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北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 13《People》word导学案5.doc

1、Unit 13 Lesson 4 First Impressions (5)Tips:Those who have courage to master their lives are heroes.有勇气主宰自己命运的人才是英雄。Learning aims:1. 整体理解文章大意。2. 学习 Before you start 和 skills focus 前三段的重点词组、句型 3. 学习运用第 14 页阅读策略:Making inference or Reading between the linesLearning important points: 1.掌握本课的语言点2. 学习阅读技巧

2、Learning difficult point: 分析句子结构Learning processes:Step 1:学习 Before you start , Read to learn 两部分。A划出词组,理解含义。(A 级)1. be allergic to _ 2. take place _ 3. look up _ 4. make inference _5. the last straw _ 6. read between the lines _ 【知识链接】词组 the last straw 的由来:“the last straw”忍耐的极限(最后一根稻草), 这一词组出自狄更斯的小

3、说 “as the straw breaks the laden camels back“一只骆驼可负担五百公斤重物,但骆驼负载过重时,最后一根稻草也会压断脊背。因此,英语民族往往用“the last straw”用来比喻一个人己经受了许多沉重的负担,终于被最后一点点小小的打击压垮了。B重点句子探究。(B 级)1. The first time I met Tom, he seemed to be allergic to everyone.【导学】the first time 在这里作连词,引导时间状语从句,意思:第一次在英语中有些表时间的短语做连词引导时间状语从句,如 each time,e

4、very time , the first/last time, the moment, the minute, the day, the year, next time, by the time 等。【练习】汉译英:1.我第一次看见他时,就喜欢上他了。_2.他 每 次 来 焦 作 , 总 是 来 看 我 。 _3.他 被 送 到 医 院 时 , 几 乎 快 不 行 了 。_4.我 上 次 见 他 时 , 他 好 多 了 。_2. If necessary, look them up in a dictionary.【导学】if necessary 是省略句式,全句为: if it is ne

5、cessary【拓展】在 when ,while, until, unless, if, once(一旦) 等引导的状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同且从句的谓语部分含动词 be 时,或从句的主谓为it is 时,可以省略从句的主语和动词 be.【练习】汉译英,用省略句式:1. 如果有可能的话,尽自己最大的努力,独立去做吧!_ 2. 当我还是孩子时,我就会背 3000 首诗了。_Step 2: 整体理解把握课文。 Fast- reading (B 级)The main characters in the story are _ and _. They met in the _ for

6、the first time. _ was preparing for an important _ while _was reading and _. _ was angry and left but she left her most important _ behind. _ found the book and returned it to _. They became good_. Step 3: 认真读课文,判断 P15 第 3 题的 5 个句子正误(true or false). (B级)注意运用 P14 的阅读策略 找关键词 Step 4: 做课本 P15 第 4 题:用课文中

7、的词代替句中的斜体字。 (A 级)注意运用根据英语释义猜词义的阅读策略Step 5 : 学习课文前三段,找出下列重点句子,分析句子成份,理解含义,掌握词组用法。 (B 级)Para. 11. The day(that) I met my best friend for the first time, I was full of anxiety. 译文:_【导学】The day 是连词,引导时间状语从句,意思:那天for the first time 首次;第一次。表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语。总结 for the first time 和the first tim

8、e 的区别? be full of _【练习】 1. I came to Beijing _ .2. I knew we would be good friends_ I met herA . the first time B.for the first time C. at the first time D.the first2I was getting more and more annoyed and of course , the more upset I got , the less I was able to concentrate .译文:_【导学】 more and more

9、+ 多音节 adj./adv.原级 ,表示越来越 句是“the +比较级 the +比较级 ”结构, 意为“越越”.注意该句子的语序!【练习】汉译英1. 你拥有的越多,你就会越高兴。_2. 你年纪越轻,学习越容易。_3. 他变得越来越仔细了。_4. 天变得越来越糟糕了。_3. The last straw was when I heard someone singing behind me .译文:_ 4It was a tall girl about the same age as me and she had a big smile on her face.译文:_【导学】此句是由 and

10、 连接的 _句第一个分句中 the same age as me 意思为:_此短语的结构是:the same + 名词 + as +比较的对象【知识链接】a sas和 一样; 此短语的结构是:as +adj/adv 原级+as+ 比较对象如: the same age as me = as +old +as+me【练习】汉译英(一句多译)我的短裙和你的一样长。1._2._5.She was standing with a book in her hands near the “English Literature”section.译文:_【知识链接】with 的复合结构,根据下列例句归纳其结构

11、。1.The children were skating with their faces red with cold._2.The building with the lights on is our classroom building._3. She was standing there with a book in her hands._4. With much homework to do, I cant play with you ._5.With my father fixing the radio set, I gathered the parts for him._6. Wi

12、th the task finished, they went out to play. _P ara. 2 6. The fact that she looked like a sensitive,friendly girl didnt matter.译文:_【导学】此句中的 that 引导同位语从句,不作句子成份,对 the fact 的具体内容进行说明,同位语从句与先行名词是同位等同关系。对比:The fact that she knew is true.此句中的 that 引导_从句,对先行词 the fact 进行修饰限定,that 在从句中作_ 语。【练习】1. I made a

13、promise that I will learn English well._ 从句2.The mother made a promise that pleased all her children._ 从句 Para 37. I picked up my books, glared at her and whispered angrily 译文:【导学】本句是一个主语发出三个连续动作,注意动词间的连接方式。【仿写练习】小明醒来,睁开眼,穿上衣服,走出了卧室。_Step 4: 巩固练习(A 级)完成 Page15 第 5 题Step 5:当堂小结(A 级)词汇及知识点学习重在 背会理解模仿灵活运用,要结合文章语境学习领会,忌只背知识点。总结本节课词组:_Step 7:自我反思:_

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