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2013深港版三上《unit 2 places near home》word教案.doc

1、Unit2 Places near home The second period: B Step 1 Revision Showing the pictures let the pupils read the words. Step 2 Presentation (Books closed). Write the names of the places ( including swimming pool, etc.) on the board. Draw two streets and empty squares to represent the buildings. Name the str

2、eets. Get the pupils to ask you Is there a ? Using the names on the board. Answer Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. if the answer is Yes, there is, look at the map and ask yourself aloud, where is the ? Then pretend to remember and answer Its Streets. Write the names of the place in an empty building

3、 pictured on the board. Continue until the pupils have asked about all the places on the board. Then ask the pupils Wheres the ? Encourage them to answer Its in Street. Step 3 Practice ( Books closed ). Show Transparency and play the Pupils Books Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their books

4、. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the b Homework : Copybook The third period: C, D Step 1 Revision Whole class read the words together. Get some pupils to read the words one by one. Get some pupils to read B. Step 2 Presentation Point to the characters in t

5、he pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read them. Play the Pupils Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette. Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of five and to read the characters speec

6、h bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story. You may use the Storycards to revise the sequence and language of the story. Step 3 Practice Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech with the pupils. Demonstrate how to write the number of the pi

7、cture which matches the sentences as an example. Homework : Copy C one time The fourth period: E Step 1 Revision Whole class read C together. Let some pupils act the story. Step 2 C Say the sound and words Play the Pupils Book Cassettte and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. Point

8、out the spelling of this sound. Tell the pupils that sometimes letter c has the same sound as letter s. This is usually before or after i or an e. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the word

9、s without your model. Play the Pupils Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and tick the correct pictures showing what the girl does in her dream. Get the pupils to repeat the rhyme. Step 3 Workbook Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook

10、Cassette. They need to circle the correct cakes according to what they hear on the tape. Homework :listen to the tape and read after it The fifth period : F, G Step 1 Revision Let the pupils read the words one by one. Step 2 F While-task stage Ask the pupils to look at map on page 11. Tell them to c

11、ut out the pictures of the places from page 62 and to stick them on the map in any of the rectangles with dotted lines. Tell them not to show their friend. Tell the pupils to work in pairs. Ask them to take turns to be Pupil A and ask Is there a ? Pupil B answers according to whether he or she has s

12、tuck a picture of that building on the map. Then Pupil A asks Wheres the ? And Pupil B answers according to their own map. After exchanging roles, Pupil A and B complete the poster about City Centre with the information from their partner. At the end, the pupils check the names of the building and s

13、treets on the posters with the plans in each others books. Step 3 Listen, write and sing Play the Pupils Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song. Play the cassette again and tell the pupils to write the name of the place in the correct place for each of the verses. Homework : Have a dictation next period. 本课的单词长,读音难,而且 clinic 和 cinema 还容易混淆。不 过 B 的句型相对简单。针对这种情况,我将重点放在 A 的单词 听,说,读,写上。本课还要求学生能进行简单的地图识别。 正因如此,考试题目显得比较难,学生的认知能力似乎还不够。

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