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1、Unit 7 Today is Monday(第一课时)教学目标:(1)在故事中学习询问星期几所做事情的功能句型,学生初步感知句型的含义及用法。(2)在句型中学习表示星期的单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,能够在句型中加以运用。(3)了解故事大意,能尽可能多地运用英语来表述故事。教学重点:学习表示星期的单词,能够理解询问星期几所做事情的功能句型。教学难点:发音:Thursday,能尽可能多地运用英语来表述故事,发展学生的语言表达能力。教学准备:配套光盘,日历,教学卡片。教学过程:一、Warming

2、-up 师:Oral English:How many days are there in a week?Which day do you like?二、Preview师:1. ask the children what they do on Monday.(go to school)Do you go to school every day?2. present the word “every”explain its meaning. Listen and repeat it.3. show a diary and explain “diary”ask, “Do you go to scho

3、ol on Monday?” /Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday.三、PresentationActivity1:1)show the picture7, elicit the children look and answer, 师:“How many people are there?”师:“who are they?” 师:“where are they?” 师:“What happened can you guess?”Activity2:Only listen this story and answer:What did

4、 you here from this story?Activity3:learn this story1)watch the flash about this text.2)picture1:Where are Ken and Ann going ?3)picture2/3/4: what happening Now? 4)4)picture 5/6: Does Mocky look happy?5)Show the picture 7/8What do you think Mocky is happing Now? Why?6)show the picture9:what is Ann g

5、iving to Mocky?7)show the picture 10:What is happening now?Activity4:Have the children open their books, listen and repeat.Activity5:Play the tape again Discuss:What do you know from this story?四、Practice1、Read this text in group.2、Read text in class.3、Act out.Unit 7 Today is Monday(第二课时)教学目标:(1)学习星

6、期名称的词汇,通过词汇的学习让学生对熟悉的感兴趣的知识能够在情景中理解运用。会利用星期进行交流。(2)能够拼写本单元关于星期词汇的单词并能够在理解的基础上以小组的形式表演全部或部分故事内容。(3)通过故事的学习,培养学生在日常生活中正确把握学与玩的关系。会自己制作安排一周的活动。教学重点:关于星期词汇的学习,及几个常用的名词的书写,如单词开头的大写,都以-day 结尾,对学生的学习方法进行指导教学难点:是学生在理解词汇意义的基础上结合故事内容,了解词汇的用法,然后进行模仿,并注意词汇书写形式的把握。灵活运用所学习的语言交际用语进行口语交流。教学准备:配套光盘,日历,教学卡片。教学过程:一、Wa

7、rm-upPlay the song about ,Lets sing二、Preview1.Free-talk师:What day is it today?师:What do you do on Monday?师:Which day do you like best?2.guess:师:Which day does Mocky like? Why?三、PresentationActivity1:师:What day is it today?生:Today is .师:What day is it tomorrow?Activity2:1. show the words about this U

8、nit7.Read after teacher.Activity 2: show the pictures about the new words.Encourage the children describe the pictures.What can you see in the picture? / Can you introduce this picture? What day is it today ? What do you do on Monday?activity3:listen to the tapeactivity4:look at the diary and answer

9、:what does Ken do on Monday, February 四、Practice1.look at the picture about page4 ,what do you know? the tape and have the children listen and3.numbers.五、Lets singLets sing.What is the meaning of the song?Listen and repeat.Unit 7 Today is Monday(第三课时)教学目标:(1)通过对话和阅读教学,让学生在故事的基础上着重学习本单元的句型结构及注重

10、情景创设,让学生在真实意义的语境中理解。(2)观察插图,理解阅读短文的内容及能够在理解短文的基础上根据要求完成练习。(3)通过短文的学习,培养学生养成快速、不出声阅读的习惯,同时学会安排自己的一周的活动。教学重点:学习本单元的句型结构,学生能够做替换练习,正确的迁移所学的知识教学难点:灵活运用所学习的语言交际用语进行口语交流。同时要学会带着问题阅读,完成任务。教学准备:配套光盘,日历,教学卡片。教学过程:一、Warm-upPlay the song about ,Lets sing二、PreviewShow the cards about this part.2. 师:what day is

11、it today?师:Do we have English corner today?三、PresentationActivity 1:Talk together Look at the picture And elicit the children say the names of the characters andanswer“who are in the pictures ?师:What day is it today in the picture ?师:Does he have English corner today ? 师:What are the boy and girl a

12、talking about ? ”Activity2: Mikes week Today we will read about a boys activities in a week .ask the children look at the picture and talk about the activities in the picture.Answer the questions:What does Mocky do on Monday?Read and write the questions。四、PracticeRead the sentence at page 6Listen an

13、d MatchStudent Book page 6 Listen and MatchShow your copy of the page .Point to the each picture and have the children tell you what each person does. For example “What does Ann do on Monday?She goes to the library . Unit 7 Today is Monday(第四课时)教学目标:(1)语音和句型归纳,Sounds and letters 是语音学习内容,通过学习,让他们学会自己

14、尝试进行拼读和发音规律的归纳。 (2)Uncle Books Blackboard 是对单元主要的总结与概括,让学生学会内容的应用,掌握本单元的重点句型。让学生在交际的情景中运用,培养学生的语用能力。观察插图,理解阅读短文的内容及能够在理解短文的基础上根据要求完成练习。(3)能够拼写本单元关于星期词汇的单词并能够在理解的基础上以小组的形式表演全部或部分故事内容。(4)通过故事的学习,培养学生在日常生活中正确把握学与玩的关系。会自己制作安排一周的活动记事薄。教学重点:学生独立完成对语音单词发音规律的总结与归纳,对重点句型的运用。教学难点:学生发音的准确性,和应用语言进行交际的能力培养教学准备:配

15、套光盘,日历,教学卡片。教学过程:一、Warm-upPlay the song about ,Lets sing2、PreviewTry to retell this story.Show some picture and ask,“what day is it today?” “What do we do on Tuesday?”三、PresentationActivity 1:Ask children open their books p8,look at the pictures and try to read the words.Remind the children pay atte

16、ntion to the part of the line.2)Play the tape have the children think the differences of the words.3)explain “ow” “ou” have same Pronounce in the words.4)Listen to the tape And repeat.Activity 2:1)Have the children pay attention to the middle of this page. Tell the children there is a word that does

17、nt belong. Can you find out?2)Listen to the tape and find out from the second line .then circle it .3) Ask the children listen and point.Activity 3:Read with Uncle Booky.四、Practice1.p9 Touch, ask and answer.2.Uncle Books blackboardUnit 7 Today is Monday(第五课时)教学目标:(1)本课时进入语言运用和书写活动层面的教学。完成 Match and

18、write 巩固练习。(2) 完成 What does he do on ?问答的书写。(3) 让学生在交际中应用句型结构,从而体验成功的喜悦。 教学重点:学生独立完成看图书写句子的练习。教学难点:从抄写到自主写作的过程对于学生来说是个难点,应用语言进行交际对个别学生来说是难点。教学准备:配套光盘,日历,教学卡片。教学过程:一、Warm-upLets chantwhat do you do ?二、Presentation师:Do we have English corner today?师:What day is it today?师:What do you do on Monday?/Tue

19、sday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday三、PresentationActivity1: Match and writeHave the students open their books P10, read and complete the exercise.2)have the children point to The picture and match.3)practice this questions and answer these questions.4)read and writeActivity2: lets chant:L

20、isten and sayActivity3:Lets find out1)Introduce this activity.2)Read theexample sentenceswhat do you have on Monday?3)show the form and make asurvey:.ask your friend again, “what activities does he/she do every day?四、Practice1.look at thepictures and ask and the article Family.Unit 7 T

21、oday is Monday(第六课时)教学目标:(1) 通过对话和阅读教学,让学生在故事的基础上着重学习本单元的句型结构,注重情景创设,让学生在真实意义的语境中理解及通过语篇的理解,激发学生对语篇的阅读兴趣,让学生对内容有初步的认识。(2) 综合运用学习的语言知识与技能,读懂小故事。(3) 通过故事学习引导学生理解 Peter 的助人为乐的实际。教学重点:综合运用学习的语言知识与技能,读懂小故事。教学难点:综合运用学习的语言知识与技能,读懂小故事。教学准备:配套光盘,日历,教学卡片。教学过程:一、Warm-upSay the chant and sing the song。二、Present

22、ationActivity1:1.tell the students We will listen to a story in this the tape ,have the children the book,listen and read the story, try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.4.try to read this story.Activity2:Self about the the picture.fishy the following sentences.Activity3:Finish the activity

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