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2017上海教育版英语四年级下册Unit 3《look and see》word教案.doc

1、Unit 3 Look and see 教案 1Teaching Aims and Demands 教学目的 1. Language Focus 语言目标 1) Describe these things: How does it feel? The is hard. 2) Understand and share the express opinions: e.g. Its _ (hard, smooth, soft, big, long, thin, thick, etc.)21 世纪教育网版权所有 2. Skills Aims 技能目标 Have students understand

2、and describe the animals; Use the sentences “Its _.” 3. Emotion Aims 情感目标 1) Have students understand: Dont judge an elephant only by its tail. Dont judge a book only by its cover.21 教育网 Never laugh at the blind men.21cnjycom Helping others to enjoy yourself.21世纪*教育网 The roses in her hand, the flavo

3、r in mine. 2) Cooperate in pairs/groups to interview their classmates. 2 Students Analysis 学情分析 The students in Grade Four are activity. They can say some simple English sentences. They can communicate with easy sentences. 3 Teaching Contents 教学内容 Words: blind, touch, noise, tusks, hard, soft, thin,

4、 thick; Phrases: cannot, under a tree , hear a noise, young men Sentences: You can touch it. How does it feel? Its hard.【来源:21cnj**m】 4 Important and Difficult Points 教学重难点 Four-skill words and expressions Useful phrases and 5 Teaching Ideas 教学理念 I will use the teaching method of “Interest, Situ

5、ation, Activity” and “Mind Map” to create more opportunities for students to speak, to think and foster their ability to study independently and cooperatively.2-1-c-n-j-y 6 Teaching Aids 教具 computer/PPT whiteboard storybook 7 教学过程 1 Warmup Greetings. Free Talk. 【营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围,调动学生积极的学习情感。 】 Play a gue

6、ssing game about the words: see, elephant and blind.【来源:21世纪教育网】 【围绕本课核心词汇进行猜谜活动,同时为故事的呈现做铺垫。 】 II. Lead in 1. Chant. Blind man, blind man, He can touch. He can hear. He cannot see. Blind men, blind men. They can touch. They can hear. They cannot see. 【运用 chant,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中习得语言,了解 blind 的含义,对故事中的角色有

7、了 初步的认识。同时进行举例和反馈,突破难点,为后面的后续学习做好铺垫。 】 2. Use the mind map, try to say the sentences: They can . They cannot . 【运用思维导图帮助学生进行整体理解,构建文本框架。 】 III. Reading Part 1. Students watch the video. Think of the questions: How many blind men? (4) Which parts of the elephant do they touch?www-2-1-cnjy-com 2. Stud

8、ents listen and repeat, answer the questions.21*cnjy*com 3. Read the text. Role-play in groups. Group assessment. 【注意培养学生静听、仿读的好习惯,在分角色朗读时,关注学困生、培养全体学生的合作精 神。 】 【借助于多样的小组评价方式鼓励各组组员朗读本课文本。 】 IV. Writing Part Sumup 1. Listen and write. Listen to the elephant. What does the elephant say? Fill in the bl

9、anks. 2. Look and writer. Make sentences.www.21-cn- e.g. My tusks are hard. The elephants tusks are hard. My tail is thin. The elephants tail is thin. 3. Check the answers. 借助于大象的口吻,拓展文本练习,进行描写型句型转换练习,帮助学生构建知识要点,为后面 的对话及故事续写做相应的铺垫。 【出处:21 教育名师】 运用“思维导图” 图文并茂的特点,引导学生联系生活实际,进行发散思维,用已知的语言进行 大象外形的描述。 【版

10、权所有:21 教育】 4. From this story, we should know: Do not judge an elephant only by its tail. The same meaning: Do not judge a book only by its cover. 根据故事,引导学生明白故事的寓意:不能以偏概全,以点概面。同时,仿照老师提供的句式,鼓 励学生进行模仿造句,拓展寓意:不能以封面来评判一本书的好坏。21*cnjy*com Retell and write. Teacher gives a model. Ss try to retell the story

11、 by the hind. 复述故事的练习对于学困生而言,难度较高,教师在此处进行示范,同时为学生提供一定的提 示,便于学生进行复述。21cnjy Share the reading notes: The blind men are pitiful. We never laugh at them. We should help them. We should tell them the truth. “分享读后感”这一环节的应用,旨在引导学生学会阅读后有所思考,并学会记录自己的想法, 养成阅读的好习惯。 Continue the story or make a new story: The b

12、lind men and the old man. The old man tells the truth to the blind men. 在原故事的基础上,续写故事或创编一个新的故事,引导学生发散思维,深化故事主题:乐于助 人。 From the new story, we should know: Helping others to enjoy yourself. The roses in her hand, the flavor in mine. 引领学生编写新故事,意在让学生明白这样的道理:赠人玫瑰,手有余香; 同时体会“ 帮助他人, 快乐自己”的幸福感。21 教育名师原创作品 Homework: 1. Read the story. 2. Retell the story. 3. Complete the new story. 【用星级作业帮助学生逐步完成文本语言至语言运用的飞跃。 】

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