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北师大版高中英语必修3 Unit 9《Wheels》word教案.doc

1、Unit 9 Wheels 【美文阅读】 交通阻塞已经成为各大城市最头疼的问题,在解决这个问题的过程中,世界知名城市 都在各显神通,效果如何呢?让我们一起去领略一番吧! You may ride on your bicycle in a rush to get to school every morning.You may fight to get a bit of space on a bus or on the subway.You may also watch taxis crawl their way through traffic jams. No matter where you

2、are,all big cities around the world have traffic jams these days.But although they all have their problems,many cities also have a type of transport that has become a cultural icon(文化标识) In London,to avoid the traffic above ground,people use the“underground” , also called the“Tube”The city has the o

3、ldest and most complicated underground railway system in the world and is the pride of many Londoners.With 12 lines and 275 stations across the city,the Tube,is normally the quickest and easiest way of getting around London.In London,you are never far from a Tube station. New York is famous for its

4、Yellow cabs.They serve as a quick and easy way of getting across Manhattan,where the subway doesnt take you everywhere.Stopping a cab is easy;just stick out your arm like you do in any city.But,with over 12,000 yellow cabs in the Big Apple,they also cause traffic jams. Since 1873 when the first cabl

5、e car started public service,the slow and noisy vehicle has been a symbol of San Francisco.Although once damaged by a serious earthquake and challenged by cars,it is never caught in traffic jams and provides better views than the subway. But there are no such symbols in Los Angeles.If you visit youd

6、 better rent a car.The citys public transportation is terrible.It can take hours to get across town by bus.The subway covers just a small part of the city centre.The light rail line only runs between the Long Beach hotel area and the city centre.Thats why Angelenos love their private cars more than

7、any other people in the world. 【诱思导学】 1If you have a chance to visit London,what should you do to avoid the traffic jam? 2Why do Yellow cabs become a cultural icon of transportation in New York? 3What does the passage mainly tell us? 【答案】 1.I had better use subway to go out. 2Because Yellow cabs ser

8、ve as a quick and easy way of traveling. 3It tells us how people in the city avoid the traffic jams. Period Previewing (教师用书独具) 教学目标 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给内容的学习,了解下一课时即将出现的词汇,初步 了解课文以及相关的背景知识,将对下一节课内容的全面理解起到了铺垫作用。 教学地位 此部分内容是是对下一课时的感悟和预习,合理利用本学案,能大大提升下一课时的 课堂效率,有效促进学生对新单元学习的热情,提升课堂的积极活跃程度,并能在课上能 与老师形成较为默契的

9、配合。 (教师用书独具) 新课导入建议 让学生讨论个人在上学路上的交通方式,直接导入新课。在设计这堂课时,要从引导 学生培养绿色出行习惯的角度出发,介绍有关的词汇和表达,给学生布置具有一定挑战性 的任务,让学生以绿色交通在我身边为题进行讨论或口笔头描述。 教学流程设计 导入新课。 学生阅读“美文阅读”与“诱思导学”(见学案第 53 页)。学生就 “美文阅读”进行讨论,统一答案。 老师指导学生讨论,共同找出答案。师生共同讨论并统一答案。让学生快速阅读 课文(见课本第 36 页)并完成“篇章结构”(见学案第 54 页)。 学生再次仔细阅读课文(课本第 36 页)进行深度理解,并完成“课文缩写”(见

10、学案第 54 页)。学生共同讨论,并让学生发表各自见解,最后统一答案。学生再次阅读课文 (课本第 36 页)并完成“语篇理解”(见学案第 54 页)。 让学生根据所给出的表格进行“自我评估”(见学案第 55 页)。学生讨论,并让学生 代表发表他们讨论得出的答案,老师予以更正。让学生完成“知识初探”部分(见学案第 55 页)。 老师布置作业,让学生完成课文第 3637 页第 4、7 题;预习学案 Period (见学案 第 5561 页)。 .篇章结构 根据 P36的 Reading 部分,在表格中填入恰当的单词或短语,每空不超过 3 个单词 Nowadays People are enjoyi

11、ng the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam. Reasons:(1)Its 1. and convenient for bikes. (2)There are plenty of places for 2. . (3)Most streets in the city have a bicycle path. In the 1960s A group of cycling fans had an idea. Reasons:It would help to save energy,reduce 3. and provide 4. . Actions:(1)Th

12、e group painted hundreds of bicycles white and placed them in lots of 5. around Amsterdam. (2)Anyone was allowed to take them and use them for 6. . (3)Wherever someone finished a journey,they would 7. the bike there for someone else to use. Result:It didnt work because 8. took all the bicycles withi

13、n weeks! More than 30 years later The“white bike”is back in town. Ways:(1)A computer 9. to record its every move. (2)You have to 10. a special card to take a bicycle. Result:Many people have been enjoying city centre streets without cars. 【答案】 1.flat 2.bicycle parking 3.pollution public trans

14、port 5.neighbourhoods 6.short journeys 7.leave 8.thieves 9.chip 10.insert .语篇理解 阅读 P36的 Reading 部分,从每题所给的 3 个选项中选择最佳答案 1The“return of the white bikes”means . Apeople returned the bikes they borrowed Bthieves returned the bikes they stole Cbikes reappeared in Amsterdam 2The following offers convenien

15、ce for cycling in Amsterdam except . Aflat ground Bfriendly citizens Cbicycle paths 3In the 1960s,people in Amsterdam . Acouldnt drive cars in the city centre Bonly rode white bikes Chad the chance to enjoy free transportation 4Compared to the bikes in the 1960s,the returning bikes . Acant be stolen

16、 easily Bare specially designed CBoth A and B 5According to the passage,we know . Atourists can use the white bikes as well as local people Bno cars are allowed in central Amsterdam Cpeople can enjoy city centre streets without cars only in Amsterdam 【答案】 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A .课文缩写 从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语,完成下

17、列短文 indeed;within weeks;neighbourhood;convenient;benefits;flat;allow;wherever;actually;wi thout cars People have been enjoying the 1. of cycling in Amsterdam for years.It is a good city for cycling because it is 2. and therefore is 3. for bikes. In the 1960s,a group of cycling fans had an idea.They

18、thought it would be better if cars werent 4. in the city center and only bicycles were.They painted hundreds of bicycles white and placed them in lots of 5. for people to use.6. someone finished a journey they would leave the bike there for someone else to use.But the problem was that thieves took a

19、ll the bicycles 7. . More than thirty years later,the “white bike” is back in town.The new “white bike” is not 8. white but is an unusual design with bright colours.Now there is already less traffic in central Amsterdam.9. ,thanks to the ideas,like the cycling fans in the 1960s,many people around th

20、e world have been enjoying city centres streets 10. for many years. 【答案】 1.benefits 2.flat 3.convenient 4.allowed 5neighborhoods 6.Wherever 7.within weeks 8.actually 9.Indeed 10.without cars .词义搭配 1effect Asuited to ones needs or to the situation;not causing any difficulty 2benefit Ba result or cond

21、ition produced by a cause 3convenient Cgiving cause for hope of success 4hopeful Dto be useful,profitable,or helpful to;to gain advantage 5indeed Esth.that follows from an action or set of conditions;result 6consequence Fto say why you think right or wrong;to provide reasons for or against 7a

22、rgue Gcertainly,really,even true 【答案】 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.G 6.E 7.F .短语填空 feed up;in the 1960s;more than;thanks to;work out;for years;around the world;within weeks 1 his effort,it is more successful than we have expected. 2True friendship is worth money. 3I believe that you can this problem by yoursel

23、f. 4They spent a year voyaging . 5Im with this boring life. 6 ,his confidence had spread throughout the team. 【答案】 1.Thanks to 2.more than out 4around the world 5.fed up 6.Within weeks .句型背诵 1They believed that it would be better for everybody if cars werent allowed in the city centre and onl

24、y bicycles were. 他们认为如果不让汽车驶入市中心,只让自行车进入,那会对每个人都有好处。 2Wherever someone finished a journey they would leave the bike there for someone else to use. 他们可以将自行车留在完成旅行的任何地方以便其他人使用。 3The problem was that it didnt work. 问题是这种做法行不通。 4A boy,all wet,is coming out of the pond in the park. 一个男孩浑身湿透了,从公园的池塘里出来。 P

25、eriod Warmup baggage; boarding card; carriage; checkin; flight; gate; information desk; passenger; passport control ; platform; public transport; seat; ticket; ticket collector 1There are many words or phrases above about travel; can you choose some of them to tell us a story? 2Can you imagine or de

26、scribe some problems about transport? Show some words to help students: accident; air pollution; bus service; carbon monoxide; car park ; crossroads highway; pedestrian area; speed limit; traffic jam; traffic lights; tunnel 教学流程设计 老师检查上堂课所布置的作业,检查学生对学案预习的情况。导入新课。让学生 就“要点讲练”(见学案第 6265 页)进行讨论,让学生各自发表自

27、己的见解,然后让各个 讨论组派代表汇报各自讨论结果。 让学生讨论完成“语法精析”部分(见学案第 6566 页)并让各个讨论组发表各自见解。 老师针对难点和重点词汇进行讲解,并补充学案中所遗漏的重点词汇,补充一些必要的 练习。让学生针对各自不同的意见展开讨论,然后老师给出详细正确答案。 老师对语法部分给以点拨,让学生掌握本单元语法知识。让学生完成“当堂双基达 标”(见学案第 67 页)。师生共同讨论“当堂双基达标” ,给出答案,并对难以理解的或 有争议的地方给出详解。 布置作业:让学生完成课本第 80 页第 2 题;第 81 页第 1 题;第 82 页 2、3 题;完成 “课时作业”和预习 Pe

28、riod (见学案第 6872 页)。 让学生进行“自我评估”(见学 案第 67 页)。 1sensitive adj.敏感的;能理解的 Mary,the American ambassador is a sensitive woman who is very friendly and gets on well with people.(教材 P38)玛丽,那位美国大使是一位非常善解人意的女士, 她非常友好,与人相处融洽。 Hes very sensitive about his weight. 他很忌讳别人说他胖。 Its made me much more sensitive to the

29、 needs of the disabled.它使我更加明 白残疾人的需要。 be sensitive about/to.对敏感的 be sensitive of.意识到;认识到 It is sensitive of do sth.某人做某事是正确的 She is sensitive to what people think of her. 她很敏感人们对她是怎么想的。 sensitive/sensible sensitiv e 涉及反应及洞察力,指“敏感的;神经过敏的;能理解的” 。 sensible 指“可感觉到的;鉴别力强的;明智的,合情合理的。 ” 用 sensitive,

30、sensible 填空 The eyes of a cat are to light. There was a increase in temperature. I think thats a very idea. 【答案】 sensitive sensible sensible 2likely adj.可能的 “Hes most likely still in bed, ”thinks Mary.(教材 P38) “他很可能还在睡觉, ”玛丽想。 Johns likely to go to the beach tomorrow. 约翰明天可能去海滩。 sb./ likely to

31、 do sth.某人/某物极有可能做某事 It is likely that.是可能的 The weather is likely to be fine.Its likely that the weather will be fine.天气可能好转。 likely/possible/probable likely 表面迹象看来有可能,常用于 sb./ likely to do sth.或 it is likely that 句型中。 possible 由于有适当的条件和方法,某事可能发生或做到,强调客观上有可能,但常含有实际希望很小的意思。 probable 语气比 possibl

32、e 强,指有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物,有“大概,很可能”的意思。 十有八九的 十有五六七 十有一二三 可能性 的可能性 的可能性 【教师备课资源】 likely adv.可能地 likelihood n可能性 Not likely!(口)不可能!才不呢!(强调否认或拒绝) 【对接高考】 (2010陕西高考)Studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours. Alikely Bpossible Cpro

33、bable Dsure 【解析】 所填词做表语,主语是人,由 more 来修饰,意思是:更可能。其中四个选 项中 possible 和 probable 也都“可能的”之意,但他们做表语时主语只能是物,sure 在 此处意思不恰当。 【答案】 A 用 likely,possible,probable 填空 They are to become angry with him. Ill do everything to help you. It is to go to the moon now. I dont think the story is . 【答案】 likely possible po

34、ssible probable 3 “Id better take more responsibility for my own life, ”she thinks.“I rely on Hao Qi too much!”(教材 P38)“我最好还是为我自己的生活多承担点责任, ”她 想, “我太依赖郝奇了!” (1)responsibility n负责;责任;职责 Both of us were fully aware of our responsibilities. 我们俩都对自己的职责有充分的认识。 take/have the responsibility for sth.对负责 res

35、ponsible adj.负责任的,对(某人)负责的 be responsible for 对负责 respond v回答;反应;应答 response n回答 He will have responsibility for sales. 他将负责销售。 Would someone take responsibility for bringing Paul home?有人负责带保罗回 家吗? 用 responsibility,responsible,response,respond 填空 The patient did not to treatment. His cool suggested

36、that he didnt like the idea. Our teacher is a very person. They accepted for the accident. 【答案】 respond response responsible responsibility (2)rely on 依赖;依靠 Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.如今,我们越 来越依赖计算机协助工作。 rely on/upon sb./sth.依靠某人/某物 rely on/upon.for.依赖;依靠 rely on/

37、upon do sth.依靠/指望某人做某事 rely on/upon itthat 从句 相信;指望 reliable adj.可信赖的;可靠的 You cant rely on the weather.(it may well be bad) 这天气可是靠不住。 They have to rely on the river for their water. 他们用水只好依靠这条河。 You may rely on it that I shall always help you. 你要相信我会一直帮助你的。 【提示】 rely on 与 depend on,see to 等词后如

38、需要用 that 从句作宾语时,必须 用 it 作形式宾语。 rely on/depend on/trust rely on 指认为某人或某物一定会达到所期望的目的所以信赖。 depend on 意味着对另一个人的帮助或支持有信心。 trust 常表示信心,但往往缺乏有说服力的证据。 用 rely on,depend on,trust 填空 We must try to one another.Stay and cooperate. You are the only woman I can to be interested in her. It is foolish to the Middle

39、 East countries for all the oil supplies. 【答案】 trust rely on depend on 4check in 托运;办理手续,存取某物 Ive already checked in my luggage.(教材 P39) 我已经把行李托运了。 I want to check in these books. 我想托运这些书。 Where can I check in? 我可以在哪儿办理登记手续? check into 登记住进 check out 办理旅馆付账或退房手续 check off 核对 check on sb./sth.核实某人/某物

40、 She has just checked into the hotel. 她刚刚在旅馆办好住宿登记。 完成句子 这家旅馆要求客人在上午 12 点前结账后离开房间。 The hotel insists that guests of their rooms before 12 oclock in the morning. 让我们把将被邀请的人的名单核实一下。 Lets the names of the people to be invited. 【答案】 check out check off 5pull up(车辆)停止;训斥(某人) She pulled up suddenly at the

41、 traffic lights.(教材 P39) 她突然把车在交通灯前停下来。 All the cars and buses were pulled up,for there was a terrible accident on the road.所有的车辆都停下了,因为路上发生了一起严重的交通事故。 He was pulled up by the chairman. 他被主席训斥了一顿。 pull down 拉下(遮帘、帘子等);拆毁,拆掉(建筑物) pull in (列车)到达,进站;(船、车)靠向一边,停靠 pull out 驶离路边;驶出 pull through 渡过难关,摆脱危难

42、Plans have been put forward to pull down and rebuild the area.已提出计划, 要把这个地区的房屋推掉重建。 The boat pull out into the middle of the river. 那只船划出到了河中央。 【教师备课资源】 pull at 拉扯 pull on/off 穿戴/脱(袜子,手套等) pull over 车(船)驶向一边 pull together 齐心协力 用适当的副词填空 His injuries are severe but hes expected to pull . He was about

43、to pull to overtake(超车)the car in front of him. Theyd pull the old buildings and then left an open place. The taxi pulled and the driver jumped out. 【答案】 through out down up 6so far 迄今为止 Ive designed five or six different cars so far.(教材 P40) 迄今为止我已经设计了五六款不同的汽车。 So far no solid facts can support his

44、 theory. 迄今为止还没有可靠的事实可以支持他的理论。 We have learnt about 3,000 English words so far. 迄今为止我们已经学习了大约 3 000 个英语单词。 同义短语:up till now;up to now;up to the present;until now。 与 far 相关的短语和句型 so far as 只要 so/as far as I know 据我所知 as/so far as it goes 就其本身而言;就目前的情况而论 I will help you as far as I can. 我将竭尽全力来帮助你。 So

45、 far as I know,theyre coming by car. 据我所知,他们将坐汽车来。 so far/by far so far 是副词词组,意为“到目前为止;迄今” ,所在句子常用现在完成时。 by far 是介词词组,一般做表示程度的状语,常用来修饰比较级或最高级,是“非 常得多”的意思。 用 so far,by far 的适当形式填空 it has been the tallest building in the city. The last of these reasons is the most important. 【答案】 So far by far 7take p

46、lace 发生 Where do these races take place?(教材 P40) 这些(汽车)比赛是在哪儿举行的? The Olympics take place every four years. 奥运会每四年举行一次。 I dont know exactly what took place in the classroom. 我不知道教室里到底发生了什么。 take ones place 就坐,就位 take the place oftake someone elses place 代替 in place of sb./sth.代替,顶替 Take your places

47、for the next dance. 各就各位,准备跳下一个舞。 Electric trains have now taken the place of steam trains in China.在中国, 电气化火车现在已经取代了蒸汽机车。 take place/happen/occur/break out take place 作“发生”讲时较为正式,不带有偶然之意,多用来指事先安排的事情。 happen 常用来表示偶然、碰巧“发生” ,而且多指整个情况,这时不能用另外两个词 代替。 occur 多用来指具体事情的发生,虽也可指偶然性,但与 happen 相比程度较弱。 break ou

48、t 多指战争、火灾等的爆发。 Traffic jams in the town happen everyday. 城里的交通天天堵塞。 Did it occur to you to close the window? 你有没有想到关窗户? 用 take place,happen,occur,break out 的适当形式填空 When will the basketball game ? She pressed the button but nothing . “Death about midnight.”the doctor says. They had escaped to America shortly before the war in 1939. 【答案】 take place happened occurred broke out 8impression n印象;感觉 I want people to have a good impression o

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