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本文(北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 2《Heroes》(Section Ⅳ)高效学习方案.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 2《Heroes》(Section Ⅳ)高效学习方案.doc

1、 Section Communication Workshop managed Bmanage; tried Cwant; tried Dneed; managed 解析:manage to do“成功做某事” ,try to do“企图做某事” 。 答案:B 1Among_them_was _Sharon_MacAuliffe,_a high school teacher who was to be the first teacher in space. 莎伦麦克奥里弗就在其中,她是一位高中老师,即将成为第一个到太空去的老师。 (1)本句为主从复合句,who 引导非限制性定语从句。介词短语

2、among them 位于句首, 引起主句全部倒装。 On the wall hangs a large map of China. 墙上挂着一幅大的中国地图。 In front of the building stands a big tree. 楼前有一棵大树。 (2)英语中表示方位的介词短语位于句首时,引起句子全部倒装。使用全部倒装的结构 还有: 在以 here, there, now, then 等副词开头的句子中。 There comes the bus. 车来了。 在以 in, out, away, off, up, down, below 等表示方位的副词开头的句子中。 Out

3、rushed the children. 孩子们冲了出去。 关键一点 (1)全部倒装句的主语为名词,谓语动词常为 go, come, stand, lie, rush 等。 (2)代词作主语时则不倒装。 多角度演练 1完成句子 There _goes the bell. 铃响了。 At the foot of the mountain lies_our_village. 我们村坐落于山脚下。 2单句改错 Here is it! 答案:is it it is There is standing a big tree. 答案:is standingstands 3单项填空 The door ope

4、ned and in_. Ahe came Bcame he Cdid he come Ddid Mr. Smith come 解析:副词 in 虽然位于句首,但主语为代词时,句子不倒装。 答案:A 2Give_me_a _challenge_and Ill meet it with joy. 只要有挑战,我就会愉快接受。 (1)“祈使句and陈述句” ,这一句式中的祈使句相当于条件句,简单句表示结果, 用来叙述肯定的情况。 Follow the advice of the doctor, and youll be well very soon. 听从医生的建议,你很快就会好起来的。 Use

5、your head, and you will find a way. If you use your head, you will find a way. 动动脑筋,你就会想出办法的。 (2)这一句型的另外两种形式 “名词词组and陈述句” 。 名词词组中通常含有 more, another, further, earlier 等词,用来叙述肯定的情况。 Another step, and the baby will fall into the well. 如果再多迈一步,这个小孩儿就掉进井里了。 One more effort and you will make it. 再努力一点,你就会

6、成功的。 “祈使句or (else)/otherwise陈述句”。or (else)/otherwise 表示“否则,要不然” , 用来叙述否定的情况。 Take the chance, or you will regret it. If you dont take the chance, you will regret it. 抓住机会吧,否则你会遗憾的。 多角度演练 1完成句子 Come tomorrow and_I_will_tell_you_everything . 明天来,我会告诉你一切。 Give up smoking, or_your _health_will_be_worse.

7、 戒掉吸烟吧,否则你的健康状况会更差。 2句型转换 If you give me one more chance. Ill do better. One more chance,_and Ill do better. Come, or youll feel regret for it. If you dont come, youll feel regret for it. 3单项填空 _and Ill get the work finished. AHaving one more hour BOne more hour CGiven one more hour DIf I have one m

8、ore hour 解析:由连词 and 可知应排除 A、D 两项,C 项应将 Given 改为 Give。 答案:B 如何写叙事记叙文 写叙事记叙文的常用方法是组织段落法。组织段落的常见方法有:时间顺序;空间顺 序;重要性顺序;熟悉度顺序。我们将着重讨论第一种组织方法时间顺序法。 1时间顺序法 组织段落的最简单最常见的方法是时间顺序法(time order organization)。时间顺序通常 用于叙述和过程分析先发生什么,然后怎样,再然后怎样等。在生活中,我们经常运 用这种方法。你也许曾经告诉你父母在学校里发生的事情;你也许向老师和同学叙述过你 是怎样做一个实验的。这些用的都是时间顺序法

9、。 2如何用时间顺序段落写叙事记叙文 (1)写下你要记录的事件或步骤,然后按照时间顺序排列; (2)确定你的写作目的,然后写出带有中心思想的主题句; (3)从你列举的事件或步骤中删除与中心思想无关的细节; (4)使用 first, then, the next step 等列举符号把细节连接起来。 常用句型 1One Saturday,our family went to climb the beautiful West Hill. 那是一个星期六,我们全家去美丽的西山游玩。 2After a long walking,I was as hungry as a wolf and helped

10、myself to the roast beef and chicken. 长时间的步行之后,我很饿,狼吞虎咽地吃掉了烘烤的牛肉和鸡肉。 3Until late into the night, I couldnt fall asleep, thinking about the happiness I had in the day. 夜很深了,我还不能入睡,想着白天的快乐时光。 4Hardly had I done this when I realized that I had done something bad to our environment. 我刚一这样做,马上意识到自己的所作所为破

11、坏了我们的环境。 5No sooner had I thought about it than Dad ended the game with his victory. 我刚想到这些的时候,爸爸已经赢了。 6I turned off the TV as fast as possible.Meanwhile, I pretended that I was reading Chinese. 我以最快的速度关掉电视,同时假装读语文书。 7The result was that I was not allowed to watch TV for the following two weeks. 结果是

12、接下来的两个礼拜,我被禁止看电视。 题目要求 昨天我们参加了一场由宇航员所作的报告,宇航员讲到天宫一号和神舟八号的成功发 射表明我们在探测太空中取得巨大成就。我们认为他们是超级英雄,同时坚信中国今后会 取得更加不寻常的成就。 请你结合本单元所学词汇与语法将昨天听报告的内容及感想叙述一下,可适当发挥。 参考词汇 flight 飞行 launch 发射 brilliant 卓越的 superhero 超级英雄 career 事业 unusual 不平常的 in ones opinion 在某人看来 三步作文法 第一步:搜索词汇 1太空船:spaceship 2.宇航员:astronaut 3令人惊

13、异的:amazing 4.探测:explore 5熟练地:skillfully 6.就自己而言:personally 7勋章:medal 8.绝对地:absolutely 9自信的:confident 10.独立地:on_ones_own 11开始认识到:come_to_realize 第二步:由词造句 1He said Tiangong1 and Shenzhou were launched successfully. We can do it by ourselves and have made amazing and brilliant achievements in exploring

14、 the space quite skillfully. In_his_opinion,_the successful launch of Tiangong1 and Shenzhou showed that we can do it on_our_own and have made amazing and brilliant achievements in exploring the space quite skillfully. 2I think all the astronauts are superheroes. Personally,_all the astronauts are s

15、uperheroes. 3After it, we gradually realized the importance of this career. I do believe China will make greater and more unusual achievements later. After it, we came_to_realize the importance of this career and we are absolutely_confident that China will make greater and more unusual achievements

16、in the future. 第三步:连句成篇 Yesterday, we attended a report on the flight of spaceship by an astronaut. In his opinion, the successful launch of Tiangong1 and Shenzhou showed that we can do it on our own and have made amazing and brilliant achievements in exploring the space quite skillfully. Personally

17、, all the astronauts are superheroes and should be given medals. After it, we came to realize the importance of this career and we are absolutely confident that China will make greater and more unusual achievements in the future. 句型转换 1If it is possible, Ill go to town with you tomorrow morning. _ _

18、, Ill go to town with you tomorrow morning. 答案:If possible 2The girl whose name is Mary won first prize in the game. The girl_Mary won first prize in the game. 答案:called/named 3She didnt come to school yesterday because she was ill. She didnt come to school yesterday_ _her illness. 答案:because of 4It

19、 has been 2 years since he began to study Japanese. He_ _Japanese for 2 years. 答案:has studied 5My hometown is very famous for its green tea. My hometown is _ _ for its green tea. 答案:well known 6How I wish he could have overcome his difficulties! How I wish he could have_ _! 答案:pulled through 7Millio

20、ns of people throughout the world were watching TV when Shenzhou lifted off. Millions of people_ _ the world were watching TV when Shenzhou lifted off. 答案:all over 8The speech isnt interesting at all. Luckily, it will be over soon. The speech isnt interesting at all. Luckily, it will_ _an end soon.

21、答案:come to .单项填空 1(2010湖南高考)I walked slowly through the market, where people_all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed. Asell Bwere selling Chad sold Dhave sold 解析:由语境可知,人们当时在卖各种水果和蔬菜,应是过去进行时态,而 C 项表示 过去的过去,故选 B。 答案:B 2Who can bear_ so many times? Al

22、augh Blaugh at Cbeing laughed Dbeing laughed at 解析:bear 后常加名词或动名词。根据句意,laugh at“嘲笑”与句子的主语之间应是 动宾关系。句意:谁能忍受得了屡次被嘲笑? 答案:D 3_ and you may receive her phone. AHaving one more minute BOne more minute CGiven one more minute DIf you have one more minute 解析:本句考查“祈使句/名词词组 and 陈述句”结构,其中祈使句相当于 if 引导 的条件状语从句。 答

23、案:B 4(2010全国卷)Excuse me, I_I was blocking your way. Adidnt realize Bhadnt realize Chavent realized Dwasnt realizing 解析:由语境可知,是指在说话之前没有意识到,故用过去时。 答案:A 5Out there, in the midst of the snow ,_ in long,black clothes. Aa woman sat Bsat a woman Cwas a woman sitting Da woman was sitting 解析:表示方位或地点的状语位于句首且主

24、语为名词时,句子要完全倒装,整个谓语 需提到主语前。因此只有选项 B“sat a woman”符合句子结构。 答案:B 6I was_for words when she told me the news. Ain loss Bin a loss Cat loss Dat a loss 解析:句意:当她告诉我这个消息时,我不知道说什么好。考查短语 at a loss“不知所 措” 。 答案:D 7Fitness is important in sport, but of at least_ importance are skills. Afair Breasonable Cequal Dpro

25、per 解析:句意:健康在运动中很重要,但是技巧至少也同等重要。该句的正常语序是 “.but skills are of at least _ importance”。be of equal importance“同等重要的” 。 答案:C 8Though_ to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. Asurprising Bwas surprised Csurprised Dbeing surprised 解析:句意:尽管教授看到我们很惊讶,但他还是热情欢迎我们。though surprised to see us 是状语从句的省略,省

26、略了 he was。 答案:C 9With so much work_, I can hardly spare any time for a break. Ato do Bdone Cbeing done Ddoing 解析:句意:有那么多的工作要处理,我几乎抽不出时间来休息。with 复合结构中 work 后的不定式 to do 作定语,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。 答案:A 10The question was very difficult, but I _ work it out. Atried to Bmanaged to Cfailed to Dsucceeded in 解析:m

27、anage to do sth.意为“设法做成某事” ;try to do sth.意为“设法做某事” ; succeed in doing sth.意为 “成功地做某事” ;fail to do sth.“未做成某事” ,与句意不符。根 据 but 所表示的转折可判断是设法做到了,所以答案为 B。如果用 succeed,则应为 succeed in working it out。 答案:B .课文缩写填空 Space heroes Introduction Space exploration is a 1._job and many astronauts have lost their li

28、ves while in space or in space programme 2._. Early explo ration Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin was the first person in space in 1961 and he died in an air 3._during a training session seven years later. The tragedies In 1986, the space shuttle Challenger exploded soon after 4._, resulting in all 5.

29、_of these seven American astronauts. In 2003, 16 minutes before 6._, the space shuttle Columbia exploded, killing the five men and two women crew, 7._the first Indian born woman in space and 8._first astronaut. Conclusion The space heroes had a 9._to explore the universe and discover its truths. The

30、 impact and the 10._of the tragedies were great. 答案:1.risky 3.crash 4.launching 5deaths 6.landing 7.including 8.Israels 9hunger 10.loss .完形填空 Once a boy really had everything he wanted, so he was _1_ interested in the rarest (最稀有 的) objects.One day he _2_ a mysterious mirror and took it h

31、ome.When he looked into the mirror, he found that his _3_ looked very sad.He tried _4_, but it remained the same. Surprised, the boy went off to buy some sweets.He went home and looked into the mirror as happily as possible, _5_ he still looked sad.He bought all kinds of toys, but he looked forever

32、_6_ in that mirror.So the boy put the mirror away in a _7_. “What a(n) _8_ mirror! Ive never seen a mirror that didnt _9_ properly!” That same afternoon he went out to play, but on his _10_ to the park he saw a little girl crying loudly.So he went over to see what was happening.The little girl told

33、him that she had _11_ her parents. Together, they _12_ in search of them.As the little girl continued crying, the boy _13_ his money in buying sweets to cheer her up. _14_, after walking for a long time, they found her parents, who looked very worried. The boy said goodbye, and walked off towards th

34、e park.However, _15_ the time, he decided to turn around and head _16_ home, as he had no time to _17_.At home, he went to his room and noticed a shining _18_ in the corner where he had left the mirror.Seeing this, he went over to the mirror and _19_ that the light was coming from his own body, beca

35、use he was so happy about having helped that little girl. So he understood the mystery of that mirror, the only mirror reflecting faithfully the _20_ joy of its owner. 语篇解读:什么才是幸福?是拥有糖果、玩具还是零花钱?本文讲述了一个出生富有、 聪明可爱的小男孩通过一个神奇的镜子,最终明白了幸福的含义。 1A.never Bsometimes Conly Dseldom 解析:根据上文,这个男孩拥有所有想要的东西,因此他“只”对

36、稀有之物感兴趣。 答案:C 2A.found Bwanted Cguessed Dexpected 解析:男孩有一天“发现”一面神奇的镜子,四个选项中,只有 found 合适。 答案:A 3A.head Bnose Cface Dmouth 解析:根据语境可知,他的“脸”看起来很悲伤。 答案:C 4A.smiling Bshouting Ccrying Dsmelling 解析:他尝试着“笑” ,但还是没有奏效。根据上文可知,他的脸看起来很悲伤,故此 处表示“试着微笑” 。 答案:A 5A.and Bso Cwhen Dbut 解析:此处表转折。他买了糖,尽力表现出开心的样子, “但”镜子中的

37、自己看起来还 是很悲伤。 答案:D 6A.sad Bangry Chappy Dworried 解析:他买了各种各样的玩具,但从那面镜子看来,仍然很“悲伤” ,也可从上文“he still looked sad”得知。 答案:A 7A.corner Bbox Croom Dbag 解析:由下文“noticed a shining _ in the corner where he had left the mirror”可知 由于他非常生气,于是把镜子放到了“角落” 。 答案:A 8A.interesting Bterrible Cwonderful Ddifficult 解析:小男孩说道, “

38、多么糟糕的镜子!我从来没见过那么不起作用的镜子。 ”根据语境可知,小男孩对这面镜子很不满,所以 terrible 合适。 答案:B 9A.move Blook Ckeep Dwork 解析:见上题解析,didnt work 意为“不起作用,没有用” 。 答案:D 10A.way Bcourse Croad Dline 解析:on his way to 表示“在他去的路上” 。 答案:A 11A.escaped Bhated Cexcited Dlost 解析:根据下文可知,小女孩和她的父母“走散了” ,故选 lost。escape“逃跑” ; hate“讨厌;仇恨” ;excite“使兴奋”

39、。 答案:D 12A.set off Bset aside Cset down Dset up 解析:他们一起“动身”寻找她的父母。set off 意为“动身,出发 ”。set aside “留出” ; set down “记下,写下” ;set up “建立” 。 答案:A 13A.took Bcost Cspent Dheld 解析:由于小女孩一直在哭,小男孩就买糖让她开心。spend money in doing sth.表示 “花钱做某事” 。 答案:C 14A.Finally BActually CNaturally DGenerally 解析:在走了好长时间后,他们“最终”找到了她

40、的父母,故用 finally。 答案:A 15A.telling Bseeing Cfeeling Dpointing 解析:但是, “看着”时间,他决定转身“回家” 。see the time ,表示“看着时间” 。 答案:B Bfor Coff Dat 解析:解析见上文,head for home 意为“向家走去” 。 答案:B Beat Cplay Dwalk 解析:由上文可知,他没有时间“玩耍”了。 答案:C 18A.light Bmirror Ccolour Dstar 解析:由下文“that the light was coming from his

41、 own body”可知,他注意到他放镜子的 角落里有一束“光” 。 答案:A 19A.touched Binvented Cimproved Drealised 解析:他“意识到”那束光来自他自己。touch“接触” ;invent“发明” ;improve“提 高” ;realise “意识到” 。 答案:D 20A.possible Btrue Cstrange Dcommon 解析:他明白了那面镜子的奥秘,唯一一面能展现他“真正”快乐的镜子。 答案:B .阅读理解 The last known American veteran (老兵) of World War , Frank Buc

42、kles, died at the age of 110 on February 27, 2011 at his home in West Virginia. Three years ago, Buckles attracted the crowd from his wheelchair in the Pentagon (美国国防 部) hall, as speakers, including US. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, offered their praise and thanks. “We cherish the memory of those

43、who have passed away, ”said Gates.“We cherish the chance to say thank you in person to Corporal Frank Buckles. We will always be grateful for what they did for their country, and feel glad, too, for the long life that they enjoyed on this earth.” Buckles was also welcomed at the White House that wee

44、k, by thenpresident George W. Bush. “It has been my high honor to welcome Mr. Buckles, and his daughter, Susannah, ”said Bush. “Mr. Buckles has rich historic experiences. Thank you very much for your patriotism (爱 国心) and your love for America.” Buckles wanted to serve when World War broke out, and

45、his lie to the officer for his age made it possible. Shortly afterward, at the age of 16, he was sent to Europe as an ambulance driver. He saw the horror of war close up, driving the wounded from the trenches (战壕) to field hospitals. Later, he drove German prisoners back to Germany. Buckles left the

46、 army in 1920 and years later he went to work for a shipping company in the Philippines. When World War broke out, he and other Americans there were put in prison camps by the occupying Japanese forces. The cup he used at that time is in the background of his 2008 portrait (肖像), which now hangs with

47、 eight others along one of the Pentagons many corridors. In a statement issued Monday, President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle praised Buckles, saying he continued to serve America until his death, as the Honorary Chairman of the World War Memorial Foundation. The Obamas said they joined the Buckles family in celebrating a remarkable life that reminded them of the true meaning of patriotism. 1We can learn from Paragraph 4 that Frank Buckles_. Alived in Europe for sixteen years Bgot wounde

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