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2015春外研版(三起)四下Module 8《Unit 1 They sang beautifully》word教案.docx

1、Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully. 黄楼街道潘刘小学刘维晓 一、教学目标 知识目标 (1 ) 、能听、说、认、读下列单词 sang, beautifully, saw, game, last, fun, went, there, ate, drank, time, have a good time, busy (2)、能听懂、会说下列句型: They sang beautifully. We saw some birds. We ate some food and drank some drinks. You had a good time. You

2、had a busy day. 能力目标 能运用一般过去式谈论和评价过去的行为 情感目标 乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语 教学重难点 1、单词 sang, beautifully, saw, game, last, fun, went, there, ate, drank, time, have a good time, busy 2、句型: They sang beautifully. We saw some birds. We ate some food and drank some drinks. You had a good time. You had a busy day. 教学准备 图

3、片,教学课件,教学卡片 教学过程 Step 1、热身导入 Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? 2、 Lets chant 带领学生打拍子说一说上一模块所学的韵句, 复习部分单词过去时 We walked and walked. We talked and talked. We looked and looked. We laughed and laugh ed. We played and played. We danced and danced. We jumped and jumped. We hopp

4、ed and hopped. And hopped and hopped. And then we stopped. Step2 任务呈现 1、Now I am 28.Last year I was 27.教学单词 last T: How old were you last year? 引导学生用 I was last year.来回答词组学习:last year, last week, last month ,last Sunday, 2、多媒体闪现活动一图片。 T:I saw two big trees. What did you see?教学 单词 saw. 引导学生用 I saw回答

5、T: What did the children do? S:They 教学单词 sang game 3、T: Last Sunday we went to a park. We had a picnic in the park. We had a good time. And we took some photos. Lets see. 出示孩子们野餐时的图片,图片上有食物,孩子们唱歌跳舞做游戏 等,让学生看图,根据图片内容,为学生讲故事,同时学习新单词。 We went to the park last Sunday. We had a picnic. We ate food and dr

6、ank some drinks. We saw some birds. They sang beautifully. We played games. We had a good time. 以各种形式练习新单词 Step3、课文学习 1、播放第一遍动画,请学生仔细听,并判断下面的说法是否正 确。 ()Amy and Sam had a picnic yesterday. ( )Amy and Sam went there by bus. 2、播放第二遍动画,请学生完整地听对话,进一步理解语句,并 完成下列填空题 We_(go/went ) to the park last Sunday. W

7、e_(see/saw) some birds. We _(ate/eat) some food and_(drink/drank)some drinks. We _(played/play)games. 3、播放第三遍录音,逐句跟读, 注意模仿纯正的语音语调 4、学生以小组为单位分角色朗读课文并展示 Step4 训练巩固 四人一组,根据课文内容填空 They had a picnic last Sunday. They went there by bus. They saw some birds. The birds sang beautifully. They ate some food a

8、nd drank some drinks. They played games. They walked in the park. They listened to music. They sang and danced. They had a good time. And they had a busy day. Step5 语言运用 完成活动 4 Step6 总结所学 根据板书对本课所学习的单词和重要句型进 行总结巩固 教育孩子爱护环境不乱扔垃圾,珍惜别人的 劳动成果,主动帮助老师家长干力所能及的事情 Step 7 Homework 熟读课文 向同伴复述 Sam 和 Amy 上一周的活动

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