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2015秋鲁教版英语八上Unit 6《Have you read Treasure Island yet》(SectionA 3a-3c)word学案.doc

1、Unit6 SectionA 3a-3c 精品学案 【学习目标】 1、 了解著名小说鲁滨逊漂流记 ,学习主人翁永不放弃的精神 2、 进一步熟悉现在完成时。 【字词达标】 单词达标:tool, else, t oward, sand, gun, ship, technology, French 短语达标:wait for, give up, who else, see sb doing/do sth, run toward, name sb cut down 【难点讲解】 1.I ha ve brought back many things I can use,我带回了许多我能使用的东西。 2W

2、ho else is o n my island?还有谁在我的岛上? 1)else(其他的,别的) ,修饰复合不定代词或者特殊疑问词,并放其后 例:别的什么_ _ 其他的人_ _ 别的东西 _ _ 没有别的东西_ _ 2)other(其他的,别的)修饰名词,放在名词的前面。 例:other things, other people 3)What _do you have?=What _ things do you have? 3.I named him Friday 我给他取名 “星期五” name sb给某人取名,同样的表达还有 call sb 例:他叫我小王 He calls me Xia

3、o Wang= He names me Xiao Wang 我的父母给我取名 Jack(两种表达) 4.I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.我看见两个肉食人 正企图杀害两个从一艘破船出来 的人。 see sb doing 看见某人在做 see sb do看见某人做 例:I often see him_(help) the old man. When I came back home, I saw my mother_(cook)。 5One of them died but the other ran t

4、oward my house.其中的一个死了,另一个 向我的屋子跑来。 1)onethe other一个 另一个 例:I have two friends, one is Tom, the other is Jack. 2) run toward向跑去.go toward 向走去 【巩固练习】 翻译 1. 给我的狗取名 Jerry(两种表达) _ _ 2. 看见某人正做某事 _ 3. 企图做某事_ 4. 放弃抽烟(smoke)_ 5. 别的谁 _ 6. 别的什么东西(两种表达)_ _ 7. 砍掉它_ 8. 等候_ 9. 说法语_ 【例题讲解】 1Have/has gone to.,去了.(还没

5、有回) Have/has been to.,去过.(已经回) 例:1)-Where is your sister?-She has gone to the library.她去图书馆了(没有回, 还在图书馆) 2)I have been to Beijing many times 我去过北京很多次了。 (我已经回了,没 在北京了) long,for+时间段, since.不能与瞬间动词连用。 例:1)I have_B_the book for two days. A.bought B.had C.finished 解析:由于此题出现 for two days,又因为 bought,

6、finished 是瞬间动词,所 以选择延续性动词 had 2)常见的的瞬间动词/短语和延续性动词/短语 瞬间动词 延续性动词 go to. .,come to, have/has been in/at leave Have/has been away from buy have/has had borrow(借进) /lend(借出) have/has kept die have/has been dead arrive in/at,got to,reach have/has been in/at The film started/began The film has been on joi

7、n have/has been a member(成员)of join the army have/has been in the army 【句型巩固】 1. Nancy has to do some exercise to keep healthy. (改为否定句) Nancy _ _ to do _ exercise to keep healthy. 2. Nancy has had breakfast. (改为否定句) Nancy _ _breakfast. 3. I have a backache.(一般疑问句并回答) _ you _ a backache ? Yes,I _.No,

8、I _. 4. I have been to Shanghai twice. .(一般疑问句并回答) _ you _ to Shanghai twice.?- Yes,I _.No,I _ 5.Tom joined the army four days ago(改同义句) Tom _ _ _ the army for four days. 6 他们来这里多久了(完成译句) _ _ have they _ here?. 【语法过关】 一、单项选择。 ( )1.My shoe is here, but where is _? A. the others B. the other C. anothe

9、r one D. other ( )2.Do you ha ve _to say?. A. anything other B. something else C. else anything D. anything else ( )3.How long have you _here? A. come B. arrived. C. got D. been ( )4.Hurry up,your mother is waiting_the bus stop_you. A.for,at, with,for D.for,at ( )5.He is not at home,he has_Jiefangbei. A.been to B.go to C.gone to D.been in ( )6,She _in Chongqing 5 days ago,she has_ in Chongqing for 5 days A.arrived,arrived B.been,arrived C. arri ved,been, been ( )7.His grandpa_since 2000 A.died B.has been deaded C.has been dead D.has died 【课后反思】

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