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2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 8《Natural》(Reading1)word导学案.doc

1、年级:初二 主备:施海燕 审核:吴蕴 时间: 2013.12.12 课题:8A Unit8 Reading I 课型:新授 课时安排 :一课时 学生姓名 家长签名 【学习目标】1.通过预习,读懂文章,了解这次台湾地震的基本情况。 2.根据关键词和语境猜测课文大意,对和课文有关问题作出判断。 3.了解如何在自然灾害中自我保护。 【课前热身】 一、参照书本 P130 单词表,大声朗读下列单词,注意发音和词性! 1.轻微的(adj) slight 2.摇动,震动(n)shake 3(adj.) 响亮的 loud 4(vi. & vt.) 摇动;震 动 shake (过去式 shook) 5(n.)

2、害怕,恐惧 fear 6(n.) 炸弹 bomb 7 (n. )方向 direction 8 四 面八方 in all directions 9(conj. )当的时候 while 10(n.) 砖;砖块 brick 11 崩塌;坍塌 come down 12(n.) 摇动,晃动 shaking 13(adj. ) silent 寂静的 名词:silence 14 一点也不 notat all 15(conj. )是否 if 16(adj. )紧张不安的 nervous 17(n.) 心脏 heart 18(vi. & vt) 使规律作 响 beat 过去式:beat 现在分词:beating

3、 19(adj.) 困住的 trapped 20(n.) 头脑 mind 21 (vi. & vt).(使) 平静 calm 22 冷静 calm down 23(conj.) 由于,既然 since 24(adv. )仍 然 still 25(adj.) 活着的 alive 26(n. )黑暗 dark 名词: darkness 27 找到出路 find ones way out 28(n.) 呼喊,喊叫声 shout 29 最后,终于 at last=in the end =finally 30(n. )日光 daylight 31(adj.)安全的 safe (adv safely) (

4、反义词 dangerous) 32(adj.)睡着的 asleep 33(conj.) 在之后的 after 二、大声朗读下列单词和词组,并在课文中划下来 P94-96 1 在凌晨 in the early morning 2.起初,起先 at first 3 感觉一阵轻微的震动 feel a slight shake 4 听到像打雷一样的嘈杂声 hear a loud noise like thunder 5 像地底下的 炸弹 like bombs under the ground 6 开始震动 start to shake 7 害怕地尖叫 scream in fear 8 跑出大楼 run

5、 out of the building 9 尽我的全力跑出去 try my best to run out 10 竭尽全力做 某事 try ones best to do sth. 11 四处奔跑 run in all directions 12 玻璃碎片和砖块 pieces of glass and bricks 13 掉下来 fall down 14 感到紧张 feel nervous 15 快速的跳动 beat fast 16 被困住 be trapped 17 自言自语 say to oneself 18 一阵恐惧 a moment of fear 19 穿过我的脑海 go thro

6、ugh my mind 20 告诉我自己冷静下来 tell myself to calm down 21 仍然活着 be still alive 22 开 始崩塌 begin to come down 23 大喊求救 shout for help 24 在黑暗中慢慢地向前移动 身体 pull myself slowly through the dark 25 试着找到我的出路 try to find my way out 26 听到我上面的嘈杂声 hear some noise above me 27 听到人们兴奋的喊 声 hear shouts from the excited people

7、 28 移开 move away 29 明亮的日光 bright daylight 30 安全 be safe 31 向一个方向跑 run in the same direction 三、通读全文,认真完成书本 P5-96 通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问 _ 【学海拾贝】 What happened to Timmy in the earthquake? Timmy is a teenager. He lives in Taiwan. He survived the (1) _ in 1999. He was sleeping when he heard a loud noise. It wa

8、s like the noise of (2) _. Then the noise became really loud. It sounded like (3) _ under the ground. After that, pieces of glass and (4) _ fell down. When the noise ended, he was (5) _ and could not get out. A moment of (6) _ went through his mind. Then he tried to (7) _ down and (8) _ for help. Fi

9、nally, people moved away the bricks and saved him. 【堂清巩固】 一、用单词的正确形式完成句子。 1. Frightened by the loud noise, the children looked at each other in _ (害怕). 2. The small animals in the forest _ (四处逃窜) when they saw a tiger coming. 3. We _ (正在尽全力) to protect wild animals. 4. The fans _(尖叫) all the time du

10、ring the concert. 5. I _ (平静下来) after listening to the beautiful music. 6. Five workers _ (被困) in the mine for 10 hours last month. 7. Traffic _ (事故) killed many people every year. 8. The little girl _ (尖叫) when she saw the snake. 9. People in Tibet build their homes with wood and stones instead of

11、_ (砖头). 10. There was a flood in the _ (南方) part of China because of the _ (大) rain. 二、句子翻译. 1. 地震开始的时候,她正在购物。 When the earthquake _ , she _. 2. 人们在四处逃跑时,一块块的玻璃和砖块直往下掉。 People _while pieces of glass and bricks _ . 3. 我正在努力找出路时,这时突然听到我的上方有声音。 I _ my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me. 4. 我听到了兴奋的人们的呼喊声。 I heard _. 5. 我感到一阵轻微的颤动传遍我全身。 I felt a _ my body. 三、句型转换: 1.The school caught fire because lightning hit it. (划线提问) _ 2.The accident happened at 9.a.m. last Sunday. ( 划线提问) _ 3.I saw him. He was writing a letter. (用 when 连接两个句子 ) _ 4.I think I should stay here for long. (改为否定句)_

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