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2012秋外研版七上unit1《does it eat meat》word教案.doc

1、外研版英语七年级上 Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does it eat meat? 一、设计简述 针对英语听说课教学,Hamer(1983)提出的“输入、练习、输出之间平衡” 的教学主张:认为首先要让学生有足够的语言输入,通过听觉和视觉大量感知 语言材料,通过多看、多听、多读来接触和理解语言材料的意义、形式结构和 交际功能;其次要让学生将输入的语言材料和相关的知识在多种活动中反复操练、 消化、加工,使之进入长期记忆系统,内化于学生已有的知识结构中;最后要让 学生将贮入的语言材料和知识重新组织,在新的交际情况下以口头或笔头方式 表达出来,把握语言的交际功能

2、,有效地交流信息。输入、吸收、输出,环环 相扣,循环往复,组成有机整体,三者全面兼顾,平衡发展,不可顾此失彼、 有所偏废。 根据英语课程标准内容标准要求,七年级学生能在听说活动中,能听懂 简单的对话并获取特定的信息,就熟悉的话题用简短的英语进行交流;能在教 师的指导下参与简单的游戏以及角色扮演活动;能提供有关个人情况或个人经 历的信息;能利用所给提示(如图片、幻灯片、实物、文字等)简单描述一件 事情;能 在 口 语 活 动 中 使 用 正 确 的 语 音 、 语 调 等 。 基于以上的分析,在本节课的设计中,本着“以生为本”的理念,我们创设 真实的情景,激发学生说英语的欲望,让学生从感知新知,

3、到足够的练习达到 内化过程再到创作,让学生在情境中学习说英语、练习说英语最终能用英语完 成交际和交流,体现“learning through listening and speaking”, “learning through using”, “learning for using”的意图。 二、教材分析 教材的内容分析 新标准英语七年级上册Module 6 The trip to the zoo,Unit 1 Does it eat meat? 以一般现在时第三人称单数做主语的问句及其回答作为本节课的语法重点。通 过对动物的介绍展开听说读写活动,通过北京动物园之行,使学生开阔眼界,增 长知识

4、,同时也为开展后面的活动做了铺垫。 教材的地位及作用 本节课始终以“动物吃什么, ”为话题展开对话,帮助学生掌握一般现在 时第三人称单数做主语疑问句极其回答这个语法重点的运用:通过对话表演, 把所学的知识运用到实际生活中来。这节课是一节听说课,在兼顾听力训练的 同时,更侧重说的能力的培养。因为从素质教育的要求和学习语言的目的看, 初中英语教学应更重视培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。根据英语课程标准 的要求,听说课应侧重培养学生的口语表达能力,体现英语教学的交际性、得 体性、准确性和实践性。因此,本节课更注重培养学生熟练运用所学知识的能 力。这节课每一部分的设计都是由简单到复杂,由易到难。 基于

5、上述的教学目标,我们将教材内容进行了适宜的整改。首先,我们不 难发现 part 2 听力之后的对话不是很能起到很好的对话 沟通作用,我们把 part7 的对话融入这里,A: Does the lion eat meat ? B: Yes, it does./ No, it doesnt. It eats.Does the eat?这样能有效地操练目标句式。此外,part4 根据短文内容 选出合适的词这部分内容,有些词就是 part 3 听力的答案,这样子会失去听力 应有的作用,所以,把 part 4 的环节删除了,而是在听力之前设计猜测动物喜 欢的食物并写下来,降低听力的难度,让不同层次的学生

6、能够有所收获。 三学情分析 学生的收获是最重要的,为此我们的设计首要任务是考虑学生的学习。大 部分学生都在小学初步简单地接触过一般现在时,现在是对这个时态的进一步 巩固和学习。根据七年级学生活泼好动,善于表现自我的特点,我们设计了模 仿表演等课堂活动,以提高他们的学习兴趣。另外,外语学习的遗忘率很高, 应根据遗忘的发展规律,有目的、有计划地组织知识的再现,减少遗忘,增强 学生学外语的信心。因此,对于本课的重点一般现在时第三人称单数做主语的 疑问句及其回答,将在归纳后多加操练。 Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 1 Does it eat meat? Teachin

7、g Objectives: By the end of this session, most students will be able to talk about animals and their foods successfully. This will be achieved by the following A. Words and expressions: animal, bear, elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, zebra, meat, leaves, plants, bamboo, dangerous B. Pat

8、terns Does it eat plants/meat/leaves/? Yes, it does. It eats No, it doesnt. It doesnt eat Teaching & learning Focus: The words about animals, the food the animals eat General question “Does it eat”and answers “Yes, it does. It eats /No, it doesnt. It doesnt eat ” Anticipated Difficulties: Too many n

9、ew words in part 3 may obstruct students from understanding, reading and acting it. Solutions: Recycle and use the new words in different tasks Teaching Aids: PPT, blackboard Teaching & learning Arrangements: Stages& Timing Teachers activities Ss activities 设计意图 Warming-up (About 4 mins) 1. Play a v

10、ideo named we are one before class. 2. Greetings 3. Free-talk 1). Do you like the film? 2).What can you see in the film? 1.Enjoy the song named we are one . 2.Greetings 3.Free-talk Answer the teachers questions. (通过狮子王的 小短片,给学生 创造一种视觉享 受,又能快速地 吸引他们的注意 力,同时较自然 地引出下面有关 动物的话题,为 Presentation (About 5min

11、s) 1. What other animals do you know? (Bb: zebra, giraffe, panda) 1.Tell the animals they know and learn some new animal words. 下面环节的开展 作了很好的铺垫) (用头脑风暴的 方式激活学生思 维,并引领学生 学习新的关于动 物的单词 。以旧 带新,符合学生 的认知方式) Practice (About 18mins) -Listening 1 -Post- listening: -Pre- listening 2 1. Show the pictures and t

12、est if students can say the animal words quickly 2.part 2: (1) ask students to listen and circle the words about animals they hear. (2)ask two questions about the listening 1. Which animal does Lingling love? 2. Which animal does the boy like? (3)Ask students what animals they like and tell the reas

13、ons 3.Show the pictures of the food, such as meat, plants, bamboo, leaves, teaching the characters of the animals and the animals eating habits. What does the tiger like to eat? (Bb: small animals, meat, plant, leaves, bamboo, dangerous, Does the tiger eat? Yes, it does. It eats/No, it doesnt. It do

14、esnt eat ) 4.have a free talk between T-S and S-S A: Does the lion eat meat ? B: Yes, it does./ No, it doesnt. It eats.Does the A: bear elephant giraffe lion monkey panda tiger zebra 1.say the words . 2.part 2 (1)listen and circle the words they hear (2)answer the two questions (3)tell the animals t

15、hey like 3.Learn the new words and patterns. talk (巩固新学的单 词) (以听力练习强 化和巩固新学词 汇;) (谈论学生喜欢 的动物,让学生 根据自己的实际 经验使用目标语 言,并复现相关 的形容词) (单三形式是本课 时的重点。让学 生在目标句型中 学习并且口头操 练有关的食物名 称,突破难点。) (在图片的帮助 下进行半控制性 口头练习) 5. Ask students to guess what the animals like to eat. 5. Guess and write down the food . (作为听

16、力策略, 引导学生做听前 预测,为听力降 低难度) While- listening Post-listening 6.part 3 1) Ask students to Listen and check the answers. 2).ask students to judge who said the following sentences, write letter G for guide, L for Lingling or T for Tony. ( )1. Welcome to Beijing Zoo. Here are the lions. ( )2. Do lions eat

17、meat? ( )3. They eat other animals. Theyre dangerous. ( )4. Its tall. Does it eat meat? ( )5. Are there pandas here? Shall we go and see them. ( ) 6. Yes, lets go. Can you see Lingling? ( )7. Look! There she is. ( )8. Thats very funny. 7).play the tape and ask students to read after the tape 8)ask s

18、tudents to read in roles Animals Food lion bear elephant panda 6.part 3 1). Listen and fill in the chart 2).Judge who say the sentences 7.Read after the tape 8.Read in roles (通过听对话, 帮助学生理解 不同角色所需 要的交际用语, 并帮助学生理 解和掌握对话 内容,为学生 综合使用目标 语言搭建支架。 ) (以升调模仿 为重点,让学 生在模仿的过 程中做语调的 记号,为用正 确语音语调进行 口语输出做准备。 ) Stag

19、eV: task (About 14 mins) 1. Groupwork: Present the picture and ask students to play the role of the guide and the tourists, giving the hints: G: Welcome to. Here is/are Theeats Its./Theyre Lets go to see T: Does it eat? Do they eat? Is it? Are they? Are there here? 1. Play the roles in groups of fou

20、r and act out (此环节通过 小组合作,促进 学生综合运用语 言,在真实语境 中创造性的使用 语言。) Summary&Homework: (About 1 min) Homework: 1. Read part3 3 times fluently(注意升调). 2. Remember the new words and the new patterns. ( panda,tiger,bear, lion, giraffe, zebra, monkey, elephant, meat, bamboo, plants, leaves, dangerous Does theeat? Y

21、es, it does./ No, it doesnt. ) 3. Surf the internet to know where your favorite animal come from. 作为听说课的 延伸,学生课 后需要模音, 帮助提高口语 水平;作业 2 是词汇的巩固 落实。作业 3 为学生的后续 单元的学习做 准备,并提供 机会让学生能 够自主的查阅 工具书,进行 预习和自主学 习。 Blackboard Design: Unit 1 Does it eat meat? animal lovely Does the tiger eat? elephant beautiful small animals monkey dangerous meat panda cute plant tiger leaves giraffe bamboo bear Yes, it does. It eats zebra No, it doesnt. It doesnt eat

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