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2015秋牛津深圳版英语九上Unit 8《Surprise》word教案5.doc

1、 教案 5 课题 Unit8 surprise endings 课型 Grammar 备 课 时 间 1 period 教学目标 1. Master the usage of prepositions. 2. To master the common expressions about the prepositions 3.Train their ability to find out the rule actively. 教学重点 Know the usage of the prepositions 教学难点 Useful expressions with the prepositions

2、教 材 分 析 教学关键 Try to remember related rules 教法与学法指导 Cooperating, Self-study 教学 环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时 间 分 配 第一 环节 复习 回顾 平移 的基 本性 质, 引入 课题 Step:Warming up 1. Enjoy the beautiful pictures and try to describe them: Lukes teacher is strict with him 1. Show beautiful pictures and then let student

3、s try to use the given structures to describe the pictures. Sb is adj +_ sb. 1. To arouse the students interest in learning about the past continuous tense 5 第 二环 节 观察 操作、 探索 归纳 平移 Step: learn the basic rules of the past continuous tense 2. Read the sentences and summarize the three situations that

4、use the prepositions. 1).after adjectives 2) after nouns 3) agfter verbs 2.Present the sentences and help them to summary the different usages of the prepositions 2.To let students get the general usage of the past continuous tense 15 的作 法 Step: A petition. Step IV : more practice 3.Discuss to write

5、 out different situations about the Using prepositions . write as much as possible. 4. Try to take notes about the expressions as possible as you can. 3.Giving out a learning sheet to tell them to write out 3 kinds of structures .then compete to write the information. Find out the most expressions t

6、o rewords. . 4. Tell the sts to take notes about the useful and common expression on their note book. 3. Make some chances for them to master the basic forms of the past continuous tense. 4. Creat a situation for them to consolidate the past continuous tense. 第三 环节 课堂 练习 Step V: exercise 5. Finish t

7、he exercise in the text book B/c.P120.121 5. Competition on the right answers when finishing the exercise in it 5.To consolidate what they have learned in this class 10 第四 环节 课时 小结 Step:Sum up 6. Go over the prepositions and the expressions 6. Show a ppt to guide the students to sum up of the class 6.To make students have a good habit of taking notes and have a general understanding of this class 5 第五 环节 课后 作业 Finish the exercise in the English paper. 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Free talk Explain usage of the prepositions activitiesExerciseSum up 效 果 评 价 与 反 思

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