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2015秋北师大版英语七上Unit 1《Lesson 1 Photos of us》word教学设计.doc

1、教学基本信息 课题 Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of us (First Period) 学科 英语 年级 初一 教学材料 北师大版初中英语七年级(上) 姓名 单位 教学设计 指导教师 指导思想 根据英语课程标准 (2011 年版)的分级标准,初一学生应达到三级标 准:对英语学习表现出积极性和初步的自信心;能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交 流;能利用所给提示简单描述一件事情;能读懂简单的故事和短文;能意识到 语言交际中存在文化差异。 教材分析 本课是北师大版初中英语七年级上册教材第一单元 Unit 1 Family,话 题为家庭和家庭成员。教师根据教材内容和学生认知水

2、平,将第一单元的第一 课 Lesson 1 分为两个课时。第一课时的内容包括家庭成员 的关系和称谓,通过 中英文名字的不同来体会文化差异,然后利用阅读获取家庭成员的具体信息, 最后结合课文信息和语言进行输出活动。第二课时则以人称代词和物主代词为 主。 由于在 Get Ready C 中已经给学生进行了关于家庭成员词汇的学习和拓展, 因此,在本节课中,有关家庭成员的词汇只组织学生进行简单的复习和再现, 没有作为本节课的重点学习内容。 学情分析 学生在小学阶段学过相关话题的词汇和简单表达,有一定的基础,并且之 前在 Get Ready C 部分已经学习和拓展了相关词汇,为学生减少了学习本节课 内容

3、的障碍。学生的模仿能力较好,课堂上充分发挥示范作用,学生对教师的 指令和要求一目了然。 由于学生笔头落实的能力较弱,本节课在说和读的基础上,也给学生提供 了充分的笔头落实的机会,在语言输入和输出部分均设置相关的笔头落实任务, 将学习内容及时落实并反馈在学案上。在阅读中引导学生逐步形成阅读策略意 识,有利于学生的可持续发展。 此外,学生对英语学习有着较高的热情,喜欢参与课堂活动,因此,教 师 结合本节课的目标和学习内容让学生每两个人一组,既能给学生提供互相交流 和帮助的机会,又能控制活动的秩序和效果。 教学目标 Students will be able to: 1. understand th

4、e cultural difference between English and Chinese names; 2. get the information of family members according to the key words; 3. tell the relationships between different family members; 4. describe someone in class using the expressions in the passage. 教学重点和难点 教学重点: 1. Understand the cultural differ

5、ence between English and Chinese names; 2. Get the information of family members according to the key words; 教学难点: 1. Describe someone in class using the expressions in the passage. 教学资源 Multi-media. 教学方法 Task-based approach (PWP), communicative approach 板书设计 Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us 1. k

6、ey wordsreading skill Mr/Mrs + family name 2. 描述某一个人: 人名+s 表示某人的 has lives is the same age as years old likes wants to 课题 Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us 教学过程 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 时间 Step 1 Warm up 1. Ask some questions: 1) How many members are there in your family? 2) Who are they? 3) What other

7、 family members do you know? 2. Lead Ss to do a brainstorm. Answer the questions: There are people in my family. They are Do the brainstorm and report in class. To recall the words of family members. 2 Step2 Pre-reading 1. Show Mr Browns family tree, then, ask Ss to find out family names and given n

8、ames. 2. Let Ss use Mr or Mrs to say hello to Tom Browns family members. 3. Ask Ss: “Whats the relationship between Tom and Mary?” 4. Have Ss speak in pairs to do exercise 1 on Page 26 and choose some pairs to act out in class. 5. Let Ss read all the sentences together. Find out family names and giv

9、en names. Say hello to Browns family members with Mr or Mrs. Answer: Tom is Marys husband. Mary is Toms wife. Practice speaking in pairs and act out. Read aloud together. To know cultural difference. To know the relationship between family members. 10 Step 3 While- reading 1. Show the first paragrap

10、h on the PPT and let Ss read aloud together. 2. Ask Ss to tell which family member the first paragraph describes and find out the key words. 3. Have Ss find out correct family members for the other three paragraphs and underline the key words. 4. Let Ss check the answers and key words in pairs, and

11、then report in class. 5. Show Ss an information form and lead Ss to do the first one together as an example: Family members Information Tom & Mary They have Look at PPT and read aloud together. Say out: Mary Brown. Tell the key words. Read and find out the family members, at the same time underline

12、the key words. Check the answers and key words in pairs and report in class. Read the teachers example and complete the form on their learning sheet. To get information of family members and find out the key words. 15 two _ and a grandson. They live _. 6. Tell Ss they can depend on both the passage

13、and the family tree. 7. Ask Ss to check in pairs. Check in pairs. Step 4 Post-reading 1. Give Ss an example of report: Let me tell you something about Tom and Mary. They have two granddaughters and a grandson. They live near their son. 2. Let Ss practice in pairs and report like this: Let me tell yo

14、u something about 3. Have Ss read aloud the descriptions together. 4. Ask Ss how to describe someone and list the key words on the blackboard: has lives is the same age as years old likes wants to 5. Have Ss work in pairs and write some information of someone in the class, give Ss an example: “Let m

15、e tell you something about my friend. She has short hair. She lives far from our school. She likes English very much. She wants to become your friend. She is thirty years old.” 6. Choose some pairs to give some information and let others guess who he/she is. Read the example sentences together. Prac

16、tise reporting in pairs: Let me tell you something about Read aloud the descriptions together. Get the expressions from the passage and take notes. Guess the teachers example and then write some information of someone in the class in pairs. Both members in pairs report something and let others guess

17、. To describe someone with the key information 15 Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us (Ss learning sheet) 1. While-reading: Read again and complete the form. Family members Information Tom & Mary They have two _ and a grandson. They live _. Lisa & John They have a son and a _. They live near _. Kath

18、y & Mike They are _. They _ a daughter Betty. Anna She _ a brother Mark and a _ Betty. She is _ as Betty. Mark He _ a sister Anna. He is _ years old. Betty She is _ as Anna. She _ a dog, Sam. She _ write, sing and dance. She doesnt _ to be a doctor. 2. Post-reading: 1) Give a report according to the

19、 information form above. Let me tell y ou something about 2) How to describe someone _ _ _ _ _ _ Step 5 Summary & self- assessment 1. Ask Ss to think of the key points in this lesson and mark on blackboard. 2. Have Ss complete the self- assessment. Summarize and take notes. Complete the self- assess

20、ment. To summary and know how well Ss did. 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3) Work in pairs and write some information of someone in your class. Someone in my class Information 3. Self-assessment 1) 我知道英文名字中的不同之处 是 否 2) 我知道如何使用 Mr 和 Mrs 是 否 3) 我能说出 Brown 一家的家庭成员之间的关系, 至少三个 是 否 4) 我能利用关键词获得有关家庭成员的信息 是 否 5) 我能用至少三个简单句描述一个同学或朋友 是 否 我的评价结果是: Excellent! (4-5) Not bad! (2-3) I need to work harder! (0-1)

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