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2017牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 6《Outdoor fun》word复习学案.doc

1、Unit 6 Outdoor fun 【学习目标】 1.复习本单元的重点单词和短语 2.熟练掌握运用本单元的语法:一般过去时态 【复习内容】 基础知识盘点 A:单词分类默写 名词: 1.野营_ 2.骑自行车活动_3.骑马 _ 4.溜冰 _ 5.兔_ 6.洞_ 7. 手表 _8.侧边 _ 9.帐篷_10.木头_ 11.一段时间_12.朝代_ 13.世纪,百年_14.省_15.手机_ 动词: 1.匆忙_2.抱怨_3.骑_4.经过,通过_ 5. 落下_6.击中_7.注意_8.使惊奇_ 9. 开始变得_10.决定_11.进入_12.忘记_ 13.伸手够到_14.爬,攀登_15.失败_ 形容词: 1.户

2、外的_2.独自的_3.低的_4.锁上的_ 5.意大利的_6.激动的_7.甜的_ 8.足够的_ 副词: 1.那么,那样_2. 在外面_3.经过_ 介词: 1.在旁边_2.到里面_3.穿过,通过_4.向,朝_ B:重点短语归纳 1.快点_ 2.为某人背某物_ 3.抱怨太多_ 4.户外活动 _ 5.去野营_ 6.慢走_ 7.骑马_ 8.美丽的湖泊 _ 9.在一个晴朗的日子_ 10.坐在河边_ 11.听见一个声音_ 12.向上看 _ 13.看到某人正在做某事_ 14.经过_ 15.从拿出_16.跑过田地 _ 17.跳下 _ 18.逃离 _ 19.很长时间_ 20.把放进_ 21.在另一边_ 22.试着

3、通过_ 23 上周_ 24.过得愉快_ 25.打排球_ 26.询问某人某事_ 27.搭建帐篷_ 28.待在外面_ 29. 造纸的新方法_ 30.用制成 _ 31.有很长的历史_ 32.记得去做某事 _ 33.因闻名_ 34.从那时起_ 35.太而不能_ 36.做什么 _ 37.返回_ 38.尝起来甜 _ 39.感到有点不舒服_ 40.向下看_ 41.越来越小_ 42.足够小去穿过门_ 43.向走去_ 44.决定去做某事_ 45.试着向上爬 _ 46.发生在某人身上_ _ 【课堂达标检测】 一.单项选择 1. -Can I have _ juice? -Yes, please. A. more

4、some B. some more C. any more D. more any 2. Do you have _ for us _? A. rooms enough; to live B. rooms enough; to live in C. enough rooms; to live D. enough rooms; to live in 3. She stopped_ to me about his family. A. talking B. to talk C. tell D. to tell 4. The girl stayed _ at home but she didnt f

5、eel _. A. alone; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; lonely D. lonely; alone 5. You should look after your sick mother_. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly 6. Do you know Chongqing is a old city_ a long history? A. has B. with C. in D. have 7. There is a sign on the grass. It_ “ No walk

6、ing”. A. mean B. writes C. says D. tells 8. There is_ water in the bottle so it is _ heavy. A. too much; too many B. too much; much too C. much too; too much D. much too; much too 9. I think _ is interesting for children. A. fly kites B. kites fly C.flying kite D. kite flying 10. There is no new wor

7、ds in this lesson. You dont need to _ in the dictionary. A. look down B. look for C. look after D. look up 11. I see a girl_ a red dress. Red looks nice _ her. A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on D. on; in 12. -What are you doing? -I am looking at the cars_. A. pass by B. passing C. passing by D. pass 13.

8、 There is a supermarket on_ side of the road. A. other B. others C. the other D. another 14. A long time ago, people used bamboo_. A. make kites B. to make kite C. making kites D. to make kites 15. When you go camping with your friends, you have to _ tents. A. hurry up B. wake up C. put up D. look u

9、p 16. When I entered the room. I found him_ the floor. A. sweep B. to sweep C. sweeping D. swept 17. I dont know_ this summer holiday. A. where does go B. where going C. where to go to D. where to go 18. Because of internet, the world is becoming_. A. small and small B. more and more smaller C. smal

10、ler and smaller D. more smaller and smaller 19. You should put the medicine(药) where children cant_ . A. go B. carry C. reach D. enter 20. She is too_ to look after others. A. careless B. carelessly C. careful D. carefully 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.What will _ (happen)to the little girl. 2.After a while, Alic

11、e turned small enough _(go) through the door. 3.Walk _ (cross) the field and you can see the old house. 4.Dont let him_ (go) before his parents come. 5.I looked out and saw a man_ (run) out of the shop. 6.She found_ (she) alone in a long, low hall. 7.She decided _( open) the door and _( go )through

12、the door. 8.I can bring one of my_ (book) here. 9.The Chinese began _(make) kites long long ago. 10.The girl tried _(open) the door with a knife. 11.Do you know the right way _(look) after dogs. 12.In the Ming and Qing _(dynasty), kite flying became very popular. 13.Lu Xun was famous for _(write). 1

13、4.It is important _(learn) more at school. 15.Remember _(take) a mobile phone when you go outing. 16. _(ride) is a very interesting activity. 17. I want to take some money out of the _(lock) box. 18. To my_(surprise), he came back so soon. 19. Hurry up, or you _(is) late for school. 20. He tried his

14、 best_ (jump) out of the hole. 21. I looked out of the window and saw an old lady_(pass) by. 22. I used my pocket money_(buy) some books for the children in the poor areas. 23. One of these keys_ (fit)this door. 24. She often makes a lot of mistakes, so she is _ (careful). 25. Ill try_(not be ) late

15、 for school again. 三、语法专练 1.She opened the bottle and _ (drink) a little. 2.He _(live)in the village when he was a child. 3.Mike_(see)a big tiger in the nature park last year. 4.What _ you _(do) last night? 5.Mr. Wu _ (walk) to work every day last term. 6.There _(be) some water in the glass a moment

16、 ago. 7.They _(not fly) kites yesterday. 8.Eddie_(eat) too much yesterday. 9._(do) you _(enjoy) yourself in the park yesterday? 10.Her father _ (read) a book last night. 11.We _ camping yesterday, he_ skating. (go) 12.He_(visit) the new Huaian Zoo last month. 13.We_(put) up a tent and _(have)a good

17、time in the park yesterday. 14.They often _(go) to school by bus last year. 15.He_(visit) the new Huaian Zoo last month. 16.We_(put) up a tent and _(have)a good time in the park yesterday. 17.They often _(go) to school by bus last year. 18. Mike _(not go) to bed until 12 oclock last night. 四、完成句子 1.

18、我喜欢坐在河边读书。 I like_ and read books. 2.他发现他自己一个人在家。 He _ at home. 3.我妈妈昨天花了两个小时做了很多好吃的饭菜。 It_ my mother_ lots of nice food yesterday. = My mother_ lots of nice food yesterday. 4.Alice 努力穿过门,但她太大了过不去。 Alice tried to_ the door but she was_the door. 5风筝在中国有一段很长的历史。 Kites _ in china. 6 今天我学到了养花的正确方法。 I le

19、arned the _grow flowers. 7 Jim 昨天出什么事了? -他考试不及格。 What _ Jim yesterday? - -He _to pass the exam. 8 饮料味道甜,你想再要一些吗? The juice_.Would you like _ ? 9.朝大门走去,你会看到他在那等你。 _ the gate and you will _him _ for you there. 10.兔子跑的太快停不下来就撞墙上了。 The rabbit ran _fast_stop and_ the wall. 11.我们在湖边搭起了帐篷,然后开始生火。 We_ near

20、a lake,then began_. 12 你喜欢野营什么? _ do you like_ camping? 13 快点!不要让兔子跑掉了。 Hurry up.Dont let the rabbit_ . 14 我们等了很长时间车才来。 We waited_ before the bus came. 15.从那时起,潍坊以制造风筝而出名. Weifang has become famous _. 四、完形填空 One day Daddy and I went out for a walk. On the way we 1 a lot of people. We went up and 2 a

21、 look. Oh, dear! 3 did we see? There 4 a donkey(驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get past.Then a policeman came.“ 5 donkey is this?“ he asked. “It s mine,“ said a farmer, “but I 6 move it.“ The policeman and the farmer did 7 best to move the donkey, but i

22、t would not move. We laughed, but the 8 of the cars and the buses were worried. “We cant move the donkey,“ The farmer and the policeman said. “What shall we do?“ “Give a carrot 9 him,“ my father said.“What a good idea!“ said the farmer. Soon he found a carrot and showed it to the donkey. When the do

23、nkey saw a carrot, it jumped up and walked after the farmer. 10 the cars and buses could get past at last. How interesting! ( ) 1. A. saw B. thanked C. searched D. watched ( ) 2. A. enjoyed B. had C. played D. gave ( ) 3. A. When B. Where C. What D. Which ( ) 4. A. is B. was C. were D. had ( ) 5. A. Whose B. Who C. Where D. How ( ) 6. A. mustnt B. neednt C. shouldnt D. cant ( ) 7. A. his B. their C. them D. they ( ) 8. A. drivers B. workers C. riders D. teachers ( ) 9. A. for B. with C. of D. to ( ) 10. A. Some of B. Many of C. All of D. Few of

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