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2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 10 Unit 1《What did you do》(第2课时)word教学设计.doc

1、Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1 What did you do 教学目 标 Grasp the key knowledge points To talk about holiday journeys 教学重 点 To learn some key words and useful expressions 教学难 点 To talk about holiday journeys 学情分 析 本课时是在学生对动词一般过去时态的特殊疑问句有一定的了解的 基础之上来学习和掌握它的变化以及特殊疑问句在不同的情景当中 的运用。同时对本单元的重 点知识点进行归纳和总结。

2、并且通过 学习,让学生能够用一般过去时谈论自己的和他人的旅行。 学法指 导 Bottom-up approach,interactive approach 教 学 过 程 教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 效果预测 (可能出 现的问题) 补救措 施 修改意见 一、leading i n 二、Reading 三,Practice Step one: leading in 1, Say hello to the students Then show some pictures to t he students 2, Ask student what he they did last weekend 3

3、,And let the students answer it 4, Ask some students to answer the questions 5, Let the students to practice the dialogue 1、say hello to the teacher 2、think about the question 3,try to answer the question ,the student can talk this question with their partners 4,answer this question 5,practice the d

4、ialogue S1: What did he they do last 通过一问 一答的方 式让学生 先熟悉动 词一般过 去时特殊 疑问句的 运用,然 后让学生 和搭档一 起来对话, 以达到学 生对动词 一般过去 时特殊疑 问句运用 能力的培 养 指导和 鼓励学 生充分 的运用 所学知 识,适 当的时 候纠正 学生的 错误。 鼓励学 生多读, 多练习, 四,Language points 五,Practice 6, Ask some students to show their dialogues Step Two : Reading 1, Ask students to look at t

5、he sentences and read them by themselves 2, play the radio and let the students underline the stressed words 3, Let the students read the sentences with their partners Step Three : Practice 1, Ask students to read the conversation of part two and then complete the passage by themselves 2, Let the st

6、udents check the answers with their partners 3, Ask some students to show their answers 4, Let the students read the passage by themselves 5, Let the students look at weekend ? S2: They He 7,show their dialogues 1,read the sentences by themselves 2,listen to the radio and underline the stressed word

7、s 3,read the sentences with their partners 1,read the conversation of part two and complete the passage by themselves 2,check the answers with their partners 3,show their answers 4,read the passage by themselves 5,look at the sentences of 通过学生 自己阅读 和听录音 来加强学 生对句子 的发音。 通过对对 话的阅读 来回答问 题,以达 到学生对 阅读能力 以

8、及语言 知识的运 用能力, 并且在与 搭档检查 错误的过 程中找到 自己的不 足,同时 提高自己 加强同 伴之间 的合作 学习 加强合 作学习, 从中指 导学生 如何纠 正自己 的错误。 六,Group work 七,Home work the sentences of Activity Three Ask them to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expressions from the box 6, Let the students check their answers with their

9、 partners 7, Ask some students to show their answers Step Four : Language points 1, Ask students to look at the language points of unit one .Let the students read them by themselves 2, Ask students to talk about the language points with their partners and try to use them Step Five : Practice 1, Ask

10、students to complete the questions 2, Let t he students check their answers with their partners 3, Ask some Activi ty Three Ask them to complete t he sentences with the correct form of the words and expressions from the box 6,check their answers with their partners 7,show their answers 1,read the la

11、nguage points of unit one by themselves 2,talk about the language points with their partners and try to use them in sentences 1,complete the questions by themselves 2,check their answers with their partners 的知识运 用能力。 通过自学 和小组学 习来掌握 本单元的 重点知识 点,并且 在合作学 习中要学 会如何使 用这些知 识点。 通过练习 然后小组 鼓励学 生对所 学的知 识点进 行练习

12、, 加深印 象。 鼓励学 生多相 关的练 习 鼓励学 生多说, 通过小 组自己 纠错来 提高, 老师适 时引导。 students to show their answers Step six : Group work 1, Ask students to do it with their partners If they meet some problems ,they can ask their students or teacher fo r help ,Or they can write do wn some sentences 2, Ask some students to show their conversations Step seven : Home work 3,show their answers 1,make conversations with their partners 2,show their conversations 合作检查 提高来达 到掌握的 目的 通过小组 编对话来 培养学生 对知识的 运用能力 参考书目及 推荐资料 外研版七年级下册教材 教学反思

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