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本文(2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》(Grammar)word导学案.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》(Grammar)word导学案.doc

1、8A Unit 7 Seasons Grammar 导学案 学科 英语 课题 8A U7 Grammar 第 课时 主备人 年级 八 备课时间 上课时间 审核人 【教学目标】 识别五种基本句型结构 【教学重点、难点】 词组:from morning till night kick the ball have a high fever cough a lot an awful day 句型:The clouds became dark. Luckily, it didnt rain. 【课前准备】自主预习 预习完成下列短语: 1. 把分成_ 2.其它的一些事 _ 3.尝起来好_ 4.落下_ 5.

2、元旦 _ 6.从早上到晚上_ 7.患重感冒_ 8.发高烧 _ 9.为我做早饭 _ 10.一个糟糕的日子 _ 【教学过程】 Step 1: Presentation 1. We are going to review three sentences in the poem. Please pay attention to the verbs. (1) The snowy season will begin . (2) Children can eat ice cream. (3) The autumn leaves turn brown. 2. There are three kinds of

3、verbs. They are intransitive verbs, transitive verbs and linking verbs. (begin vi.; eat vt.+O ; grow link. V.+P ) 3. 教师引导学生归纳出判断及物动词、不及物动词和系动词的基本规律: (1) An intranstive verb does not take an object, but can have a prepositional phrase after it. (2) A transitive verb takes an object. (3) A linking ver

4、b links the subject and the adjective phrase or noun phrase that describes it. 系动词包括:be, become, feel, get, look, seem, sound, stay, smell, taste, turn 等。 Step 2: Drill 1. 说出下列句中划线部分动词是及物动词、不及物动词还是系动词: (1)My sister works. (2)My father bought me a new bike. (3) Lucy is reading a book. (4) The student

5、s keep healthy by cyciling at weekends. (5)Where does the boy live? (6) The fish tastes delicious.Would you like to try it? (7)A terrible traffic accident happened on a rainy evening. 2.教师帮学生总结三个基本句型:a).s+v.(谓语动词为不及物动词) b).s+v+o (谓语动词为及物动词) b).s+v+p (谓语动词是系动词) Step3: Presentation 1.教师继续呈现句子并加以介绍: (1

6、) Kitty gives Simon some books. S+V+IO+DO(主语及物动词间宾直宾) (2)Simon found the weather warm S+V+DO+OC(主语及物动词直宾+宾补) 2. 教师继续呈现句子,用”to”来改写,如: Hobo gave Eddie some ice cream.=Hobo gave some ice cream to Eddie. 归纳:如果动词是 bring, give, hand, lend ,offer, pass ,pay ,post, read, sell, send show, take ,teach ,tell ,

7、write 等,可以用 to 来改写句子。 3.教师继续呈现句子,用 for 来改写,如: Hobo built Eddie a tent.=Hobo built a tent for Eddie. 归纳:如果动词是 build,buy,cook,find,get,leave,make,order,pick,save 等,可以用 for 来改 写句子。 Step4:Practice 1.教师要求学生观察并讨论“Kitty gives Simon some books.”和”Simon found the weather warm.”两个句子,试图发现区分这两种句型的规律。 2.这两种句型结构分

8、别为:a).S+V+IO+DO ; b).S+V+DO+OC 区分方法如下:在这两个句 子结构中两种不同的句子成分之间加入系动词,逻辑合理者为宾语宾补结构,不合理者 为双宾语结构,如: Kitty gives Simon some books. (Simon is some books. 逻辑不合理是双宾语) Simon found the weather warm. (The weather is warm. 逻辑合理是宾语补足语 )。 【要点点击】 1.The rain was falling from morning till night. 雨从早下到晚。 =It was raining

9、 from morning to night. “fromtill”= “fromto”表示“从到” 如:他总是从周一忙到周五。 He is always busy _ Monday _/_ Friday. 2. I caught a bad cold. I had a high fever and coughed a lot. 我得了重感冒,发高烧还咳嗽得厉害。 1)catch a bad cold,“得了重感冒“,有时也可写为“have a bad cold” 2).have a high fever,“发高烧”。注意这两种病的前面都有冠词“a”。 3)。”cough” 在此句中是动词,意

10、为“咳嗽” 。a lot 用来修饰动词,表示该动词的频繁性, 如:eat a lot 吃得太多。另外 cough 也可作名词,如短语“have a cough”。 【达标检测】10*10 一.根据句意及提示写出单词。 1.There are many c_ .It will rain. 2. My son is crazy about football. He even k_ stones and cans. 3. Were you running a _(发烧)before we left. 4.You c_ badly and need to take medicine. 5. I cou

11、ldnt stand London! Bloody _(糟糕的) place! 二.划出每句中的动词并写出每句的句子结构。(A. S+V ; B. S+V+O ; C. S+V+P; D. S+V+DO+IO; E. S+V+DO+OC) 1.Tom is running on the playground. _ 2. My father bought a pair of sports shoes for me yesterday._ 3.We should help our parents do some housework. _ 4. Alice is a beautiful. _ 5.I

12、 love this game. _ 【教后感】 _ _【课 后作业】 一. 单项选择。 ( )1.Millie is sleeping. The sentence structure is _. A. S+V B. S+V+DO C. S+V+P D. S+V+IO+DO ( )2. He bought a TV. The sentence structure is_. A. S+V B. S+V+P C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO ( )3. They think John the best student. The sentence structure is _. A. S

13、+V+DO B. S+V C. S+V+P D. S+V+DO+OC ( )4.Which sentence belongs to “S+V+IO+DO”? A.The teacher gave him a book. B. The book is interesting. C.The little dog is called “Diandian”. D. The music sounds great. ( )5. Which sentence belongs to “S+V+P”? A.Some of them cry. B.They work very hard. C.Teenagers

14、have many problems. D. Spring leaves are turning green. ( )6.If no one _ animal furs, then people _ kill wild animals any more.;wont B. buys;wont C. buys; will no D. will buy; dont ( )7.-Whats wrong with your father? Your father looked _ at you just now. -I failed the English exam again. A. an

15、gry B. angrily C. happy D. happily ( )8. I didnt go to the zoo _ the hot weather. A.because B. so C.because of D. but ( )9. Tom fell _ his bike and hurt himself badly. A. in B. into C. off D. down ( )10. I love my little dog very much. I built it a camp _ sticks. A.into B. outside C. inside D. out o

16、f ( )11. The food smells _, so youd better not eat it. A.terrible B. terribly C. awfully D.good ( )12. Would you please _ this letter _ me? read; for B. reading; for C. read; for D. read; in ( )13. He passed a tool _ me and then left me _.; lonely B. to; alone C. for; alone D. for; lonely

17、( )14. I often hear _ whisper _ himself. A.him; about B. he; to C. him; with D. him; to ( )15. Mary often makes some toys _ her classmates. A.about B. of C. for D. to 二.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.My mum often _ (clean) the room on Sundays. 2.We can hear a girl _(sing) next door. 3.My father is _(paint)

18、 the wall white. 4. Mr. Green _(not go) home until he finished his work. 5. Mother told me _(not watch) TV too late on Sundays. 6.Its important for the students _(write) carefully and clearly. 7. Listen! How beautifully the girls _(sing)! 8. _you _(go) to visit your grandfather next week? 三.句型转换。 1.

19、 My father always cleans his car on Sundays. (改为否定句) My father _ _ _ his car on Sundays. 2.I was listening to music when he called me. (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ you _ when he called you ? 3.Mum bought me some fruit. (改为否定句) Mum _ _ _ fruits _ me. 4.He lent his dictionary to me this morning. (改为同义句) I _ a dicti

20、onary _ _ this morning. 5.She paid me twenty yuan. (改为同义句) She _ twenty yuan _ _. 6. His mother cooked a nice meal for us. (改为同义句) His mother _ _ a nice meal. 四.中译英。 1.大约一个小时前他把球踢进了我的书房。 He _ a _ _ my study _ _ _ _. 2.我爸爸发高烧,因此他今天不能上班。 My father _ _ _ _,so he _ _ _ _ today. 3. 上周我咳了一周,但今天好多了。 I _ for a _ week last week, but I am _ better today. 4. 那个小女孩的声音听起来非常甜。The little girls voice _ _ _. 5. 没有人喜欢像这样的糟糕天气。No one likes _ _ _ this. 6. 几天前他们给我提供了一份很好的工作。 A few days ago they _ a very good _ _ _. 7. 我看到一个孩子在草地上放风筝。I_ a boy _ a kite _ _ _?

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