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2017牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 1《Kown yourself》(Grammar)教案.doc

1、Unit1 Kown yourself Grammar Teaching goals: knowledge and skills: To master the usage of conjunctions like and but or and so Process and method: Listening,speaking,reading Emotion and attitude: Use conjunctions to join ideas together Important and difficult points: 1. Use conjunctions to join ideas

2、together 2. Use conjunctions to join ideas together Teaching procedures: A. Using and, but,or and so. Step1 Presentation Exercises 1) Im active and energetic, I love working with people. 2) He does not like to talk much, his work shout. 3) I can be a good teacher a good doctor. 4) He does not like s

3、inging dancing. 5) I want to share the best art with people, I am always searchingfor something better of different 2.Discuss the usage of and but or so. 1) and : used to join ideas that similar 2) But: used to join ideas that are different 3) Or : used to introduce another possibility or to join to

4、w or more ideas in negative sentence. Step2 Practice 1.Make sentence with and or but David is energetic and active. Jack is active but sometimes too impatient. Jim looks careless but hes very serious. 2. Finish exercises on Page 12. 3. Exercises 1) Peter 胃痛,他去看医生。 2)虽然我们觉得累,但很高兴。 _. 3)他的妈妈做了晚饭,还做了一个

5、蛋糕。 _. 4)你喜欢这件蓝色的衬衫还是那件白色的? _. 5)他不会游 泳,也不会打网球。 _. B. Using both.and.,not onlybut also , eitheror . Neither.nor Step1 Presentation 1. Read the sentence on P13 1) both .and., used to emphasize that something is true not just of one person, thing or situation,but of another too. 2) Not only.but also u

6、sed to add another fact to something you have mentioned. 3) Either.or used to mean one or the other,this or that, he or she 4) Neither.nor used to mean not this one and not the other, not this and not that, not he and not she 2.Read sentences on P13. Step 2 1.Finish exercises of B1,check the answers

7、. 2.Make Ss write something that his family do at weekends. 3.Finish B2 and read in pairs. 4.Make up the dialogue according B2 and talk about jobs they want to do . 5.Add some exercises. 1) 他会说英语,也会说日语。 _. 2) 奥黛丽.赫本不仅投身于电影事业,也投入于慈善事业。 _. 3) 你要么赢的比赛,要么输掉。 _. 4) 不论他的性格还是年龄都不适合这个任务。 _. 5) 使我吃惊的是,他既不笑也不哭。 _. Step 3 Homework. Blackboard Design: Grammar And Ideas are similar But Ideas are different Or Introduce another possibility So The result of something 【Teaching reflection】

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