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2016春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 3《Online tours》(reading)word导学案.doc

1、年级:初二 主备:冯建平 审核:吴蕴 时间: 2014.03.11 课题:Unit3 Reading(II) 课型:新授 课时安排:一课时 学生姓名_ 家长签名 _ 【学习目标】 1 根据上下文猜测单词的意思。 2 鼓励学生通过网络来获取信息,激发学生了解世界的热情。 【课前热身】大声朗读下列句子,并在课文中划出来。 1 欢迎来到“八小时环游世界” 。 Welcome to “Around the World in Eight Hours”. 2 你注意到本页顶部的“旅行”图标了吗? Have you noticed the “Tour” icon at the top of the page

2、? 3 只要点击它,你就能在仅仅 8小时内参观亚洲、非洲,欧洲、美洲,以及更多的地方。 Just click on it, and you can visit Asia, Africa, Europe, America and more in only eight hours! 4 现在我们是在“大苹果”纽约,美国最大的城市。 Here we are in “the Big Apple”New York, the biggest city in the USA. 5 华尔街,世界著名的贸易中心,位于曼哈顿岛的最南端。 Wall Street, the world-famous trade ce

3、ntre, is here at the southern end of Manhattan Island. 6 这里有许多大公司和国际银行。 There are many big companies and international banks here. 7 再往前走就是时代广场。 Further on is Times Square. 8 每年成千上万的人在新年前夜聚集在这。 Every year, thousands of people gather here on New Years Eve. 9看到巨大的玻璃球在黑暗中落下令人兴奋。 Its exciting to see the

4、 huge glass ball falling through the darkness. 10 岛的中心是中央公园。 In the centre of the island is Central Park. 11 有几个湖泊、山丘和一大块绿地,一天的辛苦工作之后这是一个放松的好地方。 With several lakes, hills and a large green lawn, its a good place to relax after a hard days work. 12 当你参观纽约时,不要错过百老汇。 When you visit New York, dont miss

5、Broadway. 13 从 20世纪早期以来它以剧院而著名。 It has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century. 14 你曾经听说过“回忆”这首歌吗? Have you ever heard of the song “Memory”? 15 它来自百老汇著名的音乐剧猫 。 It comes from the famous Broadway musical Cats. 16 纽约之旅先到这里。 So much for New York. 17 在这页的最底部有一个“返回”图标。 Theres a “Bac

6、k” icon at the bottom of the page. 18 点击它,选择另一个城市,然后开始你新的旅程吧! Click on it , pick another city and then start your new tour! 19 一个有很多歌曲的戏剧 a play filled with many songs 20 这个网站叫什么?它被称作- Whats the website called? Its called - 通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问? _ 【学海拾贝】 1 in eight hours 与 for eight hours 的区别 in eight ho

7、urs 意为“在八小时后” ,句中用_(填某时态) ,提问用 _;for eight hours 意为“八小时了” ,句中经常用_(填某时 态) ,提问用_;但不绝对用此时态。 例如,I will go to Beijing. I _(stay) there for a week. 2 gather:动词, “聚集、集合” 例,一些学生正聚在那里看看发生了什么。 Some students _ _ there to see what _ _. 3 relax:动词, “放松” 例,当我们大笑时,我们的身体会放松。 When we laugh, our bodies _ (relax). 4 s

8、everal:限定词, “几个、数个” ; several 后面接_(可数/不可数名词) , 例,几个学生 _ students ;几次_ times 5 trade:名词, “贸易” ,例, “国际贸易”译为_ _ 6 So much for sth.:“关于-就讲这么多,到此为止” 例,我们今天的谈话到此结束吧。 _ _ _ our todays talk. 7 “因- 而著名”译为 _; “作为-而著名” 译为 _;例,苏州以中国园林著名。Suzhou _ Chinese gardens . 成龙作为一名演员出名。Jackie Chen _ an actor. 8 hear/hear a

9、bout(听说)与 hear from 的区别:听说 hear 后面接_; 听说 hear about/of 后接 _;hear from 意为_,后只能接 _(人或物), 即“收到-来信”译为_。例,我听说他生病了。I _ (that) he is ill. 你听说那位歌手了吗? _ you _ _ that singer? 父亲昨天收到了儿子的来信了。Father _ _ his son yesterday. 【堂清巩固】动词填空 1 Last summer, I _(learn) _ (swim). 2 Look, she is crying! What _ (happen) to he

10、r? 3 Since I _ (come) here, it _ (not rain) yet. 4 None of us _ ever _(be) to the USA. 5 -Wheres Simon? -He _ (go) swimming already. He _ (go) out ten minutes ago. 6 Im excited that I _ (get) a get from my pen friend. 7 How many times _ the Chen family _(visit) the Summer Palace? 8 -_ you _ (see) my watch? -Yes. I _ (see) it on your desk just now . 9 South is a good place _ (go) on picnics. 10 _ it _ (rain) last night ? 翻译句子: 1 他的朋友去北京两天了。His friends _Beijing for 2 days. 2 我借这本书半个月了。I _ this book for half a month. 3 他到了。He _. 4 他到了一刻钟。He _ here since a quarter ago.

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