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2017牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 2《Travelling》word导学案.doc

1、Travelling 教学目标 1.学会正确使 用 have/has been 和 have/has gone. 2.学会正确区分短暂性动词和延续性动词。 3.学会短暂性动词在与 for 和 since 连用时的变化形式。 重点 1.学会正确使用 have/has been 和 have/has gone. 2.学会正确区分短暂性动词和延续性动词。 难点 学会短暂性动词在与 for 和 since 连用时的变化形式 教法及教具 教 学 内 容 个案调整 教师主导活动 学生主体活动 教 学 过 程 Step1.Revision. 教师对 Kitty 的香港的迪士尼乐园之行提问,引导学生用现在完

2、成时和一般过去时回答,复习 Reading 部分。 T:1)Where has Kitty been? 2)How did she feel on Space Mountain? 3)What were they doing through the ride? 4)What did she meet on the way to the restaur ant? 5)What did they do after the parade? 6)Did she buy any gifts? 7)When did they watch the fireworks? Step2.Presention. 1

3、、举例呈 have gone 的用法。教师可以请一个男生假装去办公室 拿作业本,然后向其他学生提问: Is he in the classroom now? (He is on the way to the teachers office.)Where has he gone?( He has gone to the teachers office) Write down the answers on the blankboard. 2、该学生回到教室后,教师询问该生去哪了,呈现 have been 的 用法。T:Thankyou .Where have you been?(I have be

4、en to the teachers office.) Then ask all the students:Where has he been?(He has been to the teachersoffice.) Write down the answers on the blankboard. T:Can you tell me the Chiense meanings of these two sentences? How are they different? 4.教师总结 have/has been 和 have/has gone 的区别。 5.呈现以下练习,学生用 havehas

5、 been 或 havehas gone 完 Listen and answer the questions. 注意区分 have been 和 have gone 的用法。两者都表 示现在完成时态, 表明动作已经发生 了,但它们之间的 含义是有不同的。 have been 表示 “去过某个地方并 且已经回来,强调 一种经历” 。 have gone 表示 “去了某个地方但 尚未回来,强调动 作的完成性” 。 成填空。 (1)My father _to BeijingHe will be back in two days (has gone) (2)The Greens _to the USA

6、 twice。 (have been) (3)A:Where is your aunt now? I havent seen her for a long time B:She to Xiamen (has gone) (4)The Class l,Grade 8 students _to many places of interest in our city(have been) (5)A: Tommy _to Nanjing? B:YesHe went there last month and hasnt come back yet (Has;gone) Step3.Practice. 1

7、.Let students complete partA1. Then check the answers togethers. 2.T:I have been to the sea for holiday.I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach.The beach is an area of sand beside the sea.Write down:sand Then say:Now Daniel and Millie are chatting.Lets complete partA2 find out where Millie has been recently. Read 、learn and complete the exercises. Check the answers together complete partA1. complete partA2 板书设计 Uint2Travelling Grammar(1) 1)Whe re has Kitty been? 2)How did she feel on Space Mountain? 3)What were they doing through the ride? 4)What did she meet on the way to the restaurant? 教学札记

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