点,手写字母要大写。1. 你通常什么时候起床?When2. 星期日你常常干什么?What3. 今天下午天将变晴。Its4. 你总是在 12 点吃午饭吗?Do5. 迈克正在干什么?他正在踢足球。What6. 我们去公园好吗?Shall

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