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2013年小学英语PEP人教版六年级下册《Unit2 What's the matter Mike》word版教案.doc

1、宁海县小学英语教学设计与评议 上课时间 上课地点 评议者_ 课题 PEP Book8 Unit2 第一课时 课型 新授单词 执教者 陈文思 教 材 分 析 本课时主要讲的是 illness. 让学生通过学习掌握几种病痛的说法,以及知道如何 询问他人身体状况。几个词组的读法和拼写较难记忆,需要多加重复。 教 学 目 标 1能够听、说、读、写单词和短语:have a cold, have a toothache, h ave a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore throat. 2能够听、说、认读句型:Whats the matter, Mike?

2、 I feel sick. I have a fever.并进行关键词的替换操练。 教 学 重 点 1掌握 A Lets learn 的四会单词和短语,并询问别人的身体状况。 教 学 难 点 1.sore throat 和 toothache 的发音. 2正确拼写四会单词和短语。 教 具 准 备 课件、词卡、句条、头像等。 设计意图 教学过程 评议分析 让学生直接扮演动 物,可以同第一人 称直接进行交流。 从歌曲中 apple 自 然引入主情景 (课前 5 分钟将学生分配好小组,打招 呼让学生知道自己的角色,同时边放 an apple a day 的音乐) 一、warm-up Sing a s

3、ong “an apple a day”(节奏有 快有慢调动气氛) 二、presentation (一)教学 Whats the matter? I feel sick. My leg hurts. 1、T: Do you like eating apples? Ss: Yes, I do. No, I dont. 2、 (出示水果、冰淇淋、热狗) Do you want to eat them? So lets have a picni! 根据故事情节逐一 进行教学连接。 歌谣巩固前面三句 新内容。 贪吃的后果,插入 情感教育 3、T: Look! QQ, Monkey, Bear, who

4、s not here? Ss: Rabbit. T: Where is Rabbit? Ss: At home. T: Whats the matter? Because he feels sick. His leg hurts. 4、出示句条教读 Whats the matter? 5、T: Lets ask Rabbit together. Ss: Rabbit, rabbit, whats the matter? (PPT 中会有声音回答 I feel sick.) 6、I feel sick.教读 T: Rabbit, Rabbit, whats the matter? Ss: I f

5、eel sick. (师问生答进行操练。) 7、 T: Because(PPT 声音 My leg hurts. 教学。 ) (二)Chant(OK, rabbit feels sick. So lets make a chant for him! First, read it and clap your hands OK, are you ready?配音) (三)教学 have a toothache 1、T: Well done. Good chant. OK,you know rabbit feels sick, he cant come. So lets begin our picn

6、ic, OK? 2、T: Id like some apples. What would you like? S: Id like some请几个学生 回答。 3、T: Look, Monkey likes ice-cream very much. He can eat one, twoseven ice-creams. Is he OK? Ss: No T: So, lets ask Monkey together! Ss: Monkey, Monkey, whats the matter?) 4、录音出示 I feel sick. I have a toothache. 请学生试着来说说。

7、 T: Whats the matter, Monkey? S: I feel sick. I have a toothache. T: Great! Look! (PPT 分音节出示词组,让学生拼说, 卡片带读,然后生拼师板书) 5、Dont eat too many ice-creams! 巩固所学词汇 句型和词汇整合 和生活实际相联系 (四)教学 have a cold, have a sore throat, have a fever, have a headache. 1、T: Monkey feels sick. So he cant eat any more. QQ likes

8、apples, Bear likes hot dogs. But after a whileWhats the weather like? (下雨 了 What a heavy rain! We must go back home. Yes? Ss: Yes. ) 2、T: Next day,what happened? Can you guess? Ss: They are ill? T: Maybe! Lets have a look! 3、T: Is QQ OK? Ss: NoSo lets ask him together. Ss: QQ, QQ, whats the matter?

9、录音回答 I feel sick. I have a cold. 询问生回答。 4、T: How to spell “cold”? S: c-o-l-d. (教读卡片,学生拼读,师板书, 师 生问答。) 5、T: Because of the bad cold, listen! He coughed and coughed. He goes to the hospital. (边放咳嗽的声音) T: QQ, QQ, whats the matter?师自己问,录音 回答。 6、T: QQ said: I have a ? Ss: Sore throat.(让学生听音试说 ) (逐个音节出示,教

10、读,卡片指读, 板书词组可以让个别学生闭眼说说看, 问几个 QQ 师问生答。 ) 7、整合 sore + throat = sore throat sore + nose = sore nose 8、T: QQ has a cold and he has a sore throat,too. How aout Bear?引出 9、T: Is Bear OK? Ss: No! T: So who can ask Bear, Bear, whats the matter? 或者 Lets ask Bear together! Bear, Bear, whats the matter?录音回答 (出

11、示 have a fever 各音节教读合成, 卡片指读,板书让学生闭眼说,师写。 T: Close your eyes and spell it!) 10、T: Because of the fever. Listen and look, whats the matter with Bear? (直 接出示录音,让熊学生回答) S: I have a headache. T: Can you spell head? S: h- e-a-d, head. T: Great! 听读复习 先是拼说四会词 阅读对话回答 表演使学到的知识 得到输出巩固 阅读文章进行整个 词组填空,增强难 度 (教学

12、headache,卡片指读,生拼说师 板书。) 11、整合 head+ache=headache, tooth+ache=toothache, ear+ache=earache, stomach+ache=stomachache 三、Practise (一)闪现词组复习 (二)Chant T: Good job! You got the phrases,so lets make a chant! First, listen! (让学 生试听一遍,然后说) (三)Go to the hospital or the post office? S: Im XXX, I have a , I need

13、 No.1.(让学生根据 PPT 提示,说连 线。 ) (四)听录音跟读所学的句子和词组。 Listen and repeat (五)引出对话,挖空的。 1、先听录音,然后请学生试着想怎 样填写空格。 (First listen and think,.) T: Here is a dialogue between the doctor and the animals. Listen and think, how to fill in the blanks? 2、回答问题 四、Extension (一)将对话进行表演 1、小组间操练 3、表演,两分钟小组合作。 (二)阅读语段填空 1、出示镂空的段落,听音感知 2、填空 3、学生的展示 五、Emotion 1、Dont eat too much cold drinks. 2、Do exercise everyday, its good for your health. 六、Homework 1、Copy the new words and phases for 8 times. 2、Listen to the tape for 15 minutes.

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