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2013牛津译林版选修九unit4《behind beliefs》word学案.doc

1、高三英语学案 (M 9) U 4 Project 学习目标:掌握 Project 中的重点单词、短语及句型的用法并能熟练运用。 【自主探究】 1. 在中国中东部 2. 直到今天 3. 梦见一个金人飞行于宫殿之上 4. 照亮了整个宫殿 5. 醒来 7. 为外国使臣提供住处 8. 对做出改变 9. 官舍/官署 10. 仍在使用中 11.白马寺建筑群 12.代表 13. 形状像 14. 十三层的大楼 15. 白马寺历史悠久,它曾屡经修缮,多次扩建,这些修缮与扩建通常是在战争和灾难之后。 16. 对于中国人民和中国历史来说,白马寺具有重要意义,正因如此,它被政府列为首批 受国家重点保护的历史建筑。 1

2、7. 白马寺也是洛阳最著名的旅游胜地之一,它将一如既往地成为一个受欢迎的旅游胜地。 【重点点拨】 1. The officials traveled westwards to Central Asia and arrived in what is today Afghanistan. 这群大臣西行至中亚,到达今天的阿富汗一带。 思维训练:what 引导的从句是 ,what 在从句中作 。 what 常引导名词性从句,并在名词性从句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语,意思为:什么, 所的。 Practice: 分析下面句子中 what 从句是什么从句,what 在从句中充当什么成分? 1) Our ci

3、ty is different from what it was five years ago. 2) A modern city has sprung up in what was a wasteland ten years ago. 3) What measures I shall take is none of your business. 4) Men usually go straight to what they want and leave quickly when shopping. 2. Its said that if you stand about 20 meters a

4、way from , you will hear the sounds repeated and multiplied from the roof, just like frogs croaking. 据说如果站在离塔 20 米远的地方击掌,可以听到屋顶传来的放大的声音,声声回荡,类似 蛙鸣。 hear vt.不用进行时 1、hear+宾+ 宾补(不加 to 的不定式, v-ing 或 v-ed) hear do 表示动作的全过程 We heard him sing in the next room.=He was heard in the next room. heardoing 表示正在进

5、行 Now, we can hear him singing in the next room. heardone 表示听到被 We heard the song sung in English. 我刚才听到小石块击打玻璃的声音。 I heard the glass (beat)by the stones. The managers discuss the plan that they would like to see_ _the next year. A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out hear + tha

6、t 从句 听说、得知 I was surprised to hear that he was married vi. hear of about 听见、听到 hear from 收到(某人)来信(来电) 【反馈练习】 1Mr King cannot be here, so his wife will (代表他领奖). 2. They raised money and built a new school on behalf of the children in the poor village.(翻译) 3. Where did you get to know him? It was on t

7、he farm (that/where) we worked. 4. It was (直到才) he came back from Africa that year he met the girl he would like to marry. 5. It was after he came back from Africa (where/that) he had stayed for 10 years (that/when) he met the girl he would like to marry. 6. - that he managed to get the information?

8、 - Oh, a friend of his helped him. A. Where was it B. What was it C. How was it D. Why was it 7. The car Tom was was once his uncle. A. in possession of; in the possession of B. in the possession of; in possession of C. in possession of ; in possession of D. in the possession of; in the possession o

9、f 8. Under no circumstances to separate from the mainland. A. Taiwan is allowed B. does Taiwan allow C. is Taiwan allowed D. Taiwan allows 9.In the 16th century, village life centered around religion. (翻译) 10. (center) around her children and family, her life is busy and boring. 11.大树底下坐着一位我以前从未见过的老人。 12. 山顶耸立着一颗大树。 。

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