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本文(2016春鲁教版英语七下Unit 1《Do you want to watch a game show》(SectionB 2a-2c)word导学案.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2016春鲁教版英语七下Unit 1《Do you want to watch a game show》(SectionB 2a-2c)word导学案.doc

1、Unit1 SectionB(2a-2c)精品导学案 学习目标:知识目标:1 口、笔头掌握以下句型: Over 80 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular. However, he was always ready to try his best. 2. 掌握本节课重点单词:culture, famous, appear, become, rich, successful, main

2、, reason, film, unlucky, lose, ready, character, simple 3. 重点短语: a black mouse with two big round ears, come out, in the 1930s, such as,be ready to do sth, try his best to do sth, not as/, try to face. 技能目标:会用喜欢 和不喜欢的短语, 能表达自己的喜恶。 情感目标:培养学生能够实事求是地转述别人的观点的能力。 课前准备:I。 学习课文 “四结合”课文是我们学习英语中最重要的语言素材

3、, 也是我们接受语音、词语、语法与各种习惯用法等的最重要来源。 大家千万不 能忽视啊! 一、把课文学习与课前预习结合起来。预习时要把课文学习与新的词汇和语法 结合起来。预习生词的同时预习课文;学习课文时重视生词和语法知识点 的运用; 预习语法时,结合预习课文。 二、把课文学习与知识整理结合起来。我们可以采取分类或归纳法, 把所学课 文中的词语、语法和习惯用语等做必要的整理, 重点放在本课印象最深及 似是而非的知识上。 如归纳单词的结构特点和规律, 掌握单词一词多义 和一词多性的特点, 死记、活用相结合, 弄懂一词一语的正确用法。 三、把课文学习与背景知识结合起来。背景知识有助于我们更好理解课文

4、 ,扩 大知识面,提高学习英语的兴趣, 能使课文学习变得较为轻松。 四、把课文学习与整体消化结合起来。课文是一个整体, 有完整的结构, 做 好课文的整体消化,就能够口头或书面说出, 或写出整篇课文的大意,能 做到对整篇课文逐句说,逐段说,逐篇説 II做调查。 A: What to think of these things? B: I think theyre . . . belt sunglasses key ring scarf watch Love like not mind cant stand not like like best III. 读课文,查词典找出下列短语: 1. 有两个

5、大圆耳朵的黑老鼠_ 2.第一部有声音的音乐的电影_ 3. 有 米奇的卡通片_ 4. 出版_ 5. 愿意迅速做._ 6. 尽他的最大努力做._ 7. 不如_ 8. 努力去面对_ 学习过程 Before reading 1 和同伴互查课前准备 III 的内容,看看谁做的好。 2 小组内讨论下列问题。 1.) Do you like to watch cartoons? 2.) What is your favorite cartoon? 3.) Why do you like it? While reading 1 Skimming(略读) 快速阅读,回答问题。 When did the cart

6、oons come out? 2 Scanning(找读)仔细阅读全文,判断对(T)错(F) ( )1.) Mickey Mouse is a black mouse with two small round ears. ( )2.) In the 1940s,Walt Disney made 87cartoons with Mickey. ( )3.) Mickey was like a common man, but he tried to face any danger. ( )4.) Now nobody seems to know or love Mickey Mouse. ( )5

7、.) One very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon 3. Reading up(研读) complete the time line on page38. 4. 3. Reading up 仔细阅读全文完成表格。 What does he look like? Who created him? What was his first cartoon Who is his girlfriend? Why is he popular? Mickey Mouse 5. Reading up(研读)仔细阅读全文 ,画出重点短语,并全班交流

8、。 自主学习-找出重、难点。 _ 合作探究细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,互 相解答。 _ 6. 听并跟读 2b,大声朗读 2b After reading 1. 讨论。做 2e,两人一组造句。做的快的同学把句子板书在黑板上。 2. 根据黑板上板书的短语,试着复述课文。 知识巩固:任务型阅读 Children in the US like K Day very much. K is for kites. March 7 is the day. On that day many children go out in the open air. They take their kites wit

9、h them. Some kites are very big. Others are small. They are in different colors and shapes(形状). Every kite has a long string(线). Children begin to run to let their kites fly up. They let out the string from the ball in their hands. Now the kites are flying in the air. How nice they look! In China, w

10、e also have the same festival. It comes in May. On that day, a lot of people get together in Weifang, Shandong. They fly different kinds of kites in the blue sky. People from other parts of the world come to China to celebrate K Day with Chinese people. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 16. What date is K Day in the US? _ 17. What do children usually take with them in the open air on K Day? _ 18. Are the kites all the same? _ 19. In which season is American K Day? _ 20. Why do people from other parts of the world come to Weifang, China?_ 家庭作业:1. 试着复述 2b. 2. 运用 2e 的短语小组内造句子。 3. 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。

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