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2016秋湘少版英语四年级上册Unit 12《Peter can jump high》word教案.doc

1、Unit12 Peter can jump high 一、学情分析: 四年级的学生经过一年的英语学习,有了一定的英语基础,对于单 词与课文的理解也还不错,但在这个学时涉及到一个语法知识,can 的运用,能运用 I can表达个人具有的能力,并能用巨型转述他人 具有的能力是这个学时的一个重点和难点。教师可以采用情景表演 教学帮助孩子理解。 二、重点、难点 1、能听懂、会说本课新单词 jump high,jump far,swim fast ,run fast,fly high 2、能听懂、会说本课对话 3、能运用 I can表达个人具有的能力,并能用巨型转述他人具有 的能力 三、教学过程 第一学

2、时: (一) 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说本课新单词 jump high,jump far,swim fast ,run fast,fly high 2、能听懂、会说本课对话 3、能运用 I can表达个人具有的能力,并能用巨型转述他人具有 的能力 (二) 学时重点 1、能听懂、会说本课新单词 jump high,jump far,swim fast ,run fast,fly high 2、能听懂、会说本课对话 (三)学时难点: 能运用 I can表达个人具有的能力,并能用巨型转述他人具有的能 力 教学活动: Peter can jump high StepI Warming up 1、 G

3、reetings T:Class begins S:Stand up please. T:I am Miss Liao,good morning boys and girls. S:Good morning Miss Liao. T:Ok,say “Hello ” to other teachers. S : Hello! T:Sit down please.My name is Nora,you can call me Nora or Miss Liao.May I have your name please? T:What is your name? Nice to meet you !(

4、询问两三个,拉近与学生的 距离) StepII Presentation and drill T: Look at it,there are some pictures (师指屏幕) T: What are they ? (ppt 出示动物图片:袋鼠、鱼、兔子、鸟 ) T: Who can act the kangaroom? (师指袋鼠图片,指名上台表演) T: The kangroom can (师做动作,学生回答) T: Yes ,good! The kangroom can -jump high 跳得高 (出示单词卡 片:Jump high,师带读 3 遍,jump jump 跳、hi

5、gh high 高、jump high jump high 跳得高, girls 两遍,开火车 read one by one) T: The kangroom can jump high and (师做动作,学生回答 ) T: The kangroom can -jump far 跳得远 (师边说边做动作) (出示单词卡片:jump far ,师带读 3 遍,jump jump 跳、far far 远、 jump far jump far 跳得远,boys 读,点人读) T: Look at it ,there is a rabbit (师指兔子图片) T: The rabbit can (

6、师做动作,学生回答) T: Wonderful ,the rabbit can -run fast 跑得快(师边说边做动作) (出示单词卡片:run fast ,师带读 3 遍,大小声,点人读) T: The rabbit can run fast .How about the fish? (师先做动作,然后指 鱼的图片) T : Great, the fish can swim fast .游得快(师做动作,边说) (出示单词卡片:swim fast ,师带读 3 遍,拼读、点人读) T: So the bird can (师指鸟儿的图片,做动作 ) T: Wonderful, The bi

7、rd can -fly high 飞得高 (出示单词:fly high ,师带读 3 遍,fly fly 飞、high high 高、fly high fly high 飞得高、开火车 read one by one ) T:Now,come to “You do I say”.I need a student to do the act (师做动作) other students say English. T: Ok, Good job!now, lets have a fun-play a game:“What is missing ”.Watch careful. (PPT 以此出现:

8、swim fast、run fast 、 jump high、fly high、jump far) (看谁点得快,I say Chinese,you should say English and point the card .) T: To merorize new words ,I make a chant , just like this :(PPT 出示) Jump jump jump jump high Jump jump jump jump far Swim swim swim swim fast Run run run run fast Fly fly fly fly high

9、T: Follow me ,ok? T: Do it again ,再来一遍 T: Now, lets play another game-“寻宝藏.(选一名同学背对着大家, 把卡片藏到一个学生的桌子里,选定的学生转身,其余的学生开始 读单词,当寻宝的学生离宝藏越近读声就越大,离宝藏越远读声越 小) T; Who want to come on here ? The word is “Jump far ” T: Ok,read it loudly. Everyone follow him/ her(通过不同的单词 进行 2-3 轮游戏 ) T: Perfect ,then well meet

10、old friends StepIII Practice T: The Sport Meeting is beginning. Lets have a look .Please turn to page fifty-seven(57) T:Look at the book, lets listen and then answer the questions . PPT 出示:(1)How many pupils are there? There are four pupils. (2) Who are they? Peter、Linging 、Anne、Dongdong T: Now ,who

11、 can answer the question one ? (师做举手的动作) T: Good, There are four pupils. T: Who are they? T: Excellent, Peter、Linging 、Anne、Dongdong T: Lets listen again and complete the table 。听录音完成表格。 (PPT 出示表格) T: Peter can (学生回答) (出示标题:Peter can jump high,师带读两遍) T: Anne can T: Dongdong can T: Linging can T: You

12、 are so smart ,now, Lets listen and say (生跟录音读 1 遍,跟老 师读 1 遍) T: Now read loudly ,find partner and complete the dialogue .(自由朗读对 话,两人合作,完成对话) T: Who can show your performance ? (2-3 组) T: Who want to be Peter? Come here! (师先示范) T: You are Peter . (指表演 Peter 的人) and do the action (师示范 跳高 I say “Peter

13、 can jump high”. You (指全班)should say “ He can jump high ” Are you ready? Go ! T: Who want to be Linging? All of us (指全班) say : “ Lingling can run fast.(师做动作) You should say “ I can run fast ” .(师做动作示范) Ok? T: Who want to be Anne? All of us (指全班 ) say : “Anne can jump far” .(师做动作 ) You (指安娜)should sa

14、y “ I can jump far ”(师做动 作示范) Ok? T: Who want to be Dongong ? All of us (指全班 ) say : “ Dongong can swim fast”.(师做动作) You (东东)should say “ I can swim fast ” (师做动作示范) Ok? T: Now talk and do it! Just like this : “I can run fast” ,you could say“ she can run fast” or “he can run fast ” Do you understand

15、?(师示范,2-3 组) (PPT 出示: I can ) Who can try? T :Yes ,you /she / he can (3 组练习) T : So ,can 是万能的. I can ,she can ,he can ,you can T:Are you happy today? T:If you are happy,clap your hands If you are happy,clap your hands If you are happy,stomp your feet If you are happy, stomp your feet If you are happy, say “Hello” If you are happy, say “Good bye” Class is over goodbye!

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