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本文(重庆市2018 年初中毕业生学业水平暨高中招生模拟考试英语试卷及答案(文档版).doc)为本站会员(hw****26)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

重庆市2018 年初中毕业生学业水平暨高中招生模拟考试英语试卷及答案(文档版).doc

1、重 庆 市 2018 年 初 中 毕 业 生 学 业 水 平 暨 高 中 招 生 模 拟 考 试英 语 试 卷(全卷共九个大题 满分:150 分 考试时间:120 分钟)注 意 事 项 :1.试题的答案书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。2.作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。3.考试结束,由监考人员将试题和答题卡一并收回。第 卷 (共 95 分 )I. 听力测试。 (共 30 分 )第 一 节 (每 小 题 1.5 分 , 共 9 分 )听 一 遍 。 根 据 你 所 听 到 的 句 子 , 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. Go

2、od morning! B. Thank you! C. Nice to meet you, too!2. A. Youre welcome. B. Thats all right. C. Its my pleasure.3. A. Its winter. B. Its Thursday. C. Its rainy.4. A. Theyre new. B. Theyre dirty. C. Theyre pink.5. A. Yes, please. B. Here you are. C. Never mind.6. A. Sorry to hear that! B. Not at all!

3、C. Have a good time!第 二 节 (每 小 题 1.5 分 , 共 9 分 )听 一 遍 。 根 据 你 所 听 到 的 对 话 和 问 题 , 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. At home. B. In the park. C. At school.8. A. He is a teacher. B. He is a doctor. C. He is a driver.9. A. Once a day. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week.10. A. Twenty- eight. B.

4、 Twenty- four. C. Fifty-two.11. A. Peter. B. Frank. C. Lucas.英 语 试 题 第 1 页 ( 共 12 页 )12. A. He is playing the guitar. B. He is shopping. C. He is working.第 三 节 (每 小 题 1.5 分 , 共 6 分 )听 两 遍 。 根 据 你 所 听 到 的 长 对 话 , 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听下面一段材料,回答第 13 和 14 小 题 。13. When will they watc

5、h the movie?A. This Saturday. B. This Sunday. C. Next Saturday.14. Whose uncle works in the cinema?A. Lucys. B. Davids. C. Jasons.听下面一段材料,回答第 15 和 16 小 题 。15. How many students will they choose from each class?A. Two. B. Three. C. Six.16. Which team is Peter on?A. Soccer team. B. Basketball team. C.

6、 Swimming team.第 四 节 (每 小 题 1.5 分 , 共 6 分 )听 两 遍 。 根 据 你 所 听 到 的 短 文 内 容 , 从 A、 B、 C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 正 确 答 案 , 并 把 答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17. Tom went to the middle school when he was_.A. 12 B. 13 C. 1418. Tom always _ to school.A. took the bus B. rode a bike C. ran19. After he got the computer, Toms grade w

7、as _.A. as good as before B. better and better C. worse and worse20. When Tom heard his mothers words, he felt _.A. sorry B. happy C. interestedII 单 项 选 择 。 (每 小 题 1 分 , 共 15 分 )从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目 的 答 案 标 号 涂 黑 。21. My little brother dreams of becoming _ scientist in the fut

8、ure.A. a B. an C. the D. /22. Mrs. Ya ng is _ favorite teacher. Her class is very interesting.英 语 试 题 第 2 页 ( 共 12 页 )A. I B. me C. my D. mine23. I want sweet milk. Put some _ in my cup, please.A. water B. sugar C. salt D. soup24. We like learning Go For It. We have learned _ books these three years

9、.A. five B. fifth C. five of D. fifth of25. Try to spend more time talking with your parents, _ they may not understand you well.A. so B. but C. and D. or26. Now more and more people like to go to work or go to school _ foot.A. on B. in C. at D. by27. _ bad news! We cant go out for a walk today beca

10、use of the heavy rain.A. How B. What C. How a D. What a28. Lots of people in our city _ the old and they usually offer their seats to the old on buses.A. agree with B. worry about C. look after D. laugh at29. My aunt has two children. One is a boy, and _ is a girl. What a happy family!A. another B.

11、others C. the others D. the other30. _is your home from school? About ten minutes walk, so I usually walk to school.A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How often31. I think good health is _ than any other things.I quite agree. Its said that without good health, all the other things are zeroes.A. m

12、ore important B. less important C. most important D. least important32. Chongqing is a very beautiful city like a big garden. Yes, I think so. Because many trees and flowers _every year.A. plant B. are planting C. were planted D. are planted33. Mike, what about seeing the movie Operation Red Sea wit

13、h me this evening? Oh, I _ it already. Its really wonderful.A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see34. Well have an important test tomorrow. Im quite nervous.Come on! You _ worry about it. You have prepared for it well.A. cant B. neednt C. may D. must35. What did Mr. Luo say just now?He said _.A. lig

14、ht travelled faster than sound B. light travels faster than soundC. sound travelled faster than light D. sound travels faster than light英 语 试 题 第 3 页 ( 共 12 页 )III 完 形 填 空 。 (每 小 题 1.5 分 , 共 15 分 )根 据 短 文 内 容 , 从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A man died and was on his way to an

15、other world, either heaven(天 堂 ) or hell(地 狱 ). Whenhe was halfway there, he saw a beautiful, big house. The owner came out and 36 theman to stay and live in the house.The man said: “I have been working hard my 37 life. I have lived a busy life andnow I just want to have a rest. Id like to eat and s

16、leep 38 doing any work.”The owner of the house said: “ 39 so, I believe this is the best place for you. Thereare a lot of delicious cakes and many 40 foods in my house. You can eat whatever youwant without anyone stopping you. And you can rest all the time because nothing needs to bedone by 41 .”“Th

17、at is great! This must be heaven!” the man thought. And he decided to stay in the house.At first, the man felt very happy. He ate and slept all da y. But gradually, he felt a bit lonely andbored. So he went to the owner and said: “Just eating and sleeping every day is very boring. NowI 42 no interes

18、t in this kind of life. Could you help me find a job?” The owner answered:“Sorry, there are no jobs here.” 43 another few months, the man could not stand it anymore and went to the owner again. “I really cant stand this kind of life any more,” he said, “Ifyou do not 44 a job for me, I will go to hel

19、l instead of staying here.” The owner smiled.“What 45 do you think this is?” he said, “Heaven? No. We are in hell!”36. A. felt B. asked C. let D. refused37. A. whole B. all C. real D. young38. A. about B. with C. without D. of39. A. And B. Or C. Unless D. If40. A. another B. other C. beatiful D. els

20、e41. A. you B. him C. me D. her42. A. am B. have C. lose D. become43. A. In B. For C. Before D. After44. A. give B. offer C. provide D. want45. A. place B. thing C. reason D. timeIV. 阅 读 理 解 。 (每 小 题 2 分 , 共 30 分 )阅 读 下 列 材 料 , 从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的 答 案 标 号 涂 黑 。英 语 试 题 第 4 页 ( 共 12 页

21、 )AJ ; B. ; ; C. ; ; D. ; ; V 口 语 应 用 。 (每 小 题 1 分 , 共 5 分 )阅读下面对话,从方框内 7 个 选 项 中 选 择 5 个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。英 语 试 题 第 8 页 ( 共 12 页 )A. What is your most difficult course?B. What else can I do?C. Taking notes in class is also important.D. Whats wrong?E. Its really useful.F. What should I do

22、?G. Youre welcome.A: Hello, Sue.B: Hi, Mark. You dont look well. 61A: Im under great pressure this term. I find it difficult to study.B: Im sorry to hear that. 62A: Math. Its so difficult that I get a headache whenever I think about the math exam.B: Dont worry! Most students fear math because they t

23、hink the class is too difficult.A: 63B: In my opinion, youd better ask teachers for help. Its difficult for students to teachourselves math, which will waste a lot of time.A: All right. But my math teacher is so strict that I fear to talk with him.B: Well, I see. 64 You must listen carefully in clas

24、s.A: Thanks for sharing your learning experience! 65B: I believe you can make great progress if you have a try.A: From now on, Ill try my best to learn this course.第 II 卷 (共 55 分 )VI 任 务 型 阅 读 。 (66-68 每 小 题 2 分 , 69 小 题 3 分 , 共 9 分 )阅读下文并回答问题。Two friends, Tom and Jack, went out for a trip. One day

25、when they were walking throughthe desert(沙 漠 ), they had an argument. Tom hit Jack in the face because of anger. Jack saidnothing but just wrote in the sand: “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”They kept on walking until they found a small lake. There they decided to take a shower.Unluckily Ja

26、ck dropped into the water and it was quite dangerous. Immediately Tom swam tohim and saved him. After Jack felt well, he thanked Tom and cut on the stone, “Today my bestfriend saved my life.”When Tom saw this, he asked Jack, “After I hit you, you wrote in the sand and now you cut英 语 试 题 第 9 页 ( 共 12

27、 页 )on the stone. Why?”Jack replied: “When someone hurts us, we should write it in the sand where wind offorgiveness(宽 恕 ) can take it away. But when someone does something good for us, we must cutit on the stone where no wind can take it away.”If we always learn to write our hurts in the sand and c

28、ut our benefits(受 益 ) on the stone, ourworld will be more and more beautiful.66. Did Jack write in the sand after Tom hit him?_67. Where did Jack write after Tom helped him?_68. Why did Jack write his friends hurt in the sand but help on the stone?_69. What do you usually do when you get hurt or hel

29、p from your friends? Please give yourreason(s)._VII 完 成 句 子 。 (每 空 1 分 , 共 10 分 )根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。70. There are some banana trees on the island.( 改 为 否 定 句 )There_ _banana trees on the island.71. Jake went to the beach with his parents on the weekend.( 对 划 线 部 分 提 问 )_ _Jake go to the beach wit

30、h his parents?72. Not only Laura but also I am going to take part in the tennis match next week.( 改 为 同 义句 )_ Laura _ I are going to take part in the tennis match next week.73. 不要匆忙地做决定,花点时间多想想。(完成译句)Dont make any decision_ a _; take more time to think about it.74. 我 爸 爸 戒 烟 已 经 有 两 年 时 间 了 。 ( 完 成 译 句 )_ two years_my father gave up smoking.VIII 短 文 填 空 。 (每 空 2 分 , 共 16 分 )根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。英 语 试 题 第 10 页 ( 共 12 页 )

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