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2012秋外研版七上unit1《is this your mum》word学案.doc

1、七年级(上)Module 2 My family Unit 1 Is this your mum? 七年级备课组 课型:听说课 授课时间: 序号: 【学习目标】 一、知识目标 1. 能学会并运用指示代词:this, that , these , those 2. 能正确运用名词所有格、人称代词的主格形式和形容词形物 主代词。 3. 能记住并正确运用所学词汇及句型。 二、技能目标:1. 能听懂有关家庭介绍的简短对话 ,辨认对话中的人物关系。 2. 能用指示代词来介绍自己的家庭并询问他人的家庭,如:Is this? /Are these?/Thats/ Those are/Who is ?/Who

2、 are? 3. 能阅读介绍家庭的简单文章并能写出简短的句子来介绍家庭 成员。 三、情感态度与价值观目标:培养对家庭的热爱以及对家庭成员的关心,培养 对家庭不幸的同学的地同情和理解。 【学习重难点】 一、学习重点:1. 熟记词汇 : brother, family, father, mother, parent, sister, son, these, they, mum, dad, who, woman, those, aunt, cousin, daughter 2. 学会句型: Is this? /Are these? / Thats/ Those are/Who is ? /Who a

3、re? 二、学习难点: 能用所学词汇和句型自由介绍自己及他人家庭成员。 【课前延伸】 朗读词汇并根据音标写出单词 【课内探究】 Step1: Talk about Tonys family in pairs.(分组讨论托尼的家庭) Ask them to find the people in the picture and point to the people and make sentences. (This is Tonys father. These are Tonys parents. ) Step2: Listening Listen and check in activity 1

4、 the people Tony mentions. Step3: Listening and reading . Step 4: Reading. A. (速读 )Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer. (读对话选择正确答案) (课本 P9 Activity3) B. (速读)Read the dialogue and find out their positions using words and phrases(读 对话找出表示方位的词和短语): next to, in front of, on the left, on the

5、right. 跟踪练习(用方位词填空): 1. My mums parents are on the _, and my dads parents are _ _ _. 2. The woman _ _ her is my dads sister, my aunt Liz. 3. Mike and Helen are _ _ _Paul. Step 5. Learning the dialogue. Language points: 1. -Is this? 这是吗?-Yes, it is. 是的 2. -Are these.? 这些是吗?-Yes, they are. 3. Thats 那是

6、 / Those are 那些是 4. This is a photo of Tonys family. Tonys 是名词所有格形式,译为托尼的,后面跟名词。 a photo of 一张的照片 5. on the left /right 在左(右)边 next to 在旁边 in front of 在 的 前面 Step 6 Speaking Ss make some new dialogues in pairs using the family tree and show their dialogues.(看课本 P8 家谱图根据实际情况分组编对话并展示对话) 学以致用: 一、Fill i

7、n the blanks(填空) 1. Lucy is a girl. She is her fathers _. 2. Jim is his fathers _. 3.My fathers sister is my . 4. Kates fathers brother is her _. 5. Tims father is my uncle, so Tim is my _. 6. His parents are his _ and _ 7. My grandparents are my _ and_. 二、根据要求,完成下列句子。 1. Is this your mother? (作肯定回答

8、) _ 2. Is Mary your sister? (作否定回答) _ 3. This is my brother. (改为复数) _ 4. Those are my sisters. (改为单数) _ 5. Jim, are, my, Tom, brothers, and. (连词成句) _ 三、根据语提示完成句子 1 多么大的家庭! - - big family! 2 这是你姐姐吗? - - your sister? 3 他们是你的祖父母吗? - - your -? 4 我爸爸的父母在右边。 My - parents are - - -. 5 紧挨着大明的那位女士是他的姑姑。 The woman - - Daming is - -. 【课后提升】 1.、整理课堂笔记。2. 预习 Unit 2.

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