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本文(2016春鲁教版英语七下Unit 4《How do you make a banana milk shake》(Period2)word导学案.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2016春鲁教版英语七下Unit 4《How do you make a banana milk shake》(Period2)word导学案.doc

1、Unit4 Period2 精品导学案 Section A 2d-3c 课时目标 知识目标: 1.熟练掌握以下词汇: add,sugar,finally ,beef,cheese,popcorn,addto,putinto,forget to do,how many/much 2.熟练掌握以下句型 (1)How do you make? (2)How much/manydo we need? 技能目标:1,会用本节新词和短语,能听说读写;2 能听懂,读懂描述程序的简 短听力材料,能就某 个操作程序对话,初步书面编写这样的对话; 情感态度:通过实践活动,培养学生的实际操作能力,调动学生的情感态度

2、、 兴趣等非智力因素。 课前预习 .介绍一下你给家人做的沙拉吧 2. 将两茶匙蜜,一杯酸奶,一些苹果,一些香蕉放入碗内,进行搅拌。 _two teaspoons of,a cup of _, some apples,some bananas_ _a bowl, and_ it all 2)切好西红柿和牛肉,煮好面条,在面条里加入材料,再加上一些盐,就可以 吃面条了。 First,the tomatoes and beef. Next,_the noodles. Then_ the ingredients and some salt_ the noodles. Finally,e at the

3、noodles .搜集中 外食谱,小组共享。 课堂学习 Before reading 1.小组内互相展示课前准备的总结情况,并交流补充。 2.观察 3b 中的图片,你能猜出图中的人物在做什么吗? _ While reading 1. Read the conversation quickly and answer a question . What is the conversation talking about?来 1. Read again and find out the correct order of the sentences. How to make Russian soup

4、? _ Cook the soup for 30 minutes. Then add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes. _ Put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot add some water. _ Then cut up the vegetables. _ buy some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. 3. Read i

5、t aloud for 5 minutes to role- play 4.Read carefully and circle the correct word in each question,完成 3a. 5. 3b 1) Look at the pictures 2) Ask Ss to write one sentence about each picture 3) Ask Ss to add “first, next,th en,finally” before each sentence 4) Form a passage and read it to their partners,

6、完成 3b。 观察与思考: 1. 在制作某一事物、食品或做某一件事情时,一般都分为几个步骤。英文中常 用来表示步骤的词语有:first, next, then, finally, 中文意思依次为: _、_、_、_。熟练掌握这几个词能帮助你有秩序地记叙事情发展 的过程。 2. 练习: _cut up three bananas,three apples _and a watermelon. Put the fruit in a bowl._put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt mix it all。 3. How many how m

7、uch 的区别用法。 How many 对 (可数、不可数)提问; How much 对 (可数、不可数)提问。 4. forget: v. 忘记 1)后面可以直接跟名词,如:他忘记了他的生 日。He forgot his birthday. 2) 后面跟动词不定式,即 forget to do sth, 意思是“忘记要做某事”, 如:他忘记做作业了,老师很生气。He forgot to do his homework, so the teacher was angry. 3) 后面跟 v-ing 形式,表示“忘记做过某事了” 如:他又买了一只钢笔, 他忘记已买过一只了。He bought a

8、 pen again, for he forgot buying one, 4) 拓展: forget 的反义词是 remember, remember 也有常用的三个结构:1)后面可以直 接跟名词,如:他记住了汤姆的容貌。He remembered Toms look. 2) 后面跟动 词不定式,即 remember to do sth. 意思是“ 记得要做某事 ”3) 后面跟 v-ing 形式, 表示“记得做过某事了 ” After reading 1.结合课本 59 页中 3b 的图片,小组讨论怎样制作爆米花,由一人负责记录制 作步骤。 A:First, put the corn int

9、o the popcorn popper. Next, 1. 游戏时刻:菜谱还原大赛。依据课前预习 II 中学生准备的食谱,把它们分 别剪成三到四部分。小组之间交换剪好的碎片,看哪个组能够最快还原,进一 步感知描述顺序的语言。 2. 3c writing and speaking: 知识巩固 .根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词,使句子完整通顺。 1.I look for my pen everywhere, and f_ I find it in my desk. 2.Its not good for our health to eat too much _(盐). 3.You must take

10、 the medicine according to (根据)the i_. 4.Lets b_ some water to make the tea. 5.The _(食谱) for different kinds of juice is a gift of buying the blender. .根据汉语意思及英语提示翻译下列句子。 1.你怎样做咖啡奶昔? _ do you make _ _ _ _? 2.你可以在果汁里加一些冰激凌。 You can _ some ice cream _ the juice. 3.请打 开电视机。我想看新闻联播。 Please _ _ the TV.I

11、want to watch CCTV News. 4.我们需要放两茶匙蜂蜜。 We need to put _ _ _ _. 5.请不要把你的书和我的书混在一起。 Please dont _ _ you books with mine. 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词 1.Pour the tea into the cup.(改为否定句) _the tea into the cup. 2.They need some honey.(改为否定句) They_ need_ honey. 3.She needs three apples.(改为一般疑问句). _she_ three apples? 4

12、.We need two teaspoons of yogurt.(对划线部分提问) _ _yogurt do you need? 5.There are three cups of milk on the table.(对划线部分提问) _ _cups of milk are there on the table? 课堂反思 1.想一想:在制作某一事物、食品或做某一件事情时,一般都分为几个步骤。 英文中常用来表示步骤的词语有:_, _ ,_ ,_ ,意为:_、 _、 _、 _。 2.通过本节课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?写下来吧 家庭作业 1.根据今天所学到的知识,写出制作沙拉的步骤吧。 2.归纳 How much how many 的区别及用法。 3 小组合作,依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备.

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