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2016秋科普版英语四上Lesson 4《Is he your brother》word教案.doc

1、Lesson4 IS HE YOUR BROTHER? 执教人:河南省西峡县海尔希望小学 袁瑞芹 教学目的 Master the new words. In this part,let the students master the useful expression: Who is he?He is mymother.Who is she? 重点难点 Master the new mother father girl In this part,let the students master the useful expression: Who is he?He is

2、 my mother.Who is she? She is. Who is she?She is 教学方法 Three doubts three searches 教具学具 Cards PPT. 教学过程 Step 1 Warmer (2 minutes) T:Good morning,class. S:Good morning,Miss yuan. Review the words and sentences that we have learned last class. Step 2 设疑自探(一)(2minutes) 师用实物一次用卡片出示 new words. Get the Ss

3、ask: 1.How to read ? 2.How to pronounce? 3.What is the meaning of the words ? Step 3 解疑合探(一) (7minutes) 师一次讲解单词。 Read the words together . Read the words by themselves. Read the words in groups.Then boys and girls.Last one by one.(学生评价) 反馈练习: 师出示英语单词,学生说汉语。Then exchange. 连一连 family 家庭 mother 母亲 fath

4、er 父亲 girl 女孩 Step 4设疑自探(二)(3 minutes) 师板书课题:Lesson4 IS HE YOUR BROTHER? Do you have any questions when you see this title ? 生问: 1.What is the meaning ? 2.How to answer ? 3.How to exchange ? Step 5 解疑合探(12 minutes ) 师:Turn to page 16,look at the part :Let us talk. 1.Try to read the text by yourselve

5、s. 2.Find students try to say the meaning.If not,the Ss or teacher should help him or her . 3.Read the text after the teacher and correct the pronunciation. 4.The Ss read by themselves ,then read boys and girls ,read in pairs, read in groups,read side by side.( exchange the roles )(学生评价) Step 6 质疑再探

6、(4minutes ) Do you have any other questions to ask?If they have ,solve it .If not,let us pass. Step7 拓展运用(7minutes ) 1.T:Turn to page 13,practice the part :Let us learn . 2.Ask some students to act out it . 3.练习 选择。(1)Who is he? -( ) is my brother. A She B It C He (2)Who is the girl? ( ) A He is my

7、sister B She is my sister (3)Is he your brother ? A Yes,he is. B No,she is. C Yes,she is. 2. 英译汉。 1)This is my family. _. 2) You have a happy family _ Step 8 课堂总结(2minutes) T: What we have learned this class ? S1:new words . S2: Who is he?He is mymother.Who is she? She is Class is over. 板书设计: Lesson4 IS HE YOUR BROTHER ? NEW WORDS IMPORTANT SENTENCES family Who is he?He is mymother.Who is she? mother Who is she?She is. father girl

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