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1、1英语狂欢会主持词T: together T: Good afternoon, dear teachers and friends, welcome to the English crazy party of Xingguo Primary School. This is a season of cold winter. We would like to spend this wonderful time together!I am the host Miss Xue.(尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,下午好!欢迎大家参加兴国小学英语狂欢会,在寒冷的冬天,我们却满怀热情,愿我们共同度过这一美好的时刻

2、!)Hello! My name is -, I am honored to the host of todays English party. Please actively participate in .Thank you very much!(我是主持人薛老师,很荣幸成为今天英语朗读比赛的主持人!请大家积极参与,谢谢大家!)Hi! My name is Miss zhou. I am glad very much with everyone through this wonderful moment.(我是周老师,很高兴和大家一起度过这一美好时刻!)Now, I have the gr

3、eat privilege of presenting todays judges for this . They are Mr.Gu, director and English teacher.Miss. Yang , team leader and English teacher.Miss. Zhang,English teacher.Miss.Li, English teacher.Miss.Yang, English teacher.Miss.Liu, English teacher.2Please welcome them with warmly applause!(鼓掌!)现在,让

4、我隆重介绍本次狂欢会的裁判员老师,他们依次是顾老师、杨老师、李老师、杨老师、刘老师、让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他们!)Now, we would like to invite Miss yang introduce the rules for this party and declare the opening of the English party, Welcome!现在,我们邀请赵老师介绍比赛规则并宣布英语狂欢会正式开始,大家欢迎!Thank you for your speech.This party is a good opportunity to display our success

5、ful teaching and to show all yourself. So,I hope that everyone will enjoy this exciting party and benefit from it .谢谢 miss yang !这次大会是我们英语教学成果的一次展示和对英语学习兴趣激发的一次好机会。所以,在此希望,每一位同学都能积极参并有所收获!Now, first ,lets sing the English song together. From the students of grade one and grade two.lets warmly welcom

6、e.1. 下面有请一,二年级同学给我们带来英语歌曲大声唱。Thanks all the students.thank you for all the boys and girls.谢谢,谢谢同学们精彩的演唱。2. Now, what we will do next ? Its a game time .lets play a game Word Game : Looking for friends 找朋友游戏规则:我们准备有两堆英语词卡各 20 张,参赛者将其中两堆词卡中一样的找出,直到找完所有词卡,对数最多者获胜。每班 2 人,每次 4 个班33. Word match 词语接力赛4. Nu

7、mber Game 抱抱团游戏 I know we are all excited by the warmly and ardently game. Thank you for your hard work,boys and girls,lets give them a big round of applause And I think our judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.亲爱同学们,我想此时此刻我们都被刚才激烈的游戏所振奋着,震撼着,谢谢他们的拼搏与努力,让我们再给参赛的同学以热烈的掌声!Last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you, all audiences deserve a big round of applause, too.最后,我们还应该感谢热情的观众,给他们以热烈的掌声!Our crazy English party ends. Good bye! See you next time!(我们的狂欢会到此结束,谢谢大家,下次再见!)

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