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2016春牛津深圳版英语九下Unit 4《Natural disasters》word教案4.doc

1、教案 4 课题 Unit 4 Natural disasters 课型 Listening and speaking 备 课 时 间 1period 教学目标 1. Learn the words immediately, anger, annoy, sadness, tear and phrases survival kit, make sbs hair stand on end. 2. Be able to express feelings in different ways. 教学重点 Be able to get the main content of the listening ma

2、terial. 教学难点 Use proper ways to express feelings. 教 材 分 析 教学关键 Encourage ss to talk. 教法与学法指导 Task-based learning 教学 环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时 间 分 配 第一 环节 听前 预测 Step1. Pre-listening 1. Look at the pictures on P54 and predict the content of listening. 1. Show the pictures. 1. Help ss to make a p

3、rediction. 5 第二 环节 完成 听力 Step 2 Listening. 2. While listening Listen to the recording and finish listening on P54. Report the answers in front of the whole class. After listening Answer the questions: Why does the government make the first announcement? 2. Play the recording and lead ss to finish th

4、e listening exercises by taking down the key words. 3. Explain the task to the students: Show an 2. Cultivate ss listening ability. 3. Arouse ss interest in thinking and talking. 10 What does the government advise people to do? What shall they put in their survival kit? example to students : Help ss

5、 to go further. 第三 环节 掌握 不同 情感 的表 达方 法 Step3 Speaking Learn the expressions of different feelings in different situations. 3. Speaking practice. Discuss different adjectives of describing feelings in different situations: Joy Fear Anger Sadness The expressions used to express feelings- make sbs hair

6、 stand on end, hold back etc. 4. Give ss a hand when they discuss feelings in different situations. What words do students use to express their feelings? 4. Lead ss to talk more on the given task. 10 第四 环节 课时 小结 Step 4 Speak up 4. Make a dialogue on the situation: in an emergency situation 5. Act out the conversation 5. Encourage ss to make and act out the dialogue. 5. Boost ss confidence. 5 第五 环节 课后 作业 Workbook P54-56 Listening and speaking 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Predicting Listening Speaking 效 果 评 价 与 反 思

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