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2017外研版英语八下Module 10《On the radio》word教案.doc

1、Module 10 On the radio 【教材分析】 Module 10 的主要内容以广播为话题, 具体涉及对电台的简单介绍收听广播 和播音员的职业生活等。要求同学们通过学习本模块, 能够粗略了解播音节目 和播音员的生活,同时明白只有从小立志, 努力学习 , 勇于实践, 才能实现理想, 实现人生价值。语法重点是宾语从句的时态。通过操练,使学生在掌握语言结构 的同时, 既学习语言知识, 感悟语言功能, 又能了解广播知识。教学中教师应随 时随地以与广播有关的知识吸引学生,灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。 充分调动学生的积极性。 Unit 1 I hope that you can joi

2、n us one day. 【教学目标】 Knowledge objective 1. Words: director, avoid, background, national, international, presenter, interview 2. Expressions: on air, show sb. around, keep doing sth, do interviews with 3. Grammar: the tense of the object clause Ability objective 能听懂和阅读关于介绍广播电台的语言材料,能从课文中明白如何实现理想, 实现

3、人生的价值;能编写有关广播的对话。 Moral objective 在课文文本的学习中,加强团队合作精神,调动学生的良性竞争意识;了解有 关电台实况转播的要素,以及技术发明对人类文明发展的切实意义;了解当下 名人成名的奋斗史,用理性的思维体会成功光环背后的努力勤奋与付出。 【教学重点】 The tense of the object clauses. 【教学难点】 1. The tense of the object clauses. 2. The use of “on air, avoid doing sth. and do an interview with sb.”. 【教学方法】 PW

4、P method, task-based method and interactive approach 【教学手段】 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Consolidate new words Look and say. The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to Step 2 Leading-in Ss look the pictures and answer the

5、questions. say as soon as possible. Step 3 Listening 1. Listen Part 1 and check the types of news you hear. 2. Listen again and complete the sentences. 3. Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions. 1) What should we avoid doing in the background? 2) Do they collect the lasted national and

6、international news in the newsroom? Step 4 Reading 1. Now complete the notes. 2. Find out the object clauses in the dialogue. Step 5 Everyday English Let Ss say the everyday English that they have learnt in the passage. Step 6 Language points 1. Im the news director at Radio Beijing. director “导演,主管

7、,经理”。是名词。动词为 direct。 2. When its on, it means were on air. on air, “(广播或电视)播出,正在广播”。 e.g. We will be on air in about five minutes. 我们将在大约五分钟后开始广播。 3. Thank you for showing us around. show “引领,带领” 。 show sb. around, “带某人参观,给某人做向导 ”。 e.g. Shall I show you around the factory? 我带你去参观工厂, 好吗? 4. And we sh

8、ould avoid making any noise in the background! avoid“避免,防止” avoid + doing sth. “避免做某事 ” e.g. Please try to avoid making the same mistake next time. 下次请尽量避免犯同样的错误。 5. So keep studying, and I hope that you can join us one day. keep doing sth. 表示“ 坚持做某事 ”。 e.g. Keep climbing until you get to the top of

9、 the mountain. 6. And it is where we do interviews with the big sports stars. interview 采访,访谈”。是可数名词。 do an interview with sb. “采访某人” give an interview to “接受的采访” e.g. I want to do interviews with the headmaster at school next month. Step 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box 1. Read th

10、e sentences carefully. Then use the words to fill in the blanks. 2. Draw the answers from Ss one by one. Step 8 Listening and say 1. Read and predict how the speaker is likely to pronounce the. 2. Now listen and check. 3. Say the expressions in Activity 5 aloud. Step 9 Acting 1. Work in pairs. Ask a

11、nd answer questions about the radio. What do you like listening to? What do you not like listening to? What programme did you listen to the last time you turned on the radio? What do you need to do if you want to be a presenter? 2. Now work with other pairs. Find out who has the same answers. Step 1

12、0 Grammar 在前两个模块中,我们学习了三种宾语从句。 除了我们讲过的引导词和语序问题,还有一个时态问题。 请同学们观察下面宾语从句的时态特点。 (1) I can hardly believe we are in the city centre. (2) I am sure it will be fantastic to see the city from the top. (3) I did not know who she was. (4) We thought somebody was moving about. (5) Linglings uncle said that it

13、was wrong to pull leaves off plants 从上面的句子中我们不难发现,宾语从句的时态和主句的时态是息息相关的。 当主句是现在时态时,从句可以根据实际情况选择不同时态。 当主句是过去时态时,从句一般使用相应的过去时态。 Step 11 Exercises 1. He is the famous _ of Harry Potter. A. direct B. director C. act D. reporter 2. The radio is _, and we can hear the news now. A. in air B. on air C. to air

14、 D. by air 3. We should _ eating too much meat in our daily life. A. speak B. show C. hear D. avoid 4. -Could I do an _ with you tomorrow? -Yes, of course. A. interview B. interviews C. director D. directors Keys: BBDA Step 12 中考链接 1. -I dont know _. -Because he has to look after his mother. 【2013 天

15、津 】 A. why he is leaving B. why is he leaving C. whether he is leaving D. whether is he leaving 2. I didnt understand _. So I raised my hand to ask. 【2013 巴中】 A. what my teacher says B. what my teacher say C. what my teacher said 3. Could you tell me _? At the end of July. 【2013 山东青岛】 A. how often h

16、e heard from his pen pal B. how soon he will be here C. that he went on vacation D. when you will start your vacation 4. Could you please tell me _ tomorrow? At 8 oclock. 【2013 福建福州】 A. how will she come B. where she will go C. what time she will start Keys: ACDC Step 13 Homework 根据下面的信息介绍著名主持人何炅,60

17、 词左右。 何炅,中国知名主持人,北京外国语大学教师。自 1998 年起,主持湖南卫视的 快乐大本营栏目长达十余年。此外,曾主演正德演义等影视剧尤其 2004 年发行的歌曲栀子花开深受好评. Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. 【教学目标】 Knowledge objective Key vocabularyseem, listener, age, article, studio, purpose Key structuresin person, at the age of Ability objective To

18、 get information from the passage about radio programmes. To master the tense of the object clauses. Moral objective To develop students interest in study; To realize own purpose of life by working hard step by step. 【教学重点】 1.To learn about some expressions in the passage. 2.To learn about the tense

19、 of the object clauses. 【教学难点】 1. To get information from the article. 2. The use of “in person and seem”. 【教学方法】 PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Step 2 New

20、 words Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as soon as possible. seem, listener, part-time, article, studio, purpose Step 3 Pre-reading Look at the photo and say what it shows. Step 4 Listening Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions. 1. When did th

21、e writer start listening to his favourite programme? 2. When did he ask for part-time jobs in small radio stations? Keys: 1. When he was four years old. 2. At the age of nine. Step 5 Reading 1. Read the passage and decide where you are likely to see the photo. a) In a book about the history of radio

22、. b) In the life story of a famous radio presenter. c) In a room on how radio works. Key: b 2. Complete the sentences. 1. The writer met _ in a radio station. 2. The manager asked why he wanted a job _. 3. At the age of four, the writer _, listening to his favorite programmes. 4. At the age of nine,

23、 he asked for part-time jobs in _. 5. As he grew older, he learnt about _. 6. This was how the writers _ began. Keys: a radio manager, in radio, sat close to the radio in the living room small radio stations, Internet radio, first real job in radios 3. Complete the passage with the words in the box.

24、 article, at the age of, in person, listener, purpose, seem, studio Peter (1) _ to be very happy with his new job. He works in the (2) _ of a local radio station. He is lucky that (3) _ only twenty he is doing something he loves and has a real (4) _. Every morning when he starts work, he does a soun

25、d check and then he looks for interesting newspaper (5) _ to talk about on the show. The (6) _ can phone in to talk to Peter or they can send emails to ask him to play their favorite songs. At the end of the show, he closes down all the equipment and goes home. Keys: seems, studio, at the age of, pu

26、rpose, articles, listeners Step 6 Learning to learn To learn about the order in which different events happen. Step 7 Language points 1. The radio manager looked down at me. look down at sb. 向下看着某人 e.g. Tom, look down at the river. See all those boats and ships? 汤姆,看下面的河。看到那些大大小小的船只吗? 2. I sat close

27、 to the radio in the living room. close to 临近,靠近 sit close to sth 坐在的旁边 e.g. Take away the box close to the desk. 把那个盒子放在靠近桌子的地方。 3. I sat close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favorite programmes and to the voices of my favorite presenters. (listeningpresenters) 在句中做状语,表示伴随。 my fav

28、orite programmes 和 the voice of my favorite programmes 并列做 listening to 的宾语,and 后面省略 了 listening。 4. It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me in person. It seems +that 从句:看起来似乎 It seems to sb.+ that 从句:在某人看来似乎 e.g. It seemed that she was interested in the book. in person

29、亲自,本人 e.g. She went to New York to receive the award in person. 5. At the age of nine, I asked for part-time jobs in small radio stations. ask for 要,寻求 at the age of 在几岁时 e.g. At the age of five he showed great interest in the music. 他在五岁时显示出对音乐的兴趣。 6. I did this by looking out of the window. look o

30、ut of the window 向窗外看 by doing sth. 通过做某事 e.g. I learned English by reading magazines. 我通过读杂志学习英语。 7. The purpose is to check the sound level the purpose is to do sth. 目的是做某事 e.g. The purpose is to get the main idea of the article. 目的是为了了解文章大意。 Step 8 Grammar 宾语从句的时态。 1.当主句是现在时态时,从句可以根据实际情况选择不同时态。 现

31、在时包括一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时和现在完成时。 e.g. He tells us that he will go shopping later. I dont know why you were surprised. 2. 当主句是过去时态时,从句一般使用相应的过去时态。 过去时态包括一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时和过去完成时。 e.g. I heard that how you felt. He asked if he could watch TV after finishing his homework. 3. 当宾语从句为客观事实、客观真理时,要用一般现在时。 e.g. H

32、e told me that the earth goes round the sun. Step 9 Writing 1. Look at the sentences from the passage. 1. “How old are you?” The manager looked at me. “Fifteen,” I said. “And you want a job in radio? Shouldnt you be at school?” he asked. 2. I have always loved the radio. I still remember, when I was

33、 four years old, I sat close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favorite programmes and to the voices of my favorite presenters. 2. Now find sentences in the passage in Activity 2 which shows: important events in the past background information 3. Write a passage describing an importan

34、t event in the past and giving background information. I first appeared on TV at the age of thirteen. A television presenter stopped me in the street, and started to interview me Step 10 Summary Let Ss talk about what they have learnt in class. Step 11 Exercises 1. It seemed _ they went to go skiing

35、 together. A. if B. whether C. that D. what 2. You can go to talk with Mr. Smith _ in the English corner. A. in person B. in radio C. in people D. in studio 3. At the _ of twelve, he went to the junior high school. A. question B. sound C. job D. age 4. The purpose is _ my favorite music. A. listen B

36、. listens C. to listen D. listening Keys: C, A, D, C Step 12 中考链接 1. -Do you know _ this afternoon? -Im not sure, but Ill tell you as soon as she _. 【2013 江苏连云港】 A. how will Betty arrive; starts B. how Betty will arrive; will start C. what time will Betty arrive; will start D. what time Betty will a

37、rrive; starts 2. As a middle school student, we should start thinking about _ for our country in the future. 【2013 山东临沂】 A. what we did B. what did we do C. what we can do D. what can we do 3. I wonder _ at 8:00 last night? I was watching NBA. 【2013 铜仁】 A. what were you doing B. what did you do C. w

38、hat you were doing D. what are you doing 4. I dont remember _ the book yesterday. 【2013 北京】 A. where I put B. where did I put C. where will I put D. where l will put Keys: D, C, C, A Step 13 Homework 你的同学要过生日了,请给校园广播节目写一篇稿件祝贺同学的生日。 Unit 3 Language in use 【教学目标】 Knowledge objective Get the students t

39、o be able to use the new words and expressions they learnt in this module. Ability objective To summarize and consolidate the tense of the object clauses. Moral objective To develop students interest in radio and make them study hard from now on. 【教学重点】 To be able to use the tense of the object clau

40、ses correctly. 【教学难点】 Through listening, speaking and writing, let students practise the tense of the object clauses. 【教学方法】 PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision and lead-in Let Ss look at the pictures and answ

41、er the questions to review what they have learnt. Step 2 Language practice 1. I hope that you can join us one day. 2. When its on, it means were on air. 3. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. 4. Just tell me what you had for breakfast. Step 3 Match the two parts of the sentences. Read

42、 the two parts of the sentences carefully. Then match the two parts. There may be more than one possibility. 1. The listeners tell us 2. They were happy to know 3. He asked 4. Did they know 5. Have you heard a) when she came into this room. b) what they want to hear. c) that they won the first prize

43、 last week. d) that he will come? e) what he was doing at that time? Answers: 1. The listeners tell us what they want to hear. 2. They were happy to know that they won the first prize last week. 3. He asked when she came into this room. 4. Did they know that he will come/ what he was doing at that t

44、ime? 5. Have you heard that he will come/ what he was doing at that time? Step 4 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. 1. Read the conversation carefully. 2. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. how if that when who why Tony: Hello, everyone! Thanks for waiting-now I can te

45、ll you (1)_ has won the English Writing Composition. Its Linging! Linging, tell us, (2)_ do you feel? Linging: Well, I feel great. I was quite surprised (3)_ I heard (4)_ I was the winner. Tony: I dont know (5)_ you were surprised. Youve always been the best at writing in the school. Linging: I dont

46、 know about that! A lot of other students are good at writing as well. Tony: But theres only one winner. Well done, Linging! Whats the prize? Linging: Its an electronic dictionary. Tony: Fantastic! And (6) _ you want to read Lingings article, you can find it in the school magazine. Answers: who, how

47、, when, that, why, if Step 5 Read the conversation in Activity 2 again and complete Damings diary. a) Read the conversation in Activity 2 again. b) Then complete Damings diary. 18tMay Saturday I have heard that Linging (1)_. Tony said (2)_ at the news in the beginning. I know (3) _ an electronic dic

48、tionary, and I think (4)_ fantastic. I have decided (5) _. Then maybe next time I will write an article for the competition. Answers: (1) has won the English Writing Competition (2) Linging was quite surprised (3) the prize is/was (4) it is (5) that I will practise my English writing Step 6 Complete the passage with the correct form of the expres

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