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2015春冀教版英语七下Unit 1《Lesson 1 A Trip to China》word精品教案.doc

1、Lesson1 精品教案 一、教材分析 1. 教学目标 语言知识 (1)掌握词汇:trip,silk,road,lead,note,chance,send,news (2)短语及句型:guess what,learn about 语言技能 能够用英语谈论旅游的话题。 情感态度 培养学生有兴趣说英语,积极参与课堂活动,大胆发言,敢于 用英语谈论自己 的旅行经历 学习策略 积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 2. 教学内容 (1) New words and phrases (2) understand the meaning of text (3) Structures: May I ask.?

2、May I go with you.? Grammar: using “will” 3. 教学重点 本课掌握的词汇与句型 4. 教学难点 learn about,send,plan (动词和名词的用法区别) 二、教学准备 多媒体、图片、英汉字典 三、教学步骤 Step I Class Opening (5 minutes) 1. Warm up 2. Review Ask the class to list some examples of when they might use “May I.?” and they should respond to those questi ons。 Ex

3、amples: May I borrow your book? May I go with you? May I watch TV? Response:Yes, you may. No, you may not. Step II New Concepts (40 minutes) 1. Learn some new words 2. Present: Tell the students that today they will learn how to ask for permission and how to use the word “will” to express something

4、that is going to happen or something you want to in the future. For example: “I am standing. I will sit later.” Ask the class to give some more examples. 3. Listen: Lets Do It! No.1 (1) Play the tape for Lesson 1(Play it once and ask the students to listen.) (2) Discuss the answers to Lets Do It! (3

5、) Play the tape for Lesson 1 a second time and have the class read aloud along with the tape. 4. Review what was learned. Ask the class to point out the “May I.?” and “will” sentences in the lesson. 5.Group work: (1) Have the class read and answer the questions in Lets D o It! No.2. (2) Discuss the

6、answers to Lets Do It! No.2. 6. Practice and play Practice asking for permission using the new vocabulary words. 7. Pair work: Ask the students to look at Lets Do It! No.3. and find the Chinese meaning for each word in the box. (Every group of students have an English-Chinese dictionary to complete

7、this task. 8. Read the dialogue and find out language points. 9. Do exercise. 10. Task (1) Read Lets Do It! No.4. Split the students in groups to complete the task. (2) Choose some groups to present one of their dialogues in front of the class. Step III Class Closing Homework 1. Review and recite th

8、e important points of Lesson 1. 2. Try to write a note asking for permission to go on the trip. 3. Preview Lesson 2. 四、板书设计 _ Lesson 1 Language points: 1)guess what May I watch TV? 2)learn about Yes, you may. No, you may not. 3)fromto _ _ _ 五、教学反思 以旧带新,轻松突破教学重点 1)鼓励学生大胆地说英语,对他们在学习过程中犯的错误采取宽容的态度。 2)根

9、据教材中的情境,真实再现于课堂并创造新的环境。 3)在教学过程中,注重与学生沟通,让学生消除对英语学习的恐惧感,只有对英语 感兴趣,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得好成绩。刻板的学习,不仅会影响英 语学习的效果,适得其反让他们厌恶学习英语。因此创造宽松、和谐的学习氛围 有利于英语学习。 4)差生上 课时注意力往往不够集中,可将教材化难为易,化多为少,精讲多练, 课堂 上尽量创造愉快的氛围。差生由于羞怯心理往往怕开口,因此尽量将难易 适度的问题去问他们;叫他们到黑板上写有把握的句子;朗读事先已读过多遍 的 课文,当差生回答正确时,面常笑容地说: “very good”,这样差生开口的习 惯慢慢的养成。一学期下来,差生的参与意识大大地加强,消除了畏惧心理。 5)背诵一个小对话,背会了用自己的话把它复述出来,这样增加学习英语的自信心。 6)对学生进行有效的评价。 评价可以使学生认识自我,树立自信,有助于反思及调整自己 的学习.对学 生回答问题过程中的表现及改进的成绩,给予口头评价、书面评价并鼓励他们 大胆的去说。学生考完试后,让学生自我反思,分析自己的成绩和不足,明确 今后努力的方向,争取下次不再犯同样的问题。让学生相互之间相互评价,找出优 缺点,互相促进学习。

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