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2012秋人教版英语七上unit 4《where is my schoolbag》word学案2.doc

1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag 课 题 Unit 4 总 课时,本单元第 2 课时 日 期 课 型 New 主备人 复备人 审核人 学 习 目 标 1. Learn the words of this unit (from. Dont to h at) 2. Recite the conversations 1 :ask the positions 2 Ask and guess the position.感知 目标 重 点 难 点 Where is the pictures? I dont know. Are they? Yes, they are No, they a

2、rent 教师活动 学生活动 时间 复备标注 Revis e the words and phrases Follow me to read the words Read and remember t hem. 5 启 动 课 堂 课 堂 导 入 Revise: in/on/under. Rea d the sentences: 1W heres your bag? 2 Wh erere your keys ? Le arn how to show position On the de sk in the dresser under the bed 5 自学方式 Lead to sh ow p

3、ositions 3a,3b Study the pi cture and make conversation On the dresser under the table in the bag 10 自学 文本 学习新知 show their dialogues . Correct their answers. 8 交流 学习 交流 方式 Talk about in groups Make sure all the Ss read the picture and join the activity. 5 知识梳理 Talk about togeth er and Explain in the

4、 bed on the table under the bed 5 技能迁移 Ask them to make sentences. Recite grammar. I dont know Are they on the table? Yes, th ey are/No, t hey arent 5 综合训练 教师引导 _ _ the keys ?_ on the dresser Is the baseball under the table ?Yes, _ _.No, _ _. The keys _ in the drawer. 2 板书 Unit 4 Where is my backpack ? On the dresser, in the drawer under the table 教学后 记

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