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北师大版英语八上《unit 2 making plans》word词汇学习.doc

1、Unit 2 Making Plans1. prepare for 预备 ,为 做准备He is prepar ing for his lessons.他正在预习功课。They begin to prepare for the evening party.他们开始为晚会做筹备工作。We have to prepare for the worst.我们必须做最坏的打算(准备应付最坏的情况) 。2. how about(后接词活动词 ing 形式等)怎么样?How about another cup of tea?再来一杯茶怎么样?How about coming with us to the t

2、heatre?跟我们一起去看戏怎么样?I am going to have orange juice. How about you?我想要桔子汁,你要什么?3.get up 1)起床 2)站起来,起立 At what time do you get up every day?你每天几点(什么时候)起床?I usually get up at six.我通常六点起床。The students get up when their teacher comes into the classroom.老师走进教室时,学生们都起立。 famous 有名,著名He is a very famous

3、football star.他是一位非常著名的足球名星。Columbus is famous for his discovery of America.哥伦布因发现美洲大陆而闻名于世。5.get married 结婚(后接 to, 不接 with)His daughter got married last month.他的女儿上个月结婚了。When did you get married?你什么时候结的婚?She got married to a rich man from her hometown.她同老家的一个富人结婚了。6.go to college 上大学Her father didn

4、t go to college because of the war.由于战争的原因,她父亲没能上大学。He went to college at sixteen.他 16 岁上大学。7.first of all 首先,第一First of all, you must be honest.首先,你必须诚实。First of all let us write down our names on the cards.首先在卡片上写上我们的名字。8.find out 发现,查明,找出You have to find out the answer for yourself.你必须自己去找答案。No o

5、ne could find out his telephone number.谁也查不出他的电话号码。Ill find out where they live.我将查明他们的住处。 the same time 同时;但与此同时,然而They arrived at the theatre at the same time.他们同时到达剧院。He is not honest, but, at the same time, we cannot deny that he is clever.他不诚实,然而我们不能否认他很聪明。10.make sure1)查明,弄清;确定 2)确保;务必,一定要

6、I hear he is going to Qingdao on holiday, but I cannot make sure.我听说他要去青岛度假,但我不敢肯定。Will you make sure that she has returned?请你查明她是否真的回来了,好吗?He looked behind him to make sure (that)no one was following him.他看了看身后,确保无人跟踪他。The old man make s sure that all the lights are off before he goes to bed.这位老人在睡

7、觉前一定要把所有的灯都关掉。Make sure you wake me up at five oclock.你务必在五点钟叫醒我。 on 继续工作;从事(某项工作) ,致力于;研究H e wor ked on the new methods of reaching the moon for years.他研究登上月 球的新方法已有数年之久。She is working on a new book.她正在写一部新书。12.make a mistake (mistakes)做错,犯错误I think youve made a mistake.我认为你犯了一个错误。How did yo

8、u make so many mistakes?你怎么会出了那么多错呢?13.worry about 担心,为忧虑,为着急来We are worrying about her health.我们在担心她的健康。You have nothing to worry about.你没有什么可担心的。Why worry about the future为什么要为将来而忧虑呢?14.ask for help 求援,请求帮助He wrote to friends in Shanghai, asking for help.他写信给上海的友人,请求他们的帮助。They didnt ask for anyone

9、s help.他们不曾要求任何人的援助。 front of 在 的前面There is a park in front of our school.在我们学校的前面有一个公园。He placed the box in front of me.他把盒子放在我面前。My seat is just in front of Marys.我的座位恰好在玛丽的前面。注意:in front of 表示“ 有距离的前面 ”,in the front of 表示 “在的前部”。They were playing in front of the car. 他们在汽车前面玩耍。 (不在车里)He is s

10、itting in the front of the car with the driver.他与司机一起坐在汽车的前部。 (在车里) least 至少There are at least twenty girl students in our class.我们班里至少有 20 个女生。This kind of shirts will cost at least 50 dollars.这种衬衣至少要 50 美元。This is very important. You should at least tell me.这件事非常重要,你至少 应该告诉我。17.speak in English 用英语交谈,讲英语They always speak in English.他们总是用英语交谈。She spoke in German and in broken English.她能讲德语,也会说不通顺的英语。We should speak in English as often as possible我们应该尽量多讲英语。

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