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本文(2017人教新目标版英语七下Unit 11《How was your school trip》(Section A 1a—1c)导学案.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2017人教新目标版英语七下Unit 11《How was your school trip》(Section A 1a—1c)导学案.doc

1、Unit 11 How was your school trip Section A 1a1c 学习目标 1.基本词汇:go to the zoo, ride a horse,visit a museum,exciting 2.基本句型:How was Janes trip? / what did Jane do on her last shool trip? 重、难点:继续进一步学习和谈论过去事件。 能听懂关于他人过去做某事的对话;会运用本课重点句型对话 独学准备:1.仔细看 1a 图片,并了解其大意; 2.阅读 1b 右框中的问题; 激情激趣 导入目标 独立思考 个体探究 分享交流 合作探

2、究 展示提升 启发探究 随堂笔记 导学引航 目的、方法、时间 独学指导 内容、学法、时间 互动策略 内容、形式、时间 展示方案 内容、方式、时间 重点摘记 成果记录 规律总结 Step 1: Use your imagation and make up a story. Each student adds a sentence. If he or she cant add a sentence,he or she must sing an English song. 自主预习 翻译 1. 去动物园_ 2. 爬山_ 3. 参观博物馆 _ 4. fire station _ 5. painting

3、 _ 6. 画画 _ Step 2: 1.Learn and finish 1a. Then try to remember the phrase. 2.Make sentences by using the phrases in 1a as following. - I went to the zoo last weekend. - He climbed a mountain with friends yesterday. 3 .Go through the questions in 1a and the chart in 1c quickly. 4. Listen and answer t

4、he questions in 1b. 5. Listen again. What did Jane and Tony do on their last school trip? Check Tony or Jane. Then check the answers. 对学 1.1a 对子检查 1a 独学 完成情况。 2. Work in pairs. Role-play the conversation in 1d Talk about the activities in the picture. 群学 1. 组内交流、讨论完成 1b 任务,并把讨论结果展 示在小黑板上。 2. 组内互听互相纠

5、正发 音。 3. 听听力完成 1c 练习。 组长带领全组成员一起 完成,比一比哪个组最 有序。 4. 组长检查随堂笔记二 完成情况。 5. Activity 向同学们 介绍自己的爱好,要求 全组参与。 预展: 针对展示方案, 组内积 极思考,全员参与展示设 计展示方式。 方案一:角色扮演 展示 1c 对话 建议:先组内小展,各组推 选一对在全班进行大展。 方案二:有声有色 展示 1d 对话 建议:各组抢展,对于能够 脱开课本表演者,有额外加 分。 1. an exciting day 让 人兴奋的一天 exciting 是形容词, 后 接名词,意思是“让人 兴奋的,使人兴奋的” , 多形容_。

6、 excited 也是形容词, 多 用来形容_感到兴奋, 同类的有 interesting, interested boring, bored 2. todays school trip 表示有生命的东西 的名词及某些表示时间、 距离、星球、世界、国 家等无生命的东西的名 词后加 s 来表示所有 关系,叫做名词所有格。 eg: mens room 男厕 所 a miles distance 一英里的距离 当堂测评 分层达标 基础落实 时态大考验 (写出下列动词的过去式) 1. visit_ 2.climb_ 3. pick_ 4. grow _ 5.draw _ 6. ask _ 7. stu

7、dy _ 8.learn _ 9. can_ 10. buy _ 11.teach_ 12. eat_ 能力提升 快乐阅读 In England, people dont talk to each other when they travel. If you get on a bus, or in a train, you will sometimes see people sitting and looking out of the window. Other people will be reading books or newspapers. When you meet English

8、people, they often begin a conversation by talking about the weather. So when you meet somebody in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of the year!” “But it was a little cold yesterday,” somebody may answer. “But it will get a little warmer later,” you can say. Talk like this, and the E

9、nglish will think, “How friendly you are!” ( ) 1. English people often _ on the bus. A. talk a lot B. talk to each other C. read newspapers ( ) 2. When you meet an English people, you can begin the conversation by talking about the _. A. weather B. time C. food ( ) 3.According to the passage, if you talk to English people about the weather, they will think you are _. A. English. B. right C. friendly ( ) 4. Which sentence is true? A. English people like traveling by bus. B. English people are unfriendly. C. English people dont talk much when theyre by train.

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