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本文(2017牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 5《Art world》(reading 1)导学案.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2017牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 5《Art world》(reading 1)导学案.doc

1、Art world 班级 姓名 备课组长 【学习目标】 1. 了解著名作曲家谭盾的经历及代表作品。 2. 了解传记文体。 3. 能够了解文章大意并熟练地朗读课文。 【重点、难点】 1. Read and master many new words and phrases. 2. Get the main idea of the article 3. Read the article correctly and fluently 【课前预习】 翻译下列短语: 1. 音乐无边界_ 2. 在 2008 年北京奥运会上_ 3. 一位世界著名的作曲家_ 4. 出生在中国湖南省的中部地区_ 5. 在浏阳河

2、边长大_ 6. 对音乐表现出兴趣_ 7. 喜欢急流的水声和风吹过的声音_ 8. 当时没有乐器_ 9. 用普通的东西,比如石头,纸来创作音乐_ 10.进入了北京中央音乐学院_ 11.(有机会)认识了来自世界各地的伟大音乐家_ 12.喜欢自然的声音_ 【学习过程】 Step1:Revision 1.Say: Weve learnt something about art. Can you tell me some art forms? Do you like music? Can you tell me something about your favourite music? Who is yo

3、ur favourite musician? 2. Enjoy the music A Love Before Time Step2: Presentation 1. Introduce Tan Dun: a world-famous composer was chosen to compose the award music for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games 2. Present some other new words and learn them Step3: Reading Listen and answer some questions to ge

4、t some information about Tan Dun Step4: Practice Do B1 and B2, then check answers. Step5: Activity Play some of Tan Duns works 教师“个备”或学生笔记栏 Ask: What do you think of Tan Duns music? Do you like Tan Dun? Step5: Homework 【当堂训练】 根据句意和中文提示写出单词 1. Nie Er is one of the greatest _ (作曲家) in China. 2. _ (中央的

5、) Park is far away from here. Youd better take a bus there. 3.Tan Dun doesnt use any musical _ (乐器) in his work “Water”. 4. There are lots of huge _ (石头) in the mountain. 5. Whose _ (物品) are those? Please put them in order. 6. T_ he has read the book three times, he hopes to read it again. 7. This i

6、s a piece of _ (not special) news on such an ordinary newspaper. 8. The river is the natural _(边界) between the two countries. 9. His paper was _(提交) to his teacher just now. 【课后提升】 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Do you know the song Gangnan Style? Of course. It _ interesting. A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels

7、( ) 2. _ she had no money to afford the expensive car, she had to give it up. A. So B. Before C. Until D. Since ( ) 3. His new work was a great _, and he is a _ composer. A. success; successful B. successful; successful C. success; success D. successful; success ( ) 4. I still remember my first teac

8、her_ we havent seen each other for many years. A. for B. because C. since D. though ( ) 5. He has been _the Award for Best Actor several times. A. got to know B. presented with C. taken part in D. played the role ( ) 6. The singer is famous _ her beautiful voice. A. as B. with C. for D. in ( ) 7. Mo

9、 Yan is known _ a writer. A. of B. for C. as D. in ( ) 8. How do you like the concert given by F.I.R? Exciting, _one piece of the music wasnt played quite well. A. though B. because C. so D. and ( ) 9. I got the bicycle for _. My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one. A. everything B. somet

10、hing C. anything D. nothing ( ) 10. At last, she _ got a chance to play for her school team. A. success B. successful C. succeeded D. successfully ( ) 11. How did the accident happen? - You know, it _ difficult to see the road clearly _ it was raining. A. was, because B. is , so C. was, though D. wi

11、ll be, until 二、词汇。 B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. He went on _ (study) in the USA after graduating from university. 2. The music at the party _ (write) by my father. 3. Driving safety can be realized by _ (control) the speed of the car. 4. A medal _ (present) to the pop star at the ceremony yest

12、erday. 5. Ann Lee, as a director, is famous for _ (win) an Oscar for his film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 6. Do you like the sounds of the _ (rush) water? 7. David was a famous _ (music) years ago, but he plays no longer. 8. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a _ (tradition) Chinese festival. 9. He was

13、born in _ ( centre) Jiangsu, China. 10. There are all kinds of _(instrument) in the shop. 11. They create different pictures in different_(mind). 12. It is _(amaze) that his piece of music Water does not use any musical instruments. 13.Why are you so happy today? - Because I _(win) the badminton mat

14、ch. 14. There is a _(divide) line between you and me. 15. The traffic lights _(control) by a central computer. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 谭盾 1958 年出生于中国湖南省的中部地区,他是在浏阳河边长大的。 _in 1958 in central Hunan, China, Tan Dun _ the Liuyang River. 2. 在美国,他开始认识来自世界各地的伟大的音乐家。 In the USA, he _ great musicians _. 3.

15、 作为一位作曲家,他认为最美妙的音乐来自于大自然。 _,he thinks the best music _. 4. 当我的堂弟很小的时候,他就对音乐产生了兴趣。 My cousin _ music when he was very young. 5. 我作品的宗旨就是梦想无边。 The principle of my works is _. 6. 我无法控制我自己, 我哭了出来。 I_ and I cried out. 7. 这个作家直到获了奖才出名。 (2013,常州) The writer_. 8. 谭盾为北京奥运会编写了特别的歌曲。 Tan Dun wrote the special

16、music _. 9. 他已经成功地把音乐和文化糅合在一起了。 He has_. 四、首字母填空 Success means trying your best. Many people b 1 that success means wining. In my opinion, it means trying your best when you do e 2 , no matter you will win or not. When you are t 3 part in a long-distance race, if you keep on running as f 4 as you ca

17、n, you are successful, though you may be the last to pass the finishing-line. Because you have showed your best to o 5 , and you have made your greatest effort to be the winner. Success means not losing heart. No one can always be the w 6 . You will certainly lose or fail some day. It is important f

18、or you not to lose heart. A person who has lost heart is just like a tree without roots(根). It will be e 7 blown down by the wind. Nobel had failed many t 8 when he was doing his experiments. Sometimes his lab was on fire and he was nearly killed. But he never lost heart and kept on trying. Finally ha was s 9 . So when you fail or meet any difficulty, just believe in y 10 , stand up and give the difficulty a heavy strike. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5. _ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._

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