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2017牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》(Reading I)word学案.doc

1、Unit 8 Pets Reading I 【学习目标】 1. 能了解诗歌的押韵规律、重音和语调。 2. 能阅读有关的动物行为的诗歌并运用新词汇谈论 宠物。 【学习重难点】 1.会用本课时的四会单词及和词组句型:look after,take care of, Ill look after him till the end. 2.能运用所学知识描述不同动物的各种行为。 【自主学习】 (认真阅读课文,完成知识梳理,在课本上做好标注) 基础知识-词汇及句型 A、预习本课单词(P94-96),先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读。 (同桌 互查,小组长检查)并能根据音标写出下列单词及汉语意思

2、:(注意这些词的词性) 1.pm_ _(n.) 2. kmp_ _(n.) 3. stk_ _(n.) 4. end_ _(n.) 5. trbl_ _(n.) 6. tt _ _(n.) 7. ke(r)_ _(n.) 8 . dentl _ _(adj.) 9. wad_ _(adv.) 10. tl _ _(prep.) 11. hnt _ _(vt.)_ (过去式) 12. had _ _(vt.)_ (过去式 ) 13. bld _ _(vt.)_ (过去式 ) 14. b:k _ _(vi.)_ (过去式) 15. bat _ _(vt.)_ (过去式 ) 16. fat _ _(

3、vt.)_ (过去式 ) 17. bbl _ _(vi.) B、预习 Reading (P94),用划出和服装有关的词组,并翻译为中文。(先自己找,有困难 找组长帮忙) 1.所有的动物当中最聪明的_ 2.眼睛睁得大大的 _ 3.追赶球_ 4. 玩精彩的小把戏_ 5. 用树枝搭建帐篷_6. 喜欢打架_ 7. 永远照顾他_ 8.四处寻找我 _ C、重点句子:(在课本上用用红色笔划出来): 1.我的狗是所有动物中最聪明的。 My dog is _ _ _ _ _. 2. 当我藏起来的时候,他睁着大大的眼睛找我。 _ _ _ _,he hunts when I _. 3 我会永远照顾他。 Ill _

4、_ him _ _ _. 4.我们没有必要喂她太多。 We dont _ _ _ _. 合作探究 .听磁带,认真跟读课文,反复朗读,注意重音和语调,体会诗歌的押韵规律。 (同桌互查) 【课堂达标检测】 一、词汇 1.Please read these (诗歌)to me. 2.They birds are collecting some (树枝) to build a new home for their eggs. 3.Dont (打架), boys! 4.I love to see her (温柔的) smile. 5.He often sleeps with his eyes open

5、_(张大地). 6.Dont stand so near to the dog .It might _(咬)you . 7.They plan to _(建造)some more tall buildings for the poor. 8.His dog often b when it sees strangers(陌生人). 9.Kitty usually (feed)her dog food three times a day last year. 10.Some people (be)afraid of dogs. 11.She (hide)behind the door,so I c

6、ouldnt find her. 12.My cat is very (friend) she likes (sit) on my lap. 二、根据中文提示完成句子。 1今天我不得不呆在家里照顾我的妹妹。 I stay at home my sister today. 2.别和其他的男孩打架 。Dont other boys. 3.我的小猫需要温柔的抚摸。 My little cat . 4.我妈妈让我喂小狗一些骨头。 My mother asks me the dog some bones. 三、完形填空 There was a tiger in the forest. All the o

7、ther animals there were afraid of him . They 1 away as quickly as possible when they saw him. So he had no friends and he always felt 2 .Once he caught a wolf and a fox, but he was 3 that day and didnt want to eat them. So he decided to make them. The two animals were happy and agreed with him at on

8、ce. It was a 4 day. The forest was covered with thick snow. It was 5 for the three animals to find food. They were all hungry. When the - 6 went down in the west, they went to a village and 10 a sheep, a dog and a duck away. “How shall we divide the animals among us, Mr. Wolf?” asked the tiger. “The

9、 sheep is the 7 and heaviest of the three,” said the wolf. “Of course itll belong to you. Mr. Fox is the 8 of us, he can eat the duck and Ill eat the dog.” It made the tiger angry and he killed the wolf at once! Then he went on asking, “How shall we divide them 9 us, Mr. Fox?” “Thats easy, Mr. Tiger

10、,” answered the fox. “Youll eat the duck for breakfast, eat the dog for lunch and eat the sheep for supper.” “How 10 you are! Who taught it to you?” Looking at the dead wolf, the fox said sadly, “You, Mr. Tiger!” ( ) 1. A. flew B. walked C. ran ( ) 2. A. lonely B. sad C. happy ( ) 3. A. pleased B. hungry C. full ( ) 4.A. spring B. winter C. autumn ( ) 5. A. lucky B. easy C. difficult ( ) 6. A. sun B. earth C. moon ( ) 7. A. fatter B. fattest C. thinnest ( ) 8. A. biggest B. smaller C. smallest ( ) 9. A. during B. among C. between ( ) 10. A. bad B. kind C. clever 【反思】 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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