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本文(2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 4《My day》(reading 1)word导学案1.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 4《My day》(reading 1)word导学案1.doc

1、 Unit 4 My day Reading 1 【学习目标】 1.掌握本课时的四会单词,词组 ,句型。 2.了解 Millie 的校园生活并练习阅读技巧 。 3.学会描述自己的校园生活,热爱自己的校园生活。 【课前导学】 预习 P44-46 的单词和课文,在书上画出下列汉语的英文表达 ,并写下来: 1.在早晨_2. 从周一到周五 _ 3.做早操_ 4.我最喜爱的课程_ 5.课后_ 6.他们都对我很好_ 7.彼此聊天 _8.在操场上玩_ 9.在校排球队_ 10.在周三下午_ 11.玩得高兴_ 12.致以最美好的祝愿_ 【课堂学习】 1.Listen and answer. 1.)What is

2、 Millies favourite subject? 2.)Is she good at it ? 2.Read the email quietly then finish Part B1 on Page45. 3.Read Paragraph 1&2 carefully , then ask and answer. 1.) Whats the name of Millies school? 2.) Does she love her school ? 3.) What do they do first in the morning ? 4.Read Paragraph 3、4 & 5 ca

3、refully ,then judge T or F. 1.)Millie seldom chats with her friends after class. 2.)Millie only goes to the Reading Club on Tuesday. 3.)Millie is a member of the school swimming team. 5.Play a game . 6.Complete Millies school life .(方框选词填空) in the afternoon , have a good time , chat with play in the

4、 playground , practise , nice , start Millie is a new student at Sunshine Middle School . Her school _at 8:00 in the morning . Millie has a lot of friends at School . They are all _ to her . After class ,they often _ each other or _ . Sometime she goes to the library _. She often reads books in the

5、Reading Club . She also likes playing volleyball. She is a member of the school volleyball team . She_after school on Wednesday afternoon . She always_ at her school. 7.Group work: Can you talk about your school life . Student1:School and lessons Student2:Friends at school Student3:Hobbies Student4:

6、After-school activities Student5:Feeling 8.Watch and discuss 1.)Whats the differences between our school and theirs ? 2.)What do you think of their school life ? 3.)What should we do ? 【课后拓展】 阅读理解: Hi. Im Lingling. Im a student at No. 14 Secondary School. Do you want to know my life? Let me tell you

7、 about it. I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning. I have my breakfast at 7:10. My parents always prepare(准备)the breakfast for me. I go to school at 7:30. We have 7 lessons every day from Monday to Friday. I like English lesson very much. After school, I like playing ping-pong and basketball with m

8、y friends. There is a very big playground in our school. ( )1. I have my breakfast at _. A. 7:00 B. 7:10 C. 7:30 D.7:20 ( )2. I have seven lessons _. A. every day B. at the weekend C. five days a week D. twice a week ( )3. I like _ very much. A. English B. Chinese C. art lesson D. all lessons ( )4. There is a big _ in No. 14 Secondary School. A. garden B. library C. playground D. computer room ( )5. I like playing _ with my friends. A. ping-pong and basketball B. football C. football and basketball D. basketball

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