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2016春人教精通版英语六下Unit 1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》(lesson 4)word教案.doc

1、宝坻区中小学课堂教学教案 林亭口镇糙甸中学电子备课 _六_年级 册 学科:英语 教学课题 Lesson 4 知识 与 技能 1 Main words :listen to English ,speak English ,read English, Write English ,talk in English , play in English. 2 Main sentences :we are very interested in English . We have learned a lot to English words. 3 The ability of Ss reading and

2、writing .主要目标语言 we are very interested in English . We have learned a lot to English words. 过程 与 方法 通过创设演讲比赛的真实语境,学生能够听、说、读、写 词汇 learn, a lot of , word, blackboard ,say 和句型 We are very interested in 并 能把词汇融入句子中进行学习,操练,在对话交流的过程中完成目标 词汇的学习和运用。 教 学 目 标 情感 态度 与价 值观 1 Situational Teaching Method 2 Listen

3、ing and Speaking 3 TPR happy Teaching Method 教学重点 Apply the sentences to the real situation. we are very interested in English . We have learned a lot to English words. 教学难点 Can make sentences with words. Can understand and speak out in right tone . 教学媒体 Picture card , recorder , sticker . 教学设计: Ste

4、p 1 Warming-up (5) Free talking . Greeting . Step 2 Presentation (20) (1) T : Hi ! What did you do last Sunday ? Where did you go last Sunday ? (2) Ss : - (3) T : Look at the pictures what did you do during your holidays? I listened to English. We are very interested in listening to English. We have

5、 learned a lot of English words. Speak English ,read English, Write English , talk in English , play in English (4) The Ss ask and answer each other like this . (5) Listen to the tape and repeat . Step 3 Practice (10) (1) Make the sentences with the words . (2) Lets act in you group . Step 4 Assessm

6、ents (5) (1) Lets talk. 学生结合自己的语言知识储备和学习英语的经历丰富学习英语的方法,进一步激活思维, 突出 Our English learning 这一主题,一小组竞赛的方式开展活动,培养学生观察力, 反应力,表达力,以达到巩固和运用本课目标语言的目的。 (2) Write the main words and sentences . VII The Blackboard and Design Unit 1 Lesson 4 We are very interested in English We have learned a lot of English words. Homework: finish the exercise book lesson 4 教学反思:

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