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本文(2016春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 1《Past and Present》(reading)word导学案.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2016春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 1《Past and Present》(reading)word导学案.doc

1、第 2 课时 Reading 预学目标 1通过预习,了解北京阳光镇的变化情况。 2了解如何把某地过去和现在的情况进行对比,并描述所发生的变化。 3在预习课文的基础上能对与课文相关的问题作出判断。 4了解采访城市变化时需要用到的问题种类。 预学热身 预习课文前,请初步了解本课时的词汇并完成以下练习(英汉互译) 。 1southern adj. _ 2married adj. _ 3wife n_ 4cinema n _ 5_ n工厂污染 7_ vt.意识到;实现 8_减少;减轻 9_ adj.孤独的,寂寞的 10_ vt.扔,投,掷 11get married _

2、 12turn into _ 13take action _ 14_减少污染 15_在某些方面 16 _感到有点儿寂寞 自主探究,请带着下面这些问题阅读教材。 1. When did Mr Chen get married? 2. Has Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years? 3. Did the government take action to reduce the pollution? 4. How does Mr Chen feel from time to time? 教材导读 1. -How well do you know Sun

3、shine Town, Mr Chen? 陈先生,您对阳光镇的了解程度如何?(陈先生,您对阳光镇了解多少?) -I know the place very well我对这个地方很熟悉。 知识点:knowwell 的用法 指点迷津 knowwell 意为“ 对清楚,对熟悉”,后面可以跟人或物。提问程 度时用 how well。 I know Mr Green very well. 我对格林先生很熟悉。 How well do you know your home town? 你对你的家乡了解多少? ( ) -_ well do you know your school? -I know it q

4、uite well. A. What B. How C. Where D. When 2. We lived together till 1965, when I got married. 我们一直住在一起直到 1 965 年我结婚。 知识点:get married 的用法 指点迷津 get married 意为“结婚” ,表示结婚的动作,不能和一段时间连用。 My parents got married twenty years ago. 我的父母是二十年前结婚的。 拓展 marry 既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,意为“结婚;嫁;娶;与结婚” 等。其常见用法如下: marry sb. 嫁

5、给某人;与某人结婚。 John married Mary last week. 上星期约翰和玛丽结婚了。 marry sb. to sb.表示父母把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇。 She married her daughter to a businessman. 她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。 marry 作不及物动词时,常常用副词或介词短语来修饰。 She married very early. 她很早就结婚了。 marry 一般不与介词 with 连用,而与介词 to 连用,即 be/get married to sb.与某人结婚。 Jane was married to a doctor la

6、st month上个月简和一位医生结婚了。 Rose got married to a teacher. 罗丝和一位教师结婚了。 He is married to a foreigner. 他娶了一位外国人。 问某人是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象时,可以用 be/get married,相当于系表结构。 Are you married? /Have you got married? 你结婚了吗? 根据中文提示写出单词 (2010十堰)Could you tell me when Sue and Jack are _(结婚)? 3. Has Sunshine Town changed a lot

7、over the years? 阳光镇近些年的变化大吗? 知识点:over the years 的用法 指点迷津 over the years 意为“历年;多年来;多年以来”,相当于 during the years,常 与现在完成时连用。 He says this number has not changed much over the years. 他说这个数字历年来没有太大的变化。 用所给单词的适当形式填空 This village _ (not change) over the years. 4. Now, the government has turned the place int

8、o a park. 现在,政府已经把这个地方变成了一座公园 知识点:turninto 的用法 指点迷津 turninto 意为“把变成”,相当于 changeinto;表示“变成” 可以用 turn into 或 change into。 They turned the reading room into a laboratory. 他们把阅览室改建成了一个实验室。 Bad beginnings may turn into good endings. 糟糕的开端可能转变为美好的结局。 选择填空 ( ) Please _these sentences _English. A. turn; int

9、o B. turn; on C. turn; down D. turn; off 5. The pollution was terrible then because the factory used to dump its waste into the river. 在那个时候污染很可怕,因为那家工厂过去常常把它的废弃物倒进河里。 知识点:used to 的用法 指点迷津 used to 后面跟动词原形,表示过去的习惯或状态,也可以表示过去常做的 动作,但这一动作现在或将来已经不再发生。 My grandpa used to be a History teacher. 我的爷爷过去是一位历史

10、老师。 用所给单词的适当形式填空 Tom used to _ (walk) his dog every morning. 6. Later, the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution 后来,政府意识到这是个非常严重的问题并采取了措施减少污染。 知识点一:realize 的用法 指点迷津realize vt. 意为“ 意识到 ”,后面可以跟表示事物的名词、代词或从句。 He hasnt realized his mistake yet. 他还没有意识到

11、他的错误。 When I heard the noise on the roof, I realized that it was raining. 当我听到屋顶上的声音时,我意识到正在下雨。 realize 还可以表示“ 实现”,后面跟宾语。 He hoped to be a policeman and he realized his hope in the end. 他希望当一名警察而且最终实现了他的愿望。 选择填空 ( ) At last she _her dream of becoming an actress. A. came true B. realize C. realized D

12、. come true 知识点二:take action 的用法 指点迷津 take action 意为“采取行动;采取措施”。常用结构:take action to do sth.。 表示采取具体的措施时,action 可以用复数形式。 Its time to take action. 该是采取行动的时候了。 We should take the following actions to help him. 我们应该采取下列措施帮助他。 汉译英 我们必须采取行动,否则就来不及了。 We _ _ _ before it is too late. 7. Well,in some ways it

13、is嗯,在某些方面是(比以前好) 。 知识点:in some ways 的用法 指点迷津 in some ways 意为“在某些方面;在某种程度上”,在句中通常作状语。类 似的短语有:in many ways 在许多方面;in most ways 在大多数方面。 In some ways you are right. 在某些方面你是对的。 In most ways we are all the same. 在大多数方面我们是一样的。 人们在许多方面用到植物。 People use plants _ _ _ 8Its nice to have open space and pretty gard

14、ens. 有露天的空间和漂亮的花园真好。 知识点:open 的用法 指点迷津 open space 意为 “露天的空间、空地”。其中 open 是形容词,意为“未围上的; 开阔的”。 Children like to run around in the open fields. 孩子们喜欢在广阔的田野上追逐玩耍。 open 作形容词,还可以表示“开着的” ;反义词是 closed,意为“关着的”。 The door is open now. 门现在是开着的。 open 还可以作动词,意为“开,打开” ;反义词是 close,意为“关,关闭”。 Please open the window. 请

15、把窗户打开。 It is good to open all the windows and air the rooms. 打开所有窗户,给房间通通风是有益的。 选择填空 ( ) Please dont keep the windows _when you leave the room. A. close B. closed C. open D. opened 9. They have moved to other areas in Beijing, and I feel a bit lonely from time to time. 他们已经搬到了北京的其他地区,而且我时常感到有点儿寂寞。 知

16、识点:a bit 的用法 指点迷津 a bit 意为“ 一点儿;有一点儿” ,可以修饰形容词或副词的原级和比较级, 相当于 a little。 I am a bit hungry. I am a little hungry. 我有一点儿饿。 He is a bit taller than me. He is a little taller than me. 他比我高一点儿。 Tom runs a bit faster than Sam. Tom runs a little faster than Sam. 汤姆跑得比萨姆快一点儿。 a bit of 后面可以跟不可数名词,相当于 a littl

17、e 跟不可数名词。 There is a bit of tea in the cup. There is a little tea in the cup. 杯子里有一点儿茶。 选择填空 ( ) It is _hotter today than yesterday. A. a bit of B. a bit C. little 热身练习 A根据首字母或中文提示写出单词。 1. Go down this street t you reach the traffic lights, then turn left. 2. Most tree leaves _(变成)yellow and fall do

18、wn in autumn. 3. Building _(废料)is the main part of the city rubbish. 4. The man over there is her _(丈夫) 5. Could I come in for an _(面试)? B用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. My family _(move) to Yancheng two years ago. 2. When did your parents get _ (marry)? 3. _ your school _ (change) a lot over the years? 4. In the

19、past, she_ (drink) nothing but coffee. 5. Tom used to_ (get) up late. C选择填空。 ( ) 1. My grandmother lives _ now but she never feels _ A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone ( ) 2. (2010宿迁)You cant sneeze and keep your eyes _at the same time. A. open B. opens C. opened D.

20、opening ( ) 3. -Where do you live? -I live near the supermarket in the _ part of the town _my family. A. south; with B. southern; with C. south; near D. southern; near ( ) 4. This coat is _ tight. I cant wear it. A. a bit B. little C. not a bit D. a bit of ( ) 5. Dont _ the window and listen to your

21、 teacher carefully in class. A. look after B. look up C. look out of D. look down D翻译句子。 1我和我的弟弟合住一间卧室直到 5 年前我结婚。 _ 2那家鞋厂过去把它的废弃物倒进河里。 _ 3后来,这个男孩意识到了他的错误,脸变红了。 _ 4看到孩子们如此开心真好。 _ 参考答案 预学热身 1南方的;南部的 2已婚的 3妻子 4电影院 5. factory 6.pollute 7.realize 8.reduce 9. lonely 10. throw 11.结婚 12.转变成 13.采取措施 14. redu

22、ce the pollution 15. in some ways 16. feel a bit lonely 1. He got married in 1965. has. 3. Yes, it did. 4. He feels a bit lonely from time to time. 教材导读 1. B 2. married 3. hasnt changed 4. A 5. walk 6. C must take action many ways 8C 9 B 热身练习 A. 1. till 2. turn 3. waste 4. husband 5int

23、erview B. 1. moved 2. married 3. Has; changed 4drank 5get C. 1C 2A 3B 4 A 5C D. 1. I shared a bedroom with my brother until 5 years ago, when I got married. 2. That shoe factory used to dump its waste into the river. 3. Later, the boy realized his mistake and his face turned red 4. Its nice to see that the children are so happy.

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