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2016春人教精通版英语五下Unit 6《We’re watching the games》word单元导学案.doc

1、 Lesson 28导学案 教学目标: what are you doing? Im telling a story. What is li yan doing? Shes singing a song. 教学重点: tell a story 、sing a song、 play the guitar 、play the violin 教学难点:现在进行时,询问某人正在做什么句型 What is/are doing ? 导学流程 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Lesson 27. 2)Check homework. 合作探究 1)Read the sentenc

2、es with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 3)Learn the new words. tell a story 讲故事 sing a song 唱歌 play the guitar 弹吉他 play the violin 拉小提琴 4)Lets chant with the tape. 交流展示 1)学生读单词(分读,领读等) 2)运用所学对话练习并展示 精讲点拨 询问某人正在做什么句型 What is/are doing ? 达标检测 根据汉译写出下列短语 1、讲故事 2、唱歌 3、弹吉他 4、拉小提琴 连词成句 1、 he is what doing _

3、2、 she is song sing a _ Lesson 29 导学案 教学目标: What are you doing? I am looking at the picture. Is he looking at the moon? Yes,he is . No,he isnt. 教学重点:Look at the picture. Talk about the picture. 教学难点:正在进行时的一般疑问句。 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Lesson 29. 2)Check homework in groups. 合作探究 1)Read the se

4、ntences with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 3)Learn the new words. Look at the picture. 看图片 Talk about the picture. 谈论图片 Stand 站起 Moon 月亮 4)Lets chant with the tape. 交流展示 1) 分角色朗读对话 2) 分角色表演对话 3) 创编对话 达标检测 英汉短语对对碰 ( )1.tell a story A.弹吉他 ( ) 2.look at the picture B.讲故事 ( ) about C.拉小提琴 ( )

5、ay the guitar D.谈论 ( ) the violin E.看图片 Lesson 30 导学案 教学目标: Are you looking at the picture? Yes,I am. No,I am not. Is he looking at the moon? Yes,it is . No,it isnt. 教学重点: Look at the picture. Talk about the picture. 教学难点:正在进行时的一般疑问句。 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Lesson 29. 2)Check homework

6、 in groups. 合作探究 1)Read the sentences with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 3)Learn the new words. Look at the picture. 看图片 Talk about the picture. 谈论图片 Stand 站起 Sit 坐下 4)Lets chant with the tape. 交流展示 1) 组内练习单词和句型 2) 运用所学表演对话 精讲点拨 1) 询问对方正在做某事的句型 Are you? 2) 询问他人是否正在做某事的句型 Is he/she? 达标检测 选择填空 ( )This

7、is Lily_. A.speak B.speaks C.speaking ( )Mum is _the clothes now . A.wash B.washing C.washes ( )They are looking_the room. ( )Were going _a walk in the park. A.take B.for ( )Her brother _cleaning his room now. B.are C.was Revision 导学案 教学目标: What are you doing? I am +Ving. Ho

8、w about you?. Me too 或 Im +Ving. 教学重难点: Look at the picture. Talk about the picture. Stand Sit 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Lesson 30. 2)Check homework in groups. 合作探究 1)Read the dialog with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 3)Learn the new words and sentences. Cleaning my room. 打 扫房间 Going for a walk.

9、 去散步 4)Lets chant with the tape. 交流展示 1分组练习 fun story 2)找学生分段读 Unit 6 Were watching the games Lesson 31导学案 教学目标:Look at They are + Ving. 教学重点:Playing football. Volleyball Basketball Watching the games. 教学难点:正在进行时的特殊疑问句及答语。 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Unit 5. 2)Check homework in groups. 合作探究 Learn

10、 the new words. Playing football. 踢足球 Volleyball 排 球 Basketball 篮球 Watching the games 看比赛 交流展示 1)Read the sentences with the teacher. 2)Pratise the 3)Lets chant with the tape. 精讲点拨 如何描述某些人正在做某事are 主语(复数形式)+are+动词-ing 形式+其他 达标检测 给下列动词加上 ing 形式。 2. have 3.collect 4.write 5.count 6. pick 7. set

11、 8.take 9. swim 本节课你学到了什么? Lesson 32 导学案 教学目标: Look at They are + Ving. 教学重点: Playing football. Volleyball Basketball Watching the games. 教学难点:正在进行时的特殊疑问句及答语。 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Lesson 31. 2)Check homework in groups. 合作探究 Learn the new words. Playing football. 踢足球 Volleyball 排 球 Basketba

12、ll 篮球 Watching the games 看比赛 交流展示 1)Read the sentences with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 3)Lets chant with the tape. 精讲点拨 如何描述某些人正在做某事are 主语(复数形式)+are+动词-ing 形式+其他 达标检测 翻译下列句子。 1. Were watching the games._ 2. The boys are playing football._ 3. The girls are playing volleyball._ 4. The teacher are pl

13、aying basketball._ 5. What are they doing?_ 写出下列词组 1、踢足球 2、打排球 3、打篮球 4、观看节目 本节课你学到了什么? Lesson 33 导学案 教学目标:What are they doing? They are + Ving. 教学重点:Can I play it with you? Certainly. Words : Playing badminton. Tennis Ping-pong 或 table tennis. Favourite sport教学难点:现在进行时的复数形式。 自主学习 1)Review the Knowle

14、dge in Lesson 32. 2)Check homework in groups. 合作探究 Learn the new words. Playing badminton. Tennis Ping-pong 或 table tennis. Favourite sport 最喜欢的运动 交流展示 1)Read the sentences with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 3)Lets chant with the tape. 精讲点拨 询问某些人正在做什么的句型 What are doing? What are +主语(复数形式)+doing? 达标测试

15、 选择填空 ( )1、Were_the games. A.looking B.seeing C.watching ( )2、Theyre playing_basketball now. A.the B./ C.a ( )3、Theyre playing_. B.the ping-pong C. the ping-pong ball ( )4、Were watching_. A.the jump high B.the high jump C.jump high ( )5、He is _fast. A.running B.runing 本节课你学到了什么? -

16、Lesson 34 导学案 教学目标:What are you doing? We are + Ving. What are they doing? 教学重点: They are + Ving Words : Playing badminton. Tennis Ping-pong或 table tennis. Baseball 教学难点:正在进行时的复数形式。 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Lesson 33. 2)/Check homework in groups. 合作探究 Learn the new words. Playing badminton. Te

17、nnis Ping-pong 或 table tennis. Baseball 交流展示 1)Read the sentences with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 3)Lets chant with the tape. 精讲点拨 询问某些人正在做什么的句型 What are doing? What are +主语(复数形式)+doing? 达标检测 英汉短语对对碰 ( ) volleyball A.打棒球 ( ) badminton B.观看比赛 ( ) baseball C.打羽毛毛球 ( ) tennis

18、D.打网球 ( ) the games E.打排球 本节课你学到了什么? Lesson 35导学案 教学目标:Are you watching the high jump? Yes,I am. No,I am not. Are they doing the high jump? Yes,they are .No,they arent. 教学重点:Do the high jump Do the long jump Run fast Runner教学难点:正在进行时的一般疑问句复数形式。 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Lesson 34. 2)Chec

19、k homework in groups. 合作探究 Learn the new words. Do the high jump Do the long jump Run fast 跑地快 Runner 跑步运动员 交流展示 1)Read the sentences with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 3)Lets chant with the tape. 精讲点拨 现在进行时的一般疑问句 达标检测 英汉句子对对碰 ( )1.Theyre doing the long jump. ( )2.Shes running fast. ( )3.Theyre girls

20、 of Grade One. ( )4.My favourite sport is playing ping-pong. ( )5.Theyre playing badminton. A.我最喜欢的运动是打乒乓球 B.他们正在跳绳 C.她正跑的很快 D.他们正在打羽毛球 E.她们是一年级的女孩 本节课你学到了什么? Lesson 36导学案 教学目标:Are you watching the high jump? Yes,I am. No,I am not.Are they doing the high jump? Yes,they are . No,they arent. 教学重点: Do

21、the high jump Do the long jump Run fast 教学难点:正在进行时的一般疑问句复数形式。 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Lesson 35. 2)Check homework in groups. 合作探究 Learn the new words. Do the high jump Do the long jump Run fast 跑地快 交流展示 1)Read the sentences with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 3)Lets chant with the tape. 精讲点拨 现在

22、进行时的一般疑问句 达标检测 翻译下列词组 1.跳过 2.跳远 3.跑的很快 本节课你学到了什么? Revision 导学案 教学目标: What are you doing? I am +Ving. 教学重点: Review unit6 sentences and words 自主学习 1)Review the Knowledge in Unit 6. 2)Check homework in groups. 合作探究 1)Read the dialog with the teacher. 2)Pratise them. 交流展示 Learn the new words and sentences. Olympic Games. 奥运会 Going for a walk. 去散步 达标检测 以“Sport and Games”为题写一篇小短文。 本节课你学到了什么? -

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