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本文(2014春人教版(精通)英语四下《Unit 3 What subject do you like best》教学设计6.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2014春人教版(精通)英语四下《Unit 3 What subject do you like best》教学设计6.doc

1、人教精通版四年级下册 Unit3 What subject do you like best? Lesson 18 Knowledge Aims 1、Ss can read and act the fun story. 2、Ss can do just check. 3、Ss can singMusicsong. Affection Aims 开发学生的学习潜能,培养学生自主学 习的精神和合作能力,培养学生的自信心, 提高学生的综合素质,为学生的终身学习 和发展奠定基础;激发学生热爱生活的积 极情感,让学生在真实的语言交流过程中, 学会与人交往。 Teaching aims and deman

2、ds 挑战性目标 (预设) 1 To promote the Ss interest。 2 To foster the dialogue confidence. 教学重点 1 Ss can speak the story. 2 Ss can read Unit 3 all words. 教学难点 1 Ss can speak the story. 2 Ss can read Unit 3 all words. 课前准备 Students Before the students in the teaching content related to learning experience is l

3、ess, but in order to guarantee the students learning interest and enthusiasm, let students full engagement inquiry activity, no organizations of any form of preparation before activities. Teacher Picture cards. Tape. Recorder. stickers Lesson time One period Teaching Steps 差异分析 教学策略 Step 1 :Warming-

4、up/Revision (1) Lets chant music,music,we can singing and dancing. art, art, we can drawing and painting. PE ,PE, we can running and playing. 1.Communic at-ional 2.Direct Teaching Method 3.Listenin g and speaking 4.TPR English ,English , we can listening and speaking. (2) Look at the picture cards a

5、nd read Unit 3 all words. Step 2:Presentation Fun story (1),Look at the pictures and saya: Who are they ? What are they doing? Whats happened ? (2), Listen to the tape two times. (3), Pair work. (4), Act out. Just check (1). Look at the pictures and say whats meaning? (2).Listen to tape and check. 5

6、.Situatio n-al Teaching Method. (3). Make corrections. Lets sing song. Lets wirte. Blackboard design: Lesson 18 student- music- teacher- art- maths- do- class- play- 1.Communic at-ional 2.Direct Teaching Method 3.Listenin g and speaking 4.TPR 5.Situatio n-al Teaching Method. 教学反思:这是一节复习课,本课紧紧围绕有趣的小故事展开,学 生通过看,听,再到说和演的整个过程,兴趣浓厚,是学生非常喜 欢的一节课。

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