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2012北师大版七上unit 3《houses and homes》word语法讲解2.doc

1、Unit Three Houses and Homes (2) 一教学内容: Lesson 11 Is there a restaurant near here? Lesson 12 How do I get to the post office? 二. 重 点、难点: 学会问路和指路 I. Words Study 单词学习: park street ice rink hotel department store supermarket opposite mall post office excuse near factory movie theater gas gas station res

2、taurant get to drug mus eum gym bookstore pet shop across from straight past left right welcome II. Expression Patterns 常用的表达方式: 1. 一些常见的地点位置名称 bank police station library department store post office supermarket factory gas station railway station mall hospital restaurant movie theater hotel ice ri

3、nk drugstore shoe store clothing store school museum library video store gym bookstore pet shop 2. 问路的方式 引起话题 Excuse me (1)用来礼貌的表示希望引起别人注意,特别是希望向别人问问题时 Excuse me, but are yo u Mr. Hong? (2)用来向对方表达对于打扰的歉意 Excuse me interrupting, but there is a thing I feel Ive got to say. (3)用“Excuse me”或“If youll ex

4、cuse me”,礼貌的表示你将要离开,或者停止谈 话 “ Excuse me.” She said to Jill, and left the room. Now if youll excuse me, Ive got work to do. (4)用“Excuse me, but”来表示将要反对某人的观点 Excuse me, but I want to know what all thi s has to do with us. (5)在撞到某人或者需要从某人身旁挤过时,用来表示歉意等同于“sorry” (6)可以用来表达对于某些窘迫的事情的歉意 (7)可以用来表示希望对方重复刚才说过的

5、话 询问路在哪里 询问方向的表达方式: 在向别人打听的时候常用“Excuse me”,在向别人提出请求时常用 “Could you?”, 来表示礼 貌,但是不能用 “Can you?” (1)Excuse me, wheres the bus station?请问车站在哪 ? (2)Excuse me, which is the way to the bus station?请问,哪一条是去车站的路? (3)Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus station?请问,你能告诉我车站的路吗? 来 (4)Excuse me, how can I

6、 get to the bus station?请问,我如何能到达车站 ? (5)Excuse me, is there a bus station near here?请问附近有车站吗? 指点方向的表达方式 (1)Go along this street. Walk along this street. Go straight on. 沿这条街走 (2)Take the second turning on the left / right. 在第二个十字路口左(右 )转。 (3)Its about 4 km away from here. 离这大约 4 公里远。 (4)The bus sta

7、tion is along that road on the right. 车站是沿着这条路的右边。 (5)Its next to the police station. 它与警察局相邻。 (6)Its ab out 10 km away. 大约十公里远。 (7)Its quite far / near from here. 离这相当远/近。 (8)Its about five minutes walk from here. 从这步行大约 5 分钟。 如果别人问路的时候并不知道,应该说: Im sorry I dont know. 表示致谢: Thank you very much Thank

8、 you all the same. 3. 表示方向的介词 between and 在和 中间 Its between the hotel and the bank. opposite 在 对面 Jenny had sat opposite her at breakfast. next to 在旁边 She sat down next to him on the sofa. on the corner 在拐角处,如果指街面的拐角,介词要用 on in the corner 在角落里,如:a table in the corn er of the living room,在角落里时介词要 用 in on the left / on the right across from 从经过 They parked across from the Castro Theater.

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