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2013外研版必修二module 6《films and tv programmes》word学案(有答案).doc

1、Book II Module 6 Films and TV Programmers Period Introduction and Reading Jan By : . Warm up : Write down some names of your favorite films. . Make sure you know the meaning of the words in Part and Part Write down the Chinese meaning of the following words. 1. come out 2. star (v.) 3. romantic film

2、 4. thriller 5. martial arts film 6. comedy 7. adventure film 8. amusing 9. fall be in love 10. crime 11. sword 12. film poster . Match the types of films in Box A with one of the words in Box B. The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. 人生中重要的事情就是拥有一个远大

3、的目标以及实现这一目标的决心。 Goethe 歌德 . Fast Reading 1. Read the text and finish Part on Page 52. 2. Choose the best answer: (1) The film review mainly tells us A. how to make the film B. the advantages of martial arts films C. the general story of the film D. the development of martial arts films (2)Which para

4、graph tells us something about martial arts films? A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2. C. Paragraph 4. D. The last paragraph. . Careful Reading 1. Read the text and finish parts on Page 53. 2. Choose the best answer (1)Wuxia films are now A. popular in China, but not acceptable in the west B. popular ne

5、ither in China nor in the west C. popular both in China and in the west D. popular in the west, but Chinese dont like it any longer (2)Mubai thinks he cannot marry XiuLian, because . A. Xiulians fianc has died B. he doesnt love Xiulian C. Xiulians fianc was his good friend D. he had a fight with Xiu

6、lians fianc (3) Which character do the audience care about most? A. Li Mubai. B. Yu Jiaolong. C. Yu Xiulian. D. None of them. (4)The last paragraph aims to . A. introduce the film B. introduce some actors C. advise you to go to see the film D. advise the cinemas to put on the film (5) After reading

7、the passage, most readers will believe . A. Mubai will marry Yu Jiaolong B. Mubai will do nothing to save their love C. Mubai and Xiulian arent in love any longer D. Mubai and Xiulian dont break the traditional rules in the end . Write down the phrases according to the text. 1. 令大家吃惊的是 2、讲述 3、远至 4、有

8、时 5、吃惊地 6、关注 7、扮演的角色 8、电影评论 Module 6 Films and TV Programmers Period Language Points Jan By : . Words and Phrases 1. come out vi. 出现;出版,露出,盛开,开花,说出,讲出。 eg. 1) China Daily . 中国日报天天出上 版 2) 哈利波特是什么时候出版的? 3) The rain stopped and the sun came out. 4) The daffodils came out early this year. 5) Her best qu

9、alities come out in a crisis. 6) The ink stains wont come out of my dress. 2. star v. 任主角;使演主角 据说刘德华在电影天下无贼中任主角。 Andy Liu in the film A World Without Thieves. 3. (much ) to ones surprise The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Roosevelt 罗斯福 令某人高兴的是 令某人伤心的是 令某人恐惧的是

10、4. belong to 此词无 语态,不用于 时态。 1)属于我们的一本书 2)台湾是个岛,属于中国。 5. tell of: tell about 谈论,告诉,讲述 1)我们老师谈论了他的大学生活。 2)他讲述了他在战时的经历。 6. take place 发生,产生,进行,此词无 语态,不 用于 时态。 自从 1980 年以来,我们的家乡发生了很大变化。 意义相似,用法类似的词:take place, / happen / occur / come about break out 7. be in love with 爱着某人(表状态) fall in love with (表 ) 1)

11、Theyve love with each other for 3 years. 2) fall in love at first sight for love give / send ones love to sb. 8. marry vt. 使结婚,嫁,娶 vi. 结婚 n. 婚姻 1) She married a man with a lot of money. 2) She wants to marry her daughter to a well- educated man. 3) He married young. 短语: be married to 表 A 动作 B 状态 get

12、 married to 表 A 动作 B 状态 eg. 4)他们已经结婚十年了。 5)他们十年前结的婚。 9. as far away as / as far as 远至 eg. 1) 他一直走到河边。 2)为迎奥运,他一路骑自行车到北京。 as far as / so far as 就,至于 据我所知 as far as one can as far as sb. sth. is concerned 10. in surprise 吃惊地 高兴地 沉默不语 恐惧地 自 豪地 11. every now and then 有时,偶尔 eg. 他不常写信,但我们的确偶尔会收到他的信。 含义相似短

13、语 , , , 12. care about 关心,注意 1) 她所关心的只是学习成绩。 2)Dont you care about the countrys future. 13. as good as 和一样好;简直是 almost 1)这辆旧车看起来和新车一样。 2)He as good as said am a liar. 3) The matter is as good as settled. 14. It will make your heart leap with excitement at its beauty. at 置于 adj. 或 n. 后,表原因。 (因看到,听到)

14、1)他们对于拖延不耐烦了。(impatient ) 2)老师对我们的表现很高兴。 . Sentence Structures 1. Now, to everyones surprise, Ang Lee, director of a number of excellent films, has made a martial arts film called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 令大家惊奇的是,曾经拍了许多优秀影片的导演李安,现在也拍 了一部名为卧 龙藏虎的功夫片。 用法点拨 句中的 director of a number of excellent

15、films 这是一个 ,补充说明 Ang Lee, 而 called是过去分词短语作 修饰 film. Zhang Yimou, , made a martial arts film called Heroes. 张艺谋,著名的 中国导演,拍了一部功夫片,名为英雄 。 2. As in the old wuxia stories, characters leap through the air every now and then, with beautiful, graceful movements, while audiences shout in surprise. 正如在古代武侠故事中

16、 一 样 , 影 片 中 的 人 物 们 不 时 在 空 中 跳 跃 并 做 出 许 多 优 美 的 动 作 , 观 众 看 到 这 些 时 都 发 出 惊 叫 。 用法点拨 As in the old wuxia stories 是一个 ,其中省略了 。 正如加拿大一样,中国各地的气候也是不相同的。 3. Unusually, it is the female characters that interest us most. 不寻常 的是,女角色最 令我们感兴趣。 It is that 这是一个 句型,强调主语 female characters. 强调句结构: . 明天 给我们讲课的是王

17、老师。 小明是在演讲比赛中得了第一名。 随练:I dont mind her criticizing me, but is how she does it that I object to. A. it B. that C. this D. which 4. Brave, good and strong, Xiulian is the character we care about most. 我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢,善良,坚强。 用法点拨 brave, good and strong 在此处是形容词作主补,用来描述俞秀莲 这个角色。 . 所有的学生都 坐在教室里,静悄悄的。 .他上床

18、睡了,又 冷又饿。 . 这个小女孩兴 高采烈地跑向她的父母。 Module 6 Films and TV Programmers Period Grammar Adverbs Jan By : 、副词的位置 1、修饰 adj. 或 adv. 前置, very good / well 2、修饰 v. 后置, do well 3、频率 adv. 位于系动词/助动词 /情态动词之前,实义动词之 后。 He is always late. He often comes late. 4. enough 修饰 adj. / adv. 后置 He is old enough to join the army

19、. I dont know him well enough to borrow money from him. 5、特殊 adv. 与冠词的位置 . Exercises quite a good student a very good student rather a good student = a rather good student a fairly easy book too / so good a student that difficult a question 1. How about your trip to Qingdao? It couldnt have been . S

20、ometimes I went swimming in the sea; sometimes I lay on the sand, bathed in sunlight. A. so well B. as bad C. better D. worse 2. These problems are different in nature, so you must treat them . A. totally B. specially C. extremely D. separately 3. I wonder why Mary is so unfriendly to us. She is tha

21、n unfriendly, Im afraid. A. shyer B. much shyer C. shy more D. more shy 4. His job was than we all had expected. A. by far the best B. very better C. more better D. far better 5. Of the two toys, the child chose . A. the most expensive on B. the less expensive one C. a less expensive one D. the most

22、 expensive of them 6. The house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for years. A. little white wooden B. little wooden white C. white wooden little D. wooden white little 7. Nothing in my life has meant to me as his praise. A. as much B. more C. that much D. as good 8. Are you satisfied with her ans

23、wer? Not at all. It couldnt have been . A. worse B. so bad C. better D. the worst 9. The trumpet was certainly loud. But I wasnt bothered by his loudness by his lack of talent. A. than B. more than C. as D. so much as 10. Fifty years ago, wealthy people liked hunting wild animals for fun sightseeing

24、. A. than to go B. rather than go C. more than going D. other than going 11. Radio, television and press of sending news and information A. are the most common three means B. are the most three common means C. are the three most common means D. are three the most common means 12. Our new house is ve

25、ry for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. A. adaptable B. comfortable C. convenient D. available 13. The shy girl felt and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions. A. amazed B. nervous C. curious D. amused 14. Im not sure whether I can gain any profit from the inve

26、stment, so I cant make a(n) promise to help you. A. exact B. clear C. definite D. sure 15. It is reported that adopted children want to know who their natural parents are. A. the most B. most of C. most D. the most of 16. These goods are for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home marke

27、t. A. mainly B. completely C. necessarily D. most 17. I used to smoke but I gave it up three years ago. A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. severely 18. The organization had broken no rules, but had it acted responsibly. A. neither B. so C. either D. both 19. Apart from those four workers, Ill need

28、four more, sir? As you like, were sure to have more laborers than you nee. A. many B. much C. a lot of D. quite 20. I wont pay 200 dollars for the coat; its not worth . A. all that much B. that all much C. that much all D. much all that Module 6 Films and TV Programmers Period Listening, writing and

29、 everyday English Jan By : Reading and Listening 、Do Ex 2, 3. . Language Points. 1. Do you agree or disagree that advertisements are entertaining? entertain vt. 使娱乐,使欢乐,招待 entertain sb. (with sth. ) 使某人快乐 eg. 他给我们讲故事,说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。 He us for hours . 她经常在业余时间听音乐取乐。 entertain sb. (to sth. ) 招待,款待某人

30、eg. Bob entertained us to dinner last night. entertainment n. 娱乐,招待,款待; entertaining 有趣 的,使人娱乐的 eg. 一部有趣的电影。 一位风趣的客人。 2. Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch? argue with sb. about / over sth. 与某人争论某事。 他与出租车司机就车费争论。 eg. argue for / against 赞成,反对 All of us argue for / a

31、gainst the suggestion made by the manager. argue that 从句,主张,认为(一个观点) Ruben opposed the new road, arguing that it wasnt worth $25 million to cut seven minutes off drivers journey times. 辨析: 3. Whats the difference between the two forms? relaxing tired boring relaxed tiring bored interesting intereste

32、d Everyday English a short space of time the thing is whats on absolutely good for you: (used when congratulating sb. ) 用以祝贺某人 well done! eg. She passed the exam? Good for her! absolutely ! 确实,一点不错。 (used for showing that you agree with what someone has just said or used in answer to a question) eg.

33、 Do you agree? Oh, absolutely! She really is beautiful woman. Oh, absolutely! argue 争论,辨论,重在自己的立场、看法、提出论证企图说服别人。 quarrel 争吵,吵架,由于对某事不满而生气,同某人争吵。 She quarreled with her brother about the money that their father left. They programme gives people a chance to argue their ideas. Module 6 Films and TV Pro

34、grammers Period Cultural corner Jan 1. Which film made Spielberg win an Oscar? A. E. T. B. The Indiana Jones Trilogy C. Jurassic Park D. Schindlers List 2. Spielberg became the greatest American film director because . A. he showed his ability when he was young B. his film won an Oscar C. he made mo

35、re successful films than others D. for many gears, he couldnt make a mistake 3. Which is his full-length film? A. Sugarland Express. B. Firelight. C. Ambling. D. E. T. 4. Which is wrong? A. Jurassic Park is a film about dinosaurs. B. Some of his late films have been successful C. His first film is a

36、 15-minute home movie D. Compared with other directors, he understands the meaning of the word “entertainment ” more 5. Translate the following. But it is generally agreed, that he more than anyone else in the history of films, understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”. Module 6 Films and

37、TV Programmers Period Cultural corner Jan By : 1. Which film made Spielberg win an Oscar? A. E. T. B. The Indiana Jones Trilogy C. Jurassic Park D. Schindlers List 2. Spielberg became the greatest American film director because . A. he showed his ability when he was young B. his film won an Oscar C.

38、 he made more successful films than others D. for many gears, he couldnt make a mistake 3. Which is his full-length film? A. Sugarland Express. B. Firelight. C. Ambling. D. E. T. 4. Which is wrong? A. Jurassic Park is a film about dinosaurs. B. Some of his late films have been successful C. His firs

39、t film is a 15-minute home movie D. Compared with other directors, he understands the meaning of the word “entertainment ” more 5. Translate the following. But it is generally agreed, that he more than anyone else in the history of films, understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”. Module 6

40、 Films and TV Programmers Period Jan By : .单词拼写 1. The (人物)in his new play are amusing and interesting. 2. This painting is one of the (杰作)of Qi Baishi. 3. That film was so (令人感动的)that most of the audience present couldnt help tearing. 4. We all think (广告)are boring. 5. I (偶尔)go to the cinema and se

41、e a film. 6. The president made a very e (有趣的)speech. 7. Have you ever a with your family about which TV programme to watch? 8. He crossed the river by l from stone to stone. 9. The (优雅的)dance danced to music at the party. 10. There are new p about the film called Harry Potter on the wall. . 选词填空(用所

42、给词语的正确形式填空) 1. Im eager to know when your new book will . 2. all the students, the sports meeting is put off because of the bad weather. 3. The evening party will on New Years Eve. 4. He his daughter a businessman. 5. , we will have an exam tomorrow. 6. Farming in our country at present. 7. He was v

43、ery hungry. He a piece of cake. 8. He goes to the movies with me. 9. He can in good clear English after four years hard study. 10. How many films did he in his life? 、单项填空 1. He has been out of danger, of his friends. A. to their much delight B. to the much delight C. to much their delight D. much t

44、o the delight 2. We dont know that these languages to the Latin family. express oneself, play an important part, marryto; occasionally, direct, to the surprise of, reach out for, come out, take place, as far as I know A. belong B. belonging C. to belong D. belonged 3. Great changes in the city, and a lot of factories . A. has been taken place; have been set up B. have taken place; have been set up C. have taken place; have s

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