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本文(2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 7《Shopping》(Welcome to the unit)word英文教案1.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 7《Shopping》(Welcome to the unit)word英文教案1.doc

1、 Unit 7 Shopping Comic strip and welcome to the unit Groundback information Away birthday tradition originated in Europe, it is considered that at a friends birthday that day to visit with good wishes, can protect your friends received injuries.Many traditions have candles and cake as part of the ce

2、lebration. Type of lesson Comic strip and welcome to the unit Teaching aims and learning objectives 1. To learn the shops of the names we often see 2. Learn to talk about buying presents in English Teaching contents: Four skills: Words:shopping mall down hate well money wallet carry bookshop gift su

3、re maybe stamp collect Phrases:down the street go shopping come with me carry the bags clothes shop flower shop gift shop shoe shop sports shop toy shop Buy Simon a present be interested in Sentences:I want to buy Simon a present. I am not sure. Thats a good idea. You”re welcome. Three skills: Word:

4、CD Focus of the lesson and predicted area of the difficulty 1. words and phrases and sentences 2. about buying presents in English Teaching aids: Pictures ,radio,multimedia courseware Teaching procedures: Welcome to the unit Step1 Lead-in 1.创设真实情境导入赠送礼物和购物的话题,引导学生学习生词。 T: Today I am ver

5、y happy, I got a birthday present last night.I like it very much. Look, Its a wallet. Whats this? Is this a wallet?(write on the blackboard and read several times). My friend bought it in a gift shop.Do you know gift?It means present,understand?Look!Theres some money in the wallet,right? I like shop

6、ping,with the money I can buy gifts for the people we love.Right?Can you tell me where I can buy presents?(Show the pictures of partA on page81 to the students).We can buy different things in different shops,right?Do you know what shops they are? 2.While learning these names,ask the students to read

7、 after me 3.Have a discussion with the students like this. T:Whats this shop? S:Its a -shop. T:What can we buy here? T:Who can we buy a present for from the shop? S:For my teacherfriend-. Ask the students to practise like this in pairs 4 let the students finish partA and read several times. Step2 Pr

8、esentation T:Just now ,we talk about where we can buy presents and what presents we can choose from the shop for different people,YES OR NO?Christmas is coming,right?Daniel wants to buy a present for Simon,Hes asking Millie for help. 1.Listen to the tape and answer the question below :What do they d

9、ecide to buy? Stamps (write on the blackboard and read several times) Where can they buy stamps for Simon? 2.Read and reapeat and answer the question How do Millie and Daniel kow to buy stamps for Simon? Simon is interested collecting stamps.(对集邮感兴趣)So before buying presents for others,we should kno

10、w he or she likes,right? be(not) interested in (doing )sth 对某事(不)感兴趣(write on the blackboard and read several times.) Give more examples: Im interested in English. Amy isnt interested in music. Shes interested in playing football. Encourage the Ss to make sentences like this 3.Read the dialogue in r

11、oles. 4.Read together. Step3 Practice and activities T:Hello,boys and girls!My husbands birthday is coming,I want to buy him a present .Do you have any ideas? 1.Ask the Ss to talk about their own ideas about what to buy and where to buy it. 2.Have a commniucation with them. 3.Make up similar dialogu

12、e in pairs. 4.Act out their dialogue Comic strip Step(1 )Presention T:Thanks for giving me some ideas.Ill take your ideas when I go shopping.I like shopping,what about you? pictures about Hobo and Eddie,then always bring us much fun ,right?What will happen this week? Lets have a look together

13、,OK?now Hobo is going shopping and he asks Eddie to go with him.Do you think Eddie will do that? 1.Let the Ss guess the answer first 2.Listen to the tape and answer question (1)Why does Hobo ask Eddie to go with him? (Because he wants Eddie to carry all the bags.) 3.Read the dialogue and find out th

14、e difficulties need-to do sth 需要去做某事 hate sth=dont like sth (give more examples) Step(2 )Practice 1.Use the words and phrases to complete the passage Go shopping carry all the bags wallet come with Need to down the street hates money Theres a new mall_.Hobo wants to _,but Eddie_it.Hobo has no_so Edd

15、ie gives his_to Hobo.Hobo cant_.Hes asking Eddie for help,”Eddie,please_me,I _you _ help me. 2Check the answers and read together. 3.Read the dialogue in roles in pairs. 4.Act out the dialogue in roles,encourage the Ss to come up with their own ideas. Step4 Review So much for this ,what did we learn

16、 today?Well done!we learnt some new names of the shops,such as_-and some important words on the Bb,right?Hobo and Eddie also makes us laugh,they are very interesting,YES OR NO? Step 5 Consolidation When we buy presents for others, we shouldnt spend too much money on it ,do you think so? Because we a

17、re students, we dont make money. We have only our pocket money. We should spend our pocket money wisely, do you think so? I think present is only our heart, not the expensive one, right ? Step6 Homework 1.Remember the new words and phrases 2.Learn the dialogue by heart 3.Preview the new words of reading

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