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2015春北师大版英语八下Unit 3《Communication Workshop》(第1课时)word教学设计.doc

1、教学设计 教学基本信息 课题 Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays Communication Workshop 姓名 学科 英语 课型 读说课 班级 初二 理论基础 对于读,义务教育英语课程标准四级标准指出,初二学生能连贯、流 畅地朗读课文;能够理解简单读物中的事件发生顺序和人物行为;能从简 单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;能够读懂简单的个人信件。对于说, 课程标准指出,初二学生能引出话题并进行几个话轮的交谈;能在教师的 帮助下或根据图片用简单的语言描述自己或他人的经历。 因此,本课将引导学生通过阅读个人信件,找出事件发生的顺序及人 物行为。然后跟读课文。在说的部分,

2、引导学 生根据动词短语进行口头作 文,描述自己在节日的经历。 教学分析 1、教材分析 本课是北师大版初中英语八年级下册教材第 3 单元的 Communication Workshop 部分,是一节读写课,话题为节日和假期。主要 是让学生能够用英语介绍祖国的主要节日和典型的文化习俗。本课的阅读 内容是 Jason 和 Mandy 关于端午节习俗的电子邮件。写作内容是仿写第二 篇电子邮件,介绍中秋节的习俗 本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时采取任务型教学模式,学生首 先通过头脑风暴思考有关端午节的习俗。然后预测 Jason 和 Mandy 的电子 邮件的内容,同时学生小组活动以问答的形式进行预测

3、。在学生意见出现 分歧的时候,让学生阅读并用笔在两个邮件中画出问答信息且填写表格, 进行预测核对。而后,完成书上的阅读选词题。而且画出电子邮件中所有 的连词,并跟读课文。最后,学生参考所填写的表格内容,结合自己的阅 读内容,采用信息递减的方式复述第二篇电子邮件。 2、学情分析 初二的学生已经具有一定的阅读基础,而且能够从宏观上把握文章的 结构。但是,对于文章的细节把握,学生还是会出现很多问题。因此,本 课将先引导学生从宏观上把握本课课文,最后以微观阅读为主,让学生自 己去把握句子结构及句子之间的衔接。 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 通过读前预测和阅读核对预测,获取、找出阅读中有

4、关端午节的信 息,归纳总结出自己写作的层次; 2. 通过阅读活动,能够根据所给信息复述回信内容。并为第二课时的 写作奠定语言基础。 3. 通过阅读与复述活动,对端午节有更深刻的了解。 教学重、难点 1、重点 通过读前预测和阅读核对预测,获取、找出阅读中有关端午节的信息, 归纳总结出自己写作的层次; 2、难点 通过阅读活动,能够根据所给信息复述回信内容。并为第二课时的写作 奠定语言基础。 教学流程 Warm-up Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Review & Brainstorm Read the outline & answer questio

5、ns Predict the content Read & Fill in the table Read& Circle the correct answers Homework Read & Circle the linking words Read after the MP3 Recite the Jason email according to the table Write down what students recite in class 板书设计 Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays Communication Workshop Questions in t

6、he first email Answers in the second email How long have you been there? Ive been there for one week. Have you had any interesting experiences? Yes, I have. I tried many kinds of traditional Chinese food there. I also tried to order food myself. Have you done anything specials for that? Yes, I have.

7、 I watched the dragon boat races. What did you eat? I tried/ ate some zongzi, both sweet zongzi and salty zongzi. 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计意图 1. Lead Ss to review the topic of Unit 3 with pictures and questions. Q1: What is the festival according to the picture? Q2: What can you do on the festival? Review

8、the topic of Unit 3 with pictures and questions. Step 1 Leading-in来 2. Lead Ss to brainstorm some words: the Dragon Boat Festival, watch the dragon boat races, play the drums, eat zongzi/ rice dumpling, make zongzi, Brainstorm some words. 激活本单元话 题通过 brainstorming 方式,激活主 要词汇,为学 生阅读输入做 准备。 Step 2 Pre-

9、 reading 1. Ask Ss to read the outline of the letter and answer the questions: Q1: Who wrote the first letter? Q2: Can you guess what Mandy asked and what Jason answered? Read the outline of the letter and answer the questions. 任务驱 动激发 学生对文章的 预测。 2. Ask Ss to try to ask and answer in pairs about wha

10、t Mandy asked and what Jason answered? (Pair Work) Ask and answer in pairs about what Mandy asked and what Jason answered 学生两人一组, 对文章进行预 测。 1. Lead Ss to underline what Mandy asked and What Jason answered in emails and fill in the table of the worksheet. Questions in the first email Answers in the s

11、econd email Underline what Mandy asked and What Jason answered in emails and fill in the table of the worksheet. 学生阅读文章 并确认自己对 文章的预测, 并填表格时关 注一般现在时 与一般过去时 的区别。 Step 3 While-reading 2. Lead Ss to read the emails and circle the correct answers of the sentences on Page 37. (1) Jason arrived in China on

12、 the seventh/ first of June. (2) Jason thought some strange Chinese food tasted bad/ good. (3) Jason has/ has never Read the emails and circle the correct answers of the sentences on Page 37. 完成文章的细 节阅读。 spoken Chinese. (4) Jason has / has never made zongzi. (5) Jason prefers sweet/ salty zongzi. (6

13、) Jason has heard/ beaten the drums on the dragon boats. (7) Jason thought the dragon boat races were enjoyable/ too loud. Jason has bought/ made some zongzi for Mandy. 3. Lead Ss to circle the linking words in the second emails. Circle the linking words in the second emails 在第二篇 email 中圈出 所有的连词, 为读

14、后复述课 文做准备。 4. Lead Ss to read after emails after the MP3. Read after emails after the MP3. 跟读训练。 Step 4 Post-reading Ask Ss to try to recite Jasons email according to the following table. They also add some linking words. Questions in the first email Answers in the second email How long have you bee

15、n there? Ive been there for one week. Recite Jasons email with some linking words. 采用信息递减 的方式进行文 章复述。 学生可以根据 自己的学习情 况,适当增加 复述内容。 Have you had any interesting experiences ? Yes, I have. I tried many kinds of traditional Chinese food there. I also tried to order food myself. Have you done anything specials for that? Yes, I have. I watched the dragon boat races. What did you eat? I tried/ ate some zongzi, both sweet zongzi and salty zongzi. Step5 Homework Write down what student recited in class according to the table. 教学反思:

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