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2017外研版英语七上Module 9 Unit 3《Language in use》word导学案.doc

1、Unit 3 Language in use. 第五课时 学习目标 1、归纳并学会本模块中新学词汇。 2、归纳并总结现在进行时的用法。 学习重点 现在进行时 学习难点 1. 掌握动词现在分词的特殊变化形式。 2. 学习并掌握现在进行时 课前预习 识记下列单词和词组。 1. 奔跑 2. 学习 3.离开 4.旅行 5. 拍照 6. 写明信片 7.研究历史 8.开小汽车 9. 躺在阳光下 10.为 感谢 使用说明与学法指导 1. 进一步了解现在进行时结构及现在分词的变化形式, 2. 把不懂的勾出来并把它写在我的疑问处。 预习自测题 A. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1The boy _ (draw)a

2、 picture now. 2Listen! Some girls (sing) in the classroom. 3He often _ (take) photo s in the park. 4. She has many (postcard) in the bag. 5. Jim enjoys _ (walk) in the sun. B. 按要求完成句子。 1. They are writing postcards. They _ _ postcards(改为否 定句) 2. They are taking photos. (对划线部分提问)What _ they _ ? C. 选词

3、填空。 wait lie thing 1. There are a lot of _ in the room 2. Lucy often _ for Kate at the school gate when school is over 3. Look! Mingming and his father are _ in the sun. 我的疑问 课内探究 现在进行时 (1) 1. 定义:表示现在正在进行的动作。 2. 构成:be + 动词的现在分词。 Be (am is are) 随着人称、数的变化而变化。 1) 动词后面直接加 ing: do doing buy buying 2) 以 e

4、 结尾的动词去 e 加 ing : have having take taking 3) 以重读闭音节结尾的单词,双写最后一个字母,然后加 ing: run running swim swimming 4) 特殊形式的变化:lie lying 4. 现在进行时的否定句结构:sb. + be not + doing e.g. Im not visiting my friends now. He isnt writing a postcard. 5. 现在进行时的一般疑问句结构:be + sb. + doing + 其他? e.g. Is she enjoying her visit? Are t

5、hey buying postcards? 6. 常与现在进行时态连用的词:now, listen, look 等。 e.g. 1. Im reading now. 我现在正在读书。 2. Listen! She is singing.听, 她正在唱歌。 3. Look! My parents are watering the flowers. 看, 我的父母亲正在浇花。 写出现在分词。 1. has _ 2. lie _ 3. play _ 4. carry _ 5. does _ 6. watch _ 7. wash _ 8. have _ 9. see _ 10. drive _ 11.

6、 be_ 12. run _ 13. listen _ 14. open _ 15. begin _ 16. get _ 17. make _ 18. sit _ 19. shop _ 20. happen _ 通过复习上节课重点所学的时态现在进行时,进一步巩固进行时态。 1. Dont make any noise. The baby _ (sleep). 2. The kind woman often _ (wash) clothes for the children. 3. Listen! Jane _ (sing) in the next room. She often _ (sing

7、) after school. 4. Thank you for _ (call) me up. 5. Its twelve oclock. They _ (have) lunch. 当堂检测 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Listen! Mike _ (sing) in his room. He often _ (sing) songs in his room after class. 2. Look! The boy _ (swim) in the river. He _ (swim) in it every Saturday. 3. Its five oclock. They _ (

8、lie) in the sun. They like _ (lie) in the sun on weekends. 4. -Where is your mother? Oh, she _ (wash) clothes near the river. 5. The doctor comes _ (see) the little monkey. 6. Lets _ (go) to the park. Would you like _ (go) with us? 7. Its twelve oclock. They _ (not have) lunch. They _ (run) on the p

9、layground. 8. Tony _ (not like) playing football. She likes _ (play) basketball. 9. Look! These are the _ (twins) books. 10. Are these your _ (dictionary)? 11. Eating too much sweet food is bad for your _ (tooth). 12. This is _ (Lily and Lucy) mother, and these are _(Lily and Lucy) rooms. 根据汉语提示完成句子

10、,每空词数不限。 1. 孩子们在公园里玩得很高兴。The children _ in the park. 2. 快点!李明在公共汽车站等你呢。 Hurry up! Li Lei _ you at the bus stop. 3. 无论如何,这次旅行真是太好了_, this trip is _ very nice. 4. 这些女孩在给她们的妈妈打电话吗?-不,他们在商店买冰激凌呢。 -_ these girls _ their mothers? No, they_ in the shop. 5. 看!我爷爷正躺在阳光下和奶奶说话呢。 Look! My grandfather is _ and _

11、 my grandmother. 课后反思 课后训练 1. 复习并掌握本模块所学词汇。 2.会用现在进行时描述某一特定时间人们正在做的事情。 Unit 3 Language in use. 第六课时 模块测试题 .单项选择。(15 分) ( )1What _ she doing? She is listening to music. Ais Bare Cdoes Ddo ( )2Whats Vitas doing? _. AHes here BHes singing CHes great DHe sings ( )3Thank you for _ us. Ahelping Bto he lp

12、Chelp Dhelps ( )4The Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔)is great. Many people _ it every day. Aare visiting Blook Cvisit Dlooking ( )5Wang Huis birthday is coming. I _ a postcard _ her now. Asend;to Bsend;for Cam sending;to Dam sending;for ( )6I have got lots of pen friends._ are from England. ASome of them BSome

13、of they CSome DA and C ( )7Can you _ the girl over there? Alook at Bwatch Clook Dsee ( )8At the moment,people are getting up and _. Awash Bwashing Cwashes Dto wash ( )9A lot of people enjoy _ to Zhu Zhiwens songs. Alisten Blistening Cto listen Dlistens ( )10_ Yes,he is. AWhats he doing BIs he playin

14、g football now? CHow old is h e? DAre you playing football now? .完形填空。(15 分) Its Sunday today. There are _11_ people in the park. Some are walking. Some are _12_ tea. Others are watching flowers. Look!Thats Lucy. Shes _13_ a kite _14_ her brother,Tom. The kite is high in the sky now. Their parents a

15、re sitting under the tree. What are they _15_ about?I dont know. Oh,dear!Look!Lucys kite is in a big tree now. Tom _16_ to climb the tree and get it_17_.But his mother doesnt let him _18_ it.At the moment we can see Polly is flying high. It can get the kite _19_ Lucy. Lucy is very happy to _20_ the

16、kite back. She thanks Polly,her bird,very much. ( )11A. many Bmuch Ctwo Dgood ( )12A. drink Bdrinking Ceat Deating ( )13A. flying Bflys Cflies Dfly ( )14A. and Bwith Cto Dafter ( )15A. talk Btalks Ctalking Dtalk to ( )16A. wants Blikes Cgoes Druns ( )17A. up Bback Cto Ddoes ( )18A. do Bto do Cto Dto

17、 does ( )19A. to Bwith Cfor Dand ( )20A. do Bget Cfly Deat .阅读理解(30 分) A Helen is an American girl. She is Wang Meis pen friend(笔友)She is staying at Wang Meis home for her holiday. Helen likes Liu Qians magic shows very much. Now she is watching Liu Qians magic shows on TV. Sam is twelve years old.

18、He is an English boy and he comes to China with his father Mr. White. They are visiting Beijing Zoo. Mr. White is taking a photo of kangaroos. Sam likes pandas and he is looking at the panda. Zhang Li and her mother are in New York now. hang Li is taking photos of the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)She lik

19、es it very much. Hang Lis mother is buying some presents. She wants to give them to her friends in China. ( )21. What is Helen doing? AShe is having dinner with Wang Mei. BShe is watching a basketball match. CShe is watching Liu Qians magic shows on TV. DShe is taking a photo. ( )22How old is Sam? A

20、Eleven. BTwelve. CThirteen. DTen. ( )23Who is visiting Beijing Zoo with Sam? AHis mother. BHis friend. CHis father. DHis parents. ( )24Where are Zhang Li and her mother? AIn England. BIn America. CIn France. DIn China. ( )25Which of the following is TRUE? AHelen is Wang Meis classmate. BMr. White is

21、 taking a photo of a panda. CZhang Lis mother is buying presents for her friends. DZhang Li is buying presents for her classmates. B New York,London,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums

22、,theatres and cinemas. You can also buy things from all over the world. But there are serious(严重的) problems in big cities,too. The cost(花费) of living is high,and there are too many people in some big cities. Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances(机会) to find jobs,to

23、 study,and to receive good medical care(医疗)But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also,too many people in a small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities. Others do not. Before people move to big cities,they should

24、 think about the problems of living there. ( )26Which is the best title for this passage? ABig Cities. BNew York,London and Paris. CExciting Places to Live in. DSerious Problems in Big Cities. ( )27In big cities people can _. Ago to different kinds of museums Bsee all kinds of plays and films Cbuy t

25、hings from all over the world DA,B and C ( )28Which of the following is TRUE? ABig cities are not safe enough. BPeople can easily find a good place to live in in big cities. CBig cities are safe,but not clean. DAll people like to live in big cities. ( )29In this passage the writer advises(建议) people

26、 _. Ato move to a big city Bnot to move to a big city Cnot to move to a big city without thinking about the problems there Dnot to think too much about the problems before they move to a big city ( )30Which is NOT talked about in this passage? ANew York and London are big cities,and Paris is,too. BB

27、ig cities are better than small cities. CBig cities are exciting places to live in. DBig cities hav e a lot of serious problems. C There is a small zoo next to my home. Its Sunday morning. Im visiting the zoo with my parents. There is a lion,two monkeys,a giraffe,two camels,and a wolf at the zoo. Wh

28、at are they doing?Let me tell you. The lion is eating meat. The black monkey is eating bananas and the brown(棕色的) one is climbing a tree. The giraffe is lying on the ground. What are the camels doing?They are eating leaves. What is the wolf doing?Sorry,I dont know. I cant see it clearly(清 楚地)A tall

29、man is standing in front of me. 31What day is it today? _ 32How many camels are there at the zoo? _ 33What is the lion doing? _ 34What is the brown monkey doing? _ _ 35Are the camels drinking water? _ _ .情景交际。(10 分) A:Hello,Betty. B:Hi,Tony. A:_36_ B:Im watching TV. A:_37_ B:No,this TV show is inter

30、esting._38_ A:Yes,she is. B:Are David and Mary getting ready for the English test? A:_39_ Mary is learning to swim and David is helping her. B:Well,go to ask Lingling. She likes playing tennis. A:Good idea._40_ B:See you. .根据汉语提示完成句子。(10 分) 41我妈妈正在和我的英语老师交谈。My mother _ _ _ my English teacher. 42她的丈夫

31、挣很多钱。Her husband makes _ _ money. 43他们正在买明信片吗?Are they _ _? 44此刻,不同地方的人正在做不同的事情 。 At the moment,people in different places are doing _ _. 45现在是 12 点钟,我们正在吃午饭。 It is 12 oclock now. We are _ _. .根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(10 分) 46Please call me when you get b_. 47Mr. Zhang is d_ a car to work n ow. 48Would you l

32、ike some tea?No. Id like some c_. 49The train comes at 10:00 in the morning and l_ at 2:00 in the afternoon. 50Lots of people enjoy w_ after dinner. .书面表达。(20 分) 假设你现在正在北京旅游,你站在天安门广场上,给你的好朋友 Mary 写一张明信片,告诉 她你所看到的一切。要用上连词 and。不少于 40 词。 提示语:fly a kite,take photos,eat something Dear Mary, _ _ _ _ _ Yours, Linda ASee you later. BNo,they arent. CYes,they are. DIs Kate cleaning her room? EDo you want to play tennis? FWhat are you doing? GHe is working.

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