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本文(2014人教新目标英语七下unit10 id like some noodles单元综合测评.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2014人教新目标英语七下unit10 id like some noodles单元综合测评.doc

1、Unit10 Id like some noodles (分数:100 分 时间:90 分钟) 第卷 听力部分(20 分) 听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片) 。句子读一遍(5 分) 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 听对话,选择最佳答案。对话读一遍(5 分) 6Where are they? AIn a school. BAt home. CIn a noodle house. 7How much is it? A$80. B$88. CRMB 88. 8What does Jim like? ARice. BBeef. CTomatoes. 9Would Sally like s

2、ome vegetable dumplings for lunch? AYes. BNo. CI dont know. 10Whats the mans address? AThe library. BThe supermarket. C25 Center Street. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍(10 分) 11What specials does the woman order? ATea and chicken soup. BChicken soup, beef and potato. CBeef and salad, chicken soup. 12How much is fi

3、sh and potato? A$3.99. B$1.99. C$2.99. 13What does the man order? AFish and potato, coffee. BFried chicken, chips, salad and coffee. CGreen tea, fried chicken and salad. 14What kind of coffee does the man want? ABlack coffee. BA cup of coffee with sugar only. CCoffee with sugar and milk. 15How much

4、is mushroom and egg soup? A$1.99. BIt must be less than $2.99. CWe dont know. 第卷 笔试部分(80 分) .单项选择(10 分) 16Do you like noodles _ chicken? Awith Bof Cin Dto 17Whats your favorite fruit,Tom? _. AGreen tea BOnions CSoup DApples 18What kind of noodles would you like? _. AA large bowl BA medium bowl CBeef

5、 noodles DYes, please 19_ shoes do you wear? Size 36. AWhat BWhat size CWhat kind DWhat color 20Are you thirsty?Why not have something to drink? Good idea._,please. AA glass of tea BSome dumplings CA bowl of rice DA piece of bread 21_ ? Id like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu. ACan I take your or

6、der BWhat do you like CDo you like something to eat DWould you like some juice 22I often eat some _ and _ for breakfast. Aeggs;bread Begg;bread Ceggs;breads Dbreads;eggs 23Ann, what kind of noo dles would you like? Id like some _ noodles. Aegg,tomato and mutton Beggs,tomatoes and mutton Ceggs,tomato

7、es, mutton Degg,tomato and muttons 24I dont like mutton _ beef. I dont like mutton, _ I like beef a lot. Aand;but Band;and Cor;but Dbut,or 25Look! Some chicken _ on the plate(盘子) And some eggs _ in the bowl. Ais;is Bare;are Cis;are Dare;is 完形填空(10 分) Do you want to stay healthy?Let me tell you _26_

8、have a healthy diet(饮 食) In the morning, you can eat some bread, cakes and eggs.You should drink a glass of milk.Its very important for you because it can _27_ you much energy(能量) It _28_ good for you to go to school or to work without breakfast. You must feel very _29_ at lunchtime.So you should ha

9、ve something good _30_ lunch.You can have some fish or chicken._31_, such as carrots and tomatoes, are also very important because they can keep you healthy. In the evening, you must be tired.You should eat things _32_ noodles or others with some vegetables.But remember _33_ eat too much because you

10、 cant do much exercise in the evening.Before going to bed, you can have a glass of milk.It can _34_ you sleep well. At last, you should eat more _35_.Heres a proverb(谚语): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 26Ahow Bhow to Cwhat Dwhat to 27Aget Bspend Cgive Dtake 28Adoes Bdoesnt Cis Disnt 29Ahappy

11、Bsad Chungry Dbusy 30Ato Bfo r Cof Dwith 31AVegetables BMeat CFruit DSnacks 32Aare like Blike Clook like Dlikes 33Adont Bto Cnot to D/ 34Aturn Bstart Cimprove Dhelp 35Aapples Boranges Cbananas Dpears 阅读理解(30 分) A Sam likes fish very much.He often buys fish in the shop and takes it home.But when his

12、wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good!Now I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat this fish.They like fish very much.” So when Sam comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh, your cat eats it.” And she gives Sam some bread for his supper.Sam ge

13、ts very angry.He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称)the cat.Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weighs one kilo(千克) This cat weighs one, too.My cat is here, you see.Then wheres my fish?” 36Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage? ASam doesnt like eati

14、ng fish at all. BSam often buys some fish for his cat. CSams cat always eats the fish before he comes back. DThe friends of Sams wife always eat the fish. 37Whats the meaning of “come home” in the sentence “So when Sam comes home . ” ? AGo home. BLeave home. CGet home. DAt home. 38Does Sam take the

15、cat and his wife to the shop near his home? AYes, he does. BNo, he doesnt. CI dont know. DI dont think so. 39How much does the cat weigh? AOne kil o. BTwo kilos. CHalf a kilo. DOne and a half kilos. 40Who gets very angry? ASams wife. BSam. CSams friends. DHis wifes f riends. B Here is a menu for a f

16、ast food restaurant.The prices are in American money,called dollars and cents.There are 100 cents in a dollar. Main Meals(主食) small large Hamburger 1.80 2.30 Hamburger with cheese 2.00 2.50 Chicken burger 1.90 2.40 Vegetable burger 1.80 2.30 Side dishes small large Fries 0.90 1.10 Salad 1.00 1.20 Ch

17、icken wings 1.30 1.60 Drinks small large Coca Cola 0.80 1.00 Orange juice 0.90 1.20 Tea 0.70 0.90 Coffee 0.80 1.00 Desserts small large Ice cream or Chocolate 1.20 1.60 Apple pie(hot) 0.70 / Donuts or Jam 0.50 / 41From the menu,how much is a small hamburger? AOne hundred and eighty dollars. BTwo dol

18、lars and thirty cents. CEighty cents. DOne dollar and eighty cents. 42If you have only three dollars,what can you buy? AA large salad and a large ice cream. BA large chicken bur ger and a small cup of tea. CA small vegetable burger and a large chocolate. DAn apple pie and a large hambu rger with che

19、ese. 43Jam is a kind of _. Amain meals Bside dishes Cdesserts Ddrinks 44What cant we buy in the restaurant? ACoffee. BFries. CHamburger. DBeef. 45A thirsty(渴的)boy may ask for _. Acoca cola Bdonuts Cfries Da chicken burger C The food in the UK is very different from our Chinese food. They eat a lot o

20、f potatoes.And they eat them every day.They eat bread for breakfast with butter(黄油), cheese(奶酪), jam(果酱)or other things.We dont eat these things much in China.Cheese and butter are made from milk(牛奶) They drink lots of milk, too.They dont drink hot milk but cold milk, and they put it in their tea.Th

21、e UK is the worlds biggest tea drinker.They dont eat much rice.For their dinner they like meat or fish with potatoes and vegetables.And they always eat something sweet(甜的)after dinner.They call this dessert.They dont have dumplings. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 46What do people in the UK eat every day? _ 47What d

22、o they eat for breakfast? _ 48Do they drink hot or cold milk? _ 49What do they like for dinner? _ 50Do they eat dumplings? _ 词汇运用(10 分) A根据图示完成单词(5 分) Please sit down.Heres the 51_ .We have some 52_ ,53_ ,54_ and green 55_ . B用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(5 分) 56People in the UK like _(potato)very much. 57We have

23、 three great _(special)today. 58The number of the students in our school _(be)over 2,000. 59Can it really bring good _(lucky)to us? 60Would you like something _(drink)? 根据表格提供的信息,补全对话(5 分) Name Breakfast Place Lunch Place Supper Place Sue some bread,eggs and a glass of milk at home two hamburger s a

24、t school some meat and dumplings at home Brad a cake and an apple at school some rice and fish at home some eggs and porridge at home Sue:Hi, Brad.Where do you have breakfast? Brad:61._.What do you have for breakfast? Sue:I have some bread,eggs and a glass of milk.What about you? Brad:62._. Sue:Do y

25、ou have lunch at school, too? Brad:63._. Sue:64._? Brad:Some eggs and porridge.What about you? Sue:65._. Brad:Dont you eat any vegetables? Sue:No, I dont. 书面表达(15 分) 根据图示说一说你和你的朋友戴维(David)喜欢的食品。词数 60 左右。 Food Rice Meat Fruits Hamburgers You David ? _ _ 参考答案 1G 2D 3C 4A 5E 6C 7B 8C 9A 10C 11C 12C 13B

26、 14C 15C 16A 17D 18C 19B 20A 21A 22A 23A 24C 25C 26B 27C 28D 29C 30B 31A 32B 33C 34D 35A 36D 37C 38A 39A 40B 41D 42A 43C 44D 45A 46They eat potatoes every day 47They eat bread for breakfast with butter,cheese,jam or other things 48They drink cold milk 49For dinner,they like meat or fish with potatoe

27、s and vegetables 50No,they dont 51menu 52hamburgers 53fish 54dumplings 55tea 56potatoes 57specials 58is 59luck 60to drink 61At school 62A cake and an apple 63No,I have lunch at home 64What do you have for supper 65Some meat and dumplings I like rice and meat a littleI like to eat fruits v ery muchBut I dont like hamburgersMy friend David likes fruits very much,tooBut he doesnt like meat at allHe doesnt like hamburgers,eitherDoes he like rice? I dont know

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