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2017牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 7《International charities》word导学案8.doc

1、International charities 教学目标 1.To order ideas following a logical sequence 2.Describe specific details about the work of ORBIS as shown in a series of pictures 3.Organize language and descriptions to write a story about a girl in India 重点 1.Describe specific details about the work of ORBIS as shown

2、in a series of pictures 难点 1.To order ideas following a logical sequence 教法及教具 Some pictures and a tape recorder. 教 学 内 容 个案调整 教师主导活动 学生主体活动 教 学 过 程 Step 1 New words secretary n. 秘书, India n. 印度, officer n. 官员 Step2 Leading in 1.What does this logo stand for? ORBIS即国际奥比斯组织。国际奥比斯 组 织 (Project Orbis -

3、 ORBIS) 是一个致力于为世界各国盲人和 眼 疾患者恢复光明的国际性慈善机构,它的宗旨是“使全球失明者重 见光明” 。 Would you like to do charity work? What would you like to do for others? Can you help others solve their problems? 2.Ask students to read the sentences according to the pictures . Step 3 Finish the Part B 1. Amy wrote a report on Diana an

4、d her charity work. Read her article and complete the table. Remember to put one word in each blank. Changes in Dianas life worked as a (1) _ was afraid of (2) _ learnt about ORBIS on (3) _ In the past trained as a (4) _ and attended (5) _ after work At present gets used to (6) _ by plane (7) _ bein

5、g able to help people see again makes her life more (8) _ 2. Listen and read Amys report. 3. Try to retell the report. Learn the new words by heart . Answer the questions one by one . Complete the table . Retell the report. Diana was once One day, Now, Diana thinks that 教 学 内 容 个案调整 教师主导活动 学生主体活动 St

6、ep 4Language points 1. She wanted to help poor people with eye problems see again, so she made up her mind to train as a nurse and attended courses after work. 短语 make up ones mind 意思是“作出决定,下定决心” 。如: I hope you can make up your mind quickly. 我希望你能尽快 作出决定。 2. She is getting used to travelling by plan

7、e. 短语 be/get used to something/doing something意思是“习 惯于,适应” 。如: I found the job tiring at first, but now I am used to it. 起初我觉得这份工作很累人,但现在习惯了。 Step5 Writing Sample writing Mandeep is a girl from India. She used to work on the farm all day. Her family had many children and was very poor, so Mandeep di

8、d not go to school and she could not read and write. One day, a UNICEF worker came to Mandeeps village and learnt about the conditions of the local people. He said it was important for children to receive education. He wanted all the children in the village to learn to read. Three weeks later, Mande

9、ep entered a local school. Now, she goes to school every day. She can read and write. She enjoys school and is grateful to UNICEF for helping her. Mandeep says that she hopes to become a teacher in the future. Step6 Homework. Writing: Denny 是一名非洲的失明女孩,直到有一天 ORBIS的志愿者 医生坐着飞机来到她的家乡,她才获得了光明。她非常感谢 ORBIS,所以想写一篇文章报道一下 ORBIS医生是怎样帮助她的 Denny _ Denny used to _ One day, _ _ _ Now _ _ _ Denny wants_ Remember the phrases . Write an article about a girl called Mandeep . 板书 课堂作业作 业 见附页 教学札记

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