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2015秋冀教版英语九上Unit 2《Lesson 11 To China , with Love》word导学案.doc

1、Lesson 11 To China , with Love 【学习目标】 单词和短语: 1.war(战争 ) 2.northeren(北方的) 3.situation(形势) 4.operate(动手术); 5.peace(和平 ) 6. kill(杀死) 7.blood(血)8. wounded(受伤的)9.solider(士 兵) as a doctor(作为医生) well- known for = be famous as(因而著名); the Anti-Japanese War( 在 抗日战争) 句型: dying(奄奄一息) 2.g

2、ive first aid(进行急救) 3.die of / from (死于) 4.operate on (给动手术 ) 自主学习,温故知新 一.重难点再现 1.Yuan Longping and Helen Keller are both _(hero). 2.The little girl couldnt go to school because she lost her _(视 觉) and hearing. 3.Helen Keller was famous for her _(勇气) and hard work. 4.Helen did her best _(help) peopl

3、e who were blind and deaf. 5._(在岁时) 88, Helen Keller died. 二.白求恩大夫是国际共产主义战士,通过预习,你对他的生平事迹 了解多少? 探究新知及成果展示 一Listen, Read and answer the following questions. 1.When and where was Norman Bethune born? 2.What does he do? What do you think of him? 3.Why is Norman Beynune famous? 4.When and why did he com

4、e to China? 5.What killed Bethune? 二合作探究,学习新知 1. He is famous for working as a doctor in wars. work as a doctor 意思是“_” in wars 意思是 “_”. (1)_ a teacher , she always does her best to help the students. A. For B. As C. With D. By (2)Dont laugh at people when they are _ trouble(困境). A. in C.with D.

5、for 2.In 1938, Bethune went to northern China because he knew many people were dying in the Anti-Japanese war. be dying 意思是 “_” in the Anti-Japanese War 意思是 “_”. (1)The girl is _(die), Lets take him to the hospital at once, will you? (2)A lot of people died _ the Anti-Japanese War. A. of C. bec

6、ause D.on 3.Norman Bethune is buried in Tang County. 本句的意思是 “_”, 该句是 一般现在时的被动语态,观察谓 语构成是“_”. (1)People in Japan speak Japanese. Japanese _ _ in Japan. (2)People grow rice in the south of China. Rice _ _ in the south of China. (3)Workers make this kind of car in Shanghai. This kind of car _ _in Shang

7、hai. (4)This farm produces milk and meat. Milk and meat _ _ on this farm (5)People use knives to cut things. Knives _ _ for cutting things. (6) -Mum, May I watch TV now? -If your homework_, you may watch TV. A. finish B.finishes C. is finished D.was finished (7)-How clean your classroom is ! - Thank

8、 you. It _ every day. A. cleans B. is cleaned C. are cleaning D.cleaned 4.Bethune died of blood poisoning. 本句的意思是 “_”. die of 意思是 “_”. Die from 意思是 “_”. (1)My father died _ T.B. (2)The man died _electric shock(电击 ). 当堂练习,检测固学 一.根据汉语及首字母提示,补全下列单词。 1. Li Ming cut his finger and b_come out. 2. Liaoning

9、 Province is in the _(北方) part of our country. 3. Oh, Good heavens, our cat is dead. Who k_it? 4. My brother joined the army(军队) and became a s_. 5. The _(情况) is very dangerous, we must do something. 6. People all over the world love _(和平) but hate war. 7. The nurses were looking after the _(伤员). 二.

10、填空 1.Norman Bethune is famous for _(travel) to China. 2.Dr. Bethune showed people how _(give) first aid. 3.He once operated for sixty-nine hours without _(stop). 4.Norman Bethune _(bury) in Tang County, Hebei Province. 5.The old man is _(die). Lets send him to the hospital at once. 6.Look! The doctor _(operate) on a wounded boy. 三.句型转换。 1.Norman Bethune is famous for working as a doctor in wars.(划线提问) _ _Norman bethune famous for? 2.People speak English in many countries.(被动语态) English _ _ in many countries. 3.He died in China in 1939.(划线提问) _ and _ _he die? 教学反思:

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